Tortilla-API is wrapper of restify and swaggerRestify for a quick and easy creation of REST API in node.
Install dependencies:
$ npm install tortilla-api
Clone the repo
$ git clone
Inside the repo folder
$ npm install
$ npm start
Generate a get request to http://localhost:8080
Tortilla-API the a file structure relative to where appRoot is setup.
The api folder should contain a controllers and a swagger folder. The controllers folder contains the files for the swagger defined in x-swagger-router-controller for each swagger path. The swagger folder contains the swagger.yaml definition. The location of the application folders is defined in the appRoot prorperty inside the tortilla.create() method.
definition: { // App definition
appRoot, //Start point of where to look for application folders
port, //The port to use to listen for requests. The default port is 8080
logger //Controller logger
events: { //Events and restify middleware
onServerStart, //Called before the server starts
afterStart, //Called after the server has started
onTerminate, //Called before the application is terminated
error, //Event handler when there is an unhandled exception in the application
middleware: [ //Referrer to Universal handlers for usage of middleware (
//Array of functions
wrapper: { //Properties and error handling for controller methods
props: (req, res) => { //Add to the wrapper when used in the controller methods
errorHandler:(statusCode, message,reply)=>{ //Unhandled exceptions from the controller methods can be taken care of here.
//By default all errors will return http 500 with the error message of the exception
serverLogger //Set logging method
const tortilla = require('tortilla-api');
definition: { // App definition
appRoot: __dirname,
port: 8080
events: { //Events and restify middleware
onServerStart: function(context) {
console.log('Called before the server starts')
afterStart: function(context) {
console.log('Called after the server has started')
onTerminate: function(context) {
console.log('Called before the application is terminated')
error: function(err) {
console.log('unhandled exception in the application')
middleware: [
function(req, res, next) {
console.warn('run for all routes!');
return next();
wrapper: { //Properties and error handling for controller methods
props: function (req, res) {
const myQueryParam = req.getParam('myQueryParam');
return {
errorHandler:(statusCode, message,reply)=>{
if (message.includes('doesn\'t exist')) {
return reply.notFound(message);
serverLogger: {
// Adding logging at the server level. Any logging logging library
// should work what implements the below are the
// possible logging levels
debug: console.log,
log: console.log,
info: console.log,
warn: console.log,
error: console.log
The controller uses the api method implementation of restify.
For more information on restify properties see
ControllerExample : Wrapper.wrap(async helper => {//Initialize controller method
//Helper native properties
helper.res // response property
helper.req// request property
helper.reply // setup replay for request needed to end http request
helper.logger // Log at different levels: debug, log, info, warn and error
return helper.res.reply.ok('Hello World');
const tortilla = require('tortilla-api');
const Wrapper = tortilla.wrapper;
ControllerExample : Wrapper.wrap(async helper => {'Hello World');
return helper.reply.ok('Hello World');
$ npm run test
$ npm run cover
$ npm run lint