- post /videos/uploads.
- should be authenticated
- create row in db
- return S3 info + db id
- upload video to bucket #1
- post db id + other info to post /videos
- set state = processing
- on S3 upload finished post to SNS topic (that does PUT /videos/uploads/:id)
- create job in Elastic Transcoder
- move results + original to bucket #2
- post to SNS when Elastic Transcoder finished (that does PUT /videos/upload/:id)
- set state = processed
- show response + video in Client.
docker-compose up
docker-compose run server rake db:create
open http://localhost:3000
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.development.yml up -d
docker-machine create --amazonec2-region us-west-2 --driver amazonec2 --amazonec2-vpc-id $VPC_ID --amazonec2-subnet-id $SUBNET_ID --amazonec2-zone c video-uploads-docker-test
eval $(docker-machine env video-uploads-docker-test)
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.production.yml up -d
Re-deploy after changes:
docker-compose build client client_assets
docker-compose up --no-deps -d client client_assets
./ngrok http 4000
Set up SNS to POST to:
mount Sqlite3 volume or switch to Postgres
- Currently
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.production.yml exec server bundle exec rake db:setup
- Currently
Build a mobile app as client
try out Gitlab Docker CI/CD
try out CoreOS/Kubernetes/Mesos
replace alert-dialogs in VideoController with UI
Known issue: application.js/application.css are not loaded correctly sometimes. Probably a race condition when starting the services in Docker
TODOs in code for improvements and proper error handling for a real production app:
✗ grep -Rni TODO server/app client/app server/app/controllers/video_uploads_controller.rb:16: # TODO: endpoint should be authenticated. add user relation to VideoUpload server/app/controllers/video_uploads_controller.rb:41: # TODO: set up proper HTTPS + Basic auth here? server/app/controllers/video_uploads_controller.rb:84: # TODO: handle response?! server/app/models/video_upload.rb:63: content_length_range: 1..(3.gigabytes), # TODO: does not work? wrong option name perhaps? server/app/models/video_upload.rb:64: # content_type_starts_with: 'video/', # TODO: does not work? :S server/app/models/video_upload.rb:100: # TODO: multiple bitrates - how? server/app/models/video_upload.rb:101: # TODO: create video thumbnails - for moderation. server/app/models/video_upload.rb:125: # TODO: should use another, new UUID for this? Should use another table/row/record for submitting to Elastic Transcode, to handle resubmits/retranscodes/failures/retries? server/app/services/video_upload_sns_notification_handler.rb:79: # TODO: handle multiple files (?) and multipart upload events: server/app/services/video_upload_sns_notification_handler.rb:146: # TODO: handle more events including errors. see notes in VideoUpload#create_elastic_transcoder_job client/app/assets/javascripts/video_upload.coffee:48: # TODO: research "multipart uploads" (aka. "resumable uploads"). http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/uploadobjusingmpu.html client/app/assets/javascripts/video_upload.coffee:59: # TODO: research bucket lifecycle policies for S3 "johanlunds-video-upload". http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/object-lifecycle-mgmt.html client/app/assets/javascripts/video_upload.coffee:60: # TODO: clean up & move original to separate bucket for saving after upload + processing finished client/app/assets/javascripts/video_upload.coffee:62: # TODO: use presigned *urls* instead? Difference? They have expiration. http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/PresignedUrlUploadObject.html