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Portfolio v3

The most recent iteration of my portfolio website. Started on 07/26/2019.

This application's contact form is supported by the iac-contact-form repo.

GitHub Pages

The repository settings are configured to read from the gh-pages branch instead of the master branch. This allows for comprehensible and clean master branch.


  1. Install nvm if you do not already have node 16 and npm 8 installed.

  2. Install node & npm:

nvm install lts/* --latest-npm  
nvm use lts/*
  1. Install yarn (1.17.x):
npm i -g yarn
  1. Install pre-commit. Then, install the repo git hooks:
pre-commit install
  1. Install project dependencies:
yarn install --frozen-lockfile



This project's hooks are managed by pre-commit.

Configured hooks:

  • giticket: Appends Closes #<number> when a branch is formatted as #\d+ (e.g. #2)
  • commitlint: Runs the commitlint package against the commit message to enforce the conventional commit standard
  • semantic-release: Runs the semantic-release package to perform a release of this repo


Once cloned into a local repository, run:

yarn start

This will start up a local instance of the application at localhost:8080

Any source code modifications made will instantly be reflected in the browser upon save. You may need to stop and restart the application if any changes are made to the package dependencies to see those changes take effect.


Run the tests in this repository:

yarn test



Run eslint to check for code-style issues:

yarn lint


Travis runs commitlint to verify that all the commits on the current branch are valid.

Commits must conform to the conventional commit standard to trigger a deploy.

yarn validate:commits


Compile and bundle the application using webpack, and output it to the /build directory:

yarn build

Also copies the public/index.html file contents to a file named 404.html. GitHub Pages will automatically use 404.html at the project root as an entrypoint when a page isn't found.


This repository uses semantic-release to deploy a new Github version, and updated code to GitHub Pages.

A deploy initiates with each merge to the master branch if semantic-release detects that a new version should be deployed. Semantic-release determines this by analyzing the commit history.

The CI pipeline will automatically perform a dry-run on all non-master branches when a new commit is pushed.