- Installing ns-3 and enabling OpenFlow integration
Check out this link! - Clone this repository
git clone - Copy contents
Goto your ns3 workspace and replace the folder "src/openflow" with "Extending-SDN-functionalities-of-ns-3/openflow/ " from the cloned repository. - Run an example
./waf --run "openflow-switch --verbose"
Any other example can be run by replacing "openflow-switch" with the example name.
- Tom Henderson, et al.(2019),"ns-3 Tutorial Release ns-3.29"
- "Software-Defined Networking Definition" The Open Networking Foundation,, 2017
- Quentin Monnet(2016),"An introduction to SDN", WhirlOffload
- Anders Nygren, et al.(2015), "OpenFlow Switch Specification Version 1.5.1" The Open Networking Foundation
- Luciano Jerez Chaves, ”et al.’(2016), "Integrating OpenFlow to LTE: Some issues toward software-defined mobile networks", 7th International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), Paris, France
- Rihab Jmal and Lamia Chaari Fourati, "Implementing shortest path routing mech- anism using Openflow POX controller" The 2014 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications, Hammamet, Tunisia
- Pat Bosshart, ”et al.’(2014), "P4: Programming Protocol-IndependentPacket Pro-cessors" ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review(9), 87-95
- Luciano Jerez Chaves(2016), "OpenFlow 1.3 module for ns-3", ComputerNetworks Laboratory of the University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil, [9] Luciano Jerez Chaves, ”et al.’(2016), "OFSwitch13: Enhancing ns-3 with Open- Flow 1.3 Support" WNS3 ’16(8), 33-40