- YouTube: User Management System – Nodejs, Express, MySQL & Express-Handlebars
- GitHub: RaddyTheBrand/Using-Node.js-with-MySQL--CRUD
- The README sections, roughly, correspond the video's chapters.
$ # Initialize the Node.js project* $ npm init -y $ # install global dependencies $ npm install express dotenv express-handlebars mysql $ # install dev dependencies $ npm install --save-dev nodemon $ # Add the entrypoint file, don't forget to add nodemon start script in package.json** $ touch app.js
- Follow-up by editing package.json and add a proper package name.
- Might be a better idea to declare the "main" in package.json first, then touch the file.
- require Express
- Instantiate the Express server
- Declare the listening port
- Tell express to listen on that port
- Console out that Express is running and listening on the port
$ # Run the nodemon script and verify output $ npm start > nodemon app [nodemon] 2.0.15 [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs` [nodemon] watching path(s): *.* [nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,json [nodemon] starting `node app.js` Listening on Port: 5000
- Add dependencies for:
- body-parser
- Parsing middleware: helps in passing data from forms
- Handlebars
- mysql
- body-parser
- Add a dependency for the .env file
- Add a new directory for the static files.
- Set up the Templating engine (Handlebars)
- The default file extension for Handlebars is .handlebars, you'll shorten that with the extname option
- Set Handlebars as the view engine
- Add a new directory for the Handlebar views
- By default Handbars looks for a directory named views
- will also look for another directory named layouts
- Add a Handlebars template that will service as the default layout: main.hbs
- Add a Handlebars template that will serve as the Homepage: home.hbs
- By default Handbars looks for a directory named views
- Add a route for the first view in app.js
- Start setting up the main HTML layout.
- All of the Bootstrap items are being delivered via CDN
- Pull the Bootstrap: CSS, Icons, JS, and Navbar
- Add the default container for the content, body, section
- Add MySQL support to Docker-Compose and create the database.
- Connect to the MySQL database with Workbench (you'll probobly switch to Sequelize as some point)
- Define the user table and create it.
- Add some mock data
- Create a connection pool and .env file (remember, the database server is running in a separate container).
- Refactor app.js to declutter it and provide organization for you controllers and routes.
- Add a new directory: server and two subdirectories: controllers and routes
- Move the existing route to server/routes/user.js
- Add the logic for the route to server/controllers/userController.js
- Institute a MySQL query for user data to display on the Home page
- Query the database and pass the results to the template engine.
- Also console.log the query result to make sure that data is returned.
- Modify the search form in main.js to submit the input text via a POST request to a MySQL query
- Create the ability to add a new user
- Add a button that will send the app user to a new endpoint for the add user form.
- Add a new Handlebars template - edit-user.hbs
- Use a "partial" for the Update form
- Delete a record by id
- No need to create a new page.
- Add a new Handlebars template - view-user.hbs
- Need to move the router for the Delete user so that it isn't accidently called.