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An Authentication and User Lifecycle Framework for Phoenix


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This branch is 129 commits behind curator-ex/curator:master.

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An Authentication Framework for Phoenix.

Curator is meant to mimic Devise, as such it provides several modules to accomplish authentication and various aspects of user lifecycle mangement (see modules below). It's build with a module architecture that differs from existing Elixir Authentication solutions. Each curator module is a separate Hex package which can be combined to handle various authentication scenarios, passing coordination though a CuratorHooks module.

TODO: Curator uses Guardian for session management. However, a JWT approach may be inappropriate for some applications, and so API and Browser session management is configurable.

For an example, see the PhoenixCurator Application

Curator Modules

  • Timeoutable: Session Timeout (after configurable inactivity).
  • Recoverable: Reset the User Password.
  • Lockable: Lock Account after configurbale count of invalid sign-ins.
  • Database Authenticatable: Compare a password to a hashed password to support password based sign-in. Also provide a generator for creating a session page.
  • Confirmable: Account email verification.
  • Approvable: Require an approval step before user sign-in.
  • Registerable: A Generator to support user registration.


  1. Add curator to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:curator, "~> 0.1.0"}]

IMPORTANT: Update you applications to include:
[:timex, :timex_ecto, :tzdata]
  1. Configure config.exs
config :curator, Curator,
  hooks_module: AuthApp.CuratorHooks,
  repo: AuthApp.Repo,
  user_schema: AuthApp.User,
  session_handler: Curator.SessionHandlers.Guardian
  1. Run the install command elixir mix curator.install User users
This will generate:
1. A user migration (priv/repo/migrations/<timestamp>_create_user.exs)

defmodule <YourApp>.Repo.Migrations.CreateUser do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def change do
    create table(:users) do
      add :email, :string


    create unique_index(:users, [:email])

2. A User Schema (web/models/user.ex)
defmodule <YourApp>.User do
  use <YourApp>.Web, :model

  # Use Curator Modules (as needed).
  # use CuratorDatabaseAuthenticatable.Schema

  schema "users" do
    field :email, :string

    # Add Curator Module fields (as needed).
    # curator_database_authenticatable_schema

  def changeset(struct, params \\ %{}) do
    |> cast(params, [:email])
    |> validate_required([:email])
    |> validate_format(:email, ~r/@/)
    |> unique_constraint(:email)

3. An empty CuratorHooks Module (lib/<YourApp>/curator_hooks.ex)
defmodule <YourApp>.CuratorHooks do
  use <YourApp>.Web, :controller
  use Curator.Hooks

4. A session_helper (test/session_helper.ex)

The session_helper should be added to your test/support/conn_case.ex

using do
  quote do

    import <YourApp>.SessionHelper

5. An error_handler (web/controller/error_handler.ex)

You'll want to customize the redirect paths. For instance, if you use a session

def unauthenticated(conn, %{reason: {:error, reason}}) do
  respond(conn, response_type(conn), 401, reason, session_path(conn, :new))

TODO: This file is kinda messy and is built as a Guardian.ErrorHandler (which has a few extra callbacks)
  1. Add Plugs to the router
pipeline :browser do
  plug :accepts, ["html"]
  plug :fetch_session
  plug :fetch_flash
  plug :protect_from_forgery
  plug :put_secure_browser_headers

  plug Curator.Plug.LoadSession

  # Insert other Curator Plugs as necessary:
  # plug CuratorConfirmable.Plug

  plug Curator.Plug.EnsureResourceOrNoSession, handler: <YourApp>.ErrorHandler

pipeline :authenticated_browser do
  plug :accepts, ["html"]
  plug :fetch_session
  plug :fetch_flash
  plug :protect_from_forgery
  plug :put_secure_browser_headers

  plug Curator.Plug.LoadSession

  # Insert other Curator Plugs as necessary:
  # plug CuratorConfirmable.Plug

  plug Curator.Plug.EnsureResourceAndSession, handler: <YourApp>.ErrorHandler

The browser session will still cause a log out if the user is invalid, but will allow a non-session through. This allows plugs that alter the conn to still fire (timeoutable), but also allows new visitors to get to you splash page. Your prtected resources should all be piped through authenticated_browser pipeline. The addition curator pages are designed to be run through the new browser pipeline (unless otherwise indicated).
  1. Testing. That's important right?
With a protected route:

scope "/", PhoenixCurator do
  pipe_through :authenticated_browser # Use the default browser stack

  get "/secret", PageController, :secret

You can use test authentication with the session_helper function sign_in_and_create_user:

defmodule PhoenixCurator.PageControllerTest do
  use PhoenixCurator.ConnCase

  alias Auth.User

  test "GET /", %{conn: conn} do
    conn = get conn, "/"
    assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "Welcome to Phoenix!"

