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barq [DEPRECATED - why?]

barq is a regex powered, bare bones autocomplete that does one job very well. If you need fancy features, I recommend Brian Reavis' selectize.js.

Main features

  • Fast: mostly single-digit miliseconds operations.
  • Light: ~2kb after gzip.
  • Agnostic: written in pure VanillaJS™.
  • Accessible: progressively enhances a standard <select> element.
  • Supportive: IE9+ and modern browsers, including mobile.


Lazy instance with default options

<!-- The data-barq attribute triggers the instantiation -->
<select data-barq>
    <option>Select a guitar model</option>
    <option value="1">Grigson Les Pool</option>
    <option value="2">Fonder Star O'Caster</option>
    <option value="3">Wash and Burn N3</option>

<!-- No additional JS needed - just load the lib and you're set -->
<script src="barq.min.js"></script>

Manual instance + custom options

<!-- No need for data-barq -->
<select id="guitars">
    <!-- We are gonna provide a placeholder with the options -->
    <option value="1">Grigson Les Pool</option>
    <option value="2">Fonder Star O'Caster</option>
    <option value="3">Wash and Burn N3</option>

<script src="barq.min.js"></script>

    var select = document.querySelector('#guitars');

    var barq = new Barq(select, {
        enablePagination: false,
        removeFirstOptionFromSearch: false,
        useFirstOptionTextAsPlaceholder: false,
        placeholderText: 'Select teh guitar',
        noResultsMessage: 'No guitars for you, pal :(',
        onchange: function() {
            alert('You selected the ' + this.text + ' model.');


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