The recipe generates library packages, which can be found at Bintray.
The package is usually consumed using the conan install
command or a conanfile.txt.
Add remote to conan's package registry.txt:
$ conan remote add joakimono
Using conanfile.txt in your project with cmake
Add a conanfile.txt to your project. This file describes dependencies and your configuration of choice, e.g.:
[requires] libharu/[>=2.3.0]@joakimono/stable [options] libharu:shared=False [imports] licenses, * -> ./licenses @ folder=True [generators] cmake
Insert into your CMakeLists.txt something like the following lines:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1.2) project(TheProject CXX) include(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/conanbuildinfo.cmake) conan_basic_setup(TARGETS) add_executable(the_executor code.cpp) target_link_libraries(the_executor CONAN_PKG::libharu)
Then, do
$ mkdir build && cd build $ conan install ..
You can now continue with the usual dance with cmake commands for configuration and compilation. For details on how to use conan, please consult docs
Option | Default | Domain |
shared | False | [True, False] |