  describe "testing authentication" do
    setup do
      conn = Phoenix.ConnTest.build_conn()
      |> conn_with_fetched_session

      {:ok, conn: conn}

    test "visiting a secret page w/o a user", %{conn: conn} do
      conn = get conn, "/secret"

      assert Phoenix.Controller.get_flash(conn, :danger) == "Please Log In"

      # Customize this with as your redirect paths changes
      assert Phoenix.ConnTest.redirected_to(conn) == page_path(conn, :index)

    test "sign_in_and_create_user", %{conn: conn} do
      {conn, _user} = sign_in_and_create_user(conn)

      conn = get conn, "/secret"

      # [Text Here](
      assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "Sneaky, Sneaky, Sneaky..."

  1. Curate.
Your authentication library is looking a bit spartan... Time to add to you collection.

You probably want a session page, so try out [Database Authenticatable]( Without being able to sign up it won't be too helpful though... Maybe [Registerable](
  1. Curations
TODO: I'd love to support the idea of a curation, a collection of curator modules that can be installed with a single command. Unfortunatly, the generator code isn't advanced enough to edit existing files so it's a manual process for now.
  1. Accessing current_user
in `web/web.ex`

def view do
  quote do

    def current_user(conn) do

Alternatively, you can see current_user in the contollers:

TODO: Document

Curator Hooks Module

1. Want your_verification to run on every request? Check out the pattern in [Confirmable]( It requires an update to your curator_hooks module:

def before_sign_in(user, type) do
  with :ok <- your_verification(user) do

where your_verification returns :ok or {:error, 'message'}

And add a new Plug (in between your LoadResource and EnsureResource Plugs)

def call(conn, opts) do
  key = Map.get(opts, :key, Curator.default_key)

  case Curator.PlugHelper.current_resource(conn, key) do
    nil -> conn
    {:error, _error} -> conn
    current_resource ->
      case your_verification(current_resource) do
        :ok -> conn
        {:error, error} -> Curator.PlugHelper.clear_current_resource_with_error(conn, error, key)

2. An example of utilizing Curator.Hooks.after_sign_in can be seen in the [Timeoutable]( Module.

3. An example of utilizing Curator.Hooks.after_failed_sign_in can be seen in the [Lockable]( Module.

4. Need More? There's a Curator.Hooks.after_extension callback which can be pattern matched for additional functionality, as seen in the [Approvable]( Module.

Session Management


TODO. This is not working yet.

The Simple Session Handler is a port of Guardian without JWT. Why? Some Blogs have raised objectsion that a JWT is too heavyweight (when you already have a session). Since we're making Curator modular, we made the session configurable as well. We owe a huge debt to the Guardian team for making such a great pattern to follow.

Configure config.exs

config :curator, Curator,
  hooks_module: AuthApp.CuratorHooks,
  repo: AuthApp.Repo,
  user_schema: AuthApp.User,
  session_handler: Curator.SessionHandlers.Simple


  1. mix.exs
def deps do
  [{:guardian, "~> 0.14"}]
  1. config.exs
config :guardian, Guardian,
  issuer: "AuthApp",
  ttl: { 1, :days },
  allowed_drift: 2000,
  verify_issuer: true,
  secret_key: <guardian secret key>,
  serializer: Curator.UserSerializer

config :curator, Curator,
  hooks_module: AuthApp.CuratorHooks,
  repo: AuthApp.Repo,
  user_schema: AuthApp.User,
  session_handler: Curator.SessionHandlers.Guardian


Thanks go out to the Phoenix Team, the original rails project Devise, and the other elixir authentication solutions:

Guardian Coherence Sentinel Openmaize

Any decent ideas I credit to them, I was just acting as the curator.


An Authentication and User Lifecycle Framework for Phoenix







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