This Repository is helper for KICS execution presentations.
For simplicity, the server will have only one method:
- should send 200 response with aHello World
This simple server uses port: 4000
- Custom Query
- Terraform example deployment
- Golang simple server
Terraform Resources:
- aws_security_group
- aws_launch_configuration
- aws_autoscaling_group
- aws_elb
Please make sure you have KICS installed:
To execute KICS against the terraform files run the following command
kics scan -p deployment -t terraform -v -o results --report-formats all
To execute KICS against terraform using the custom query run the following command
kics scan -p deployment -q custom -t terraform -v -o results --report-formats all
NOTE: These next steps require an AWS profile See for more information, And an S3 Bucket for elb access logs
To deploy the server in AWS Cloud Provider run the following commands
cd deployment
terraform init
terraform plan -out=plan-sample.tfplan
terraform apply
terraform apply plan-sample.tfplan
To test if the server is up, Open your browser and place the URL returned in the apply output with the port :4000
To remove server from AWS Cloud Provider run the following command
cd deployment
terraform destroy