A calculator app that can perform basic arithmetic operations and a few extra features for the fun of it.
To use the calculator app, click on the URL, then first turn on the calculator by clicking the power button to enable button usage. Begin entering numbers and operations. The app will display the result of each calculation as you go.
- You can turn off the sound if you prefer the sound off, this can be achieved by clicking the sound button or pressing "M" on your keyboard.
- You can also delete a character by pressing "D" on your keyboard and clear the screen by pressing "C" as well as clicking the buttons on the screen.
- Calculating the square of a number can be done by pressing the multiplication key twice eg: "5^2" can be written as "5**".
- Screen display of up to 12 characters (anything beyond that is a bug, not a feature lol).
- Basic arithmetic operations
- Neubrutalism Design
- Responsive design
- Screen clearing
- Character deletion
- Micro button-click interactions
- Sound effects and sound toggle
- Power on/off toggle
- Error checking and handling
- Keyboard usage
Due to my current skill set, I could not implement the following features for the app, so I would love to collaborate with you to complete the Implementation of them.
- inactive state color for input screens and buttons
- Percentage calculation
- Keypress event for the power button
- Input and Output history display
- Thousands separation with comma
- Line break on the display screen to display more than 12 characters.
I'm always excited at the opportunity to learn practical, efficient, and overall effective ways of implementation. so if you have any feedback in regards to how the app works, how my code was structured, and any way I could've better written it. Please feel free to reach me at h3llloworld on Twitter. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks to everyone that helped me build this.
- Zxcodes' calculator app
- Patrick Imhakhawo's UX suggestions for mobile screens.
- StackOverflow
- ChatGPT