Readability calculator is a simple program to estimate how skilled a reader must be to understand a piece of text. There is a large number of methods for that. The following ones are implemented in the current version of this program:
- [Flesh Reading Ease] (
- [Flesh Kincaid Grade Level] (
- [Coleman Liau Index] (
- [Gunning Fog Index] (
- [SMOG Index] (
- [ARI Index] (
- [LIX Index] (
- [Dale-Chall Score] (
> pip install pyphen
> pip install nltk
> python
> import ntlk
- Download it ([Pypi link] (
> pip install ReadabilityCalculator
- Using the library:
from readcalc import readcalc
calc = readcalc.ReadCalc("This is a simple text.")
> 3.1291