The estimates in the folders are from the paper "Fiscal Progressivity of the U.S. Federal and State Governments" (J. Fleck, J. Heathcote, K. Storesletten, G. Violante; December 2024).
Please cite the paper when using the estimates.
For each of our sample year pairs (2005/06, 2010/11 and 2015/16), the spreadsheets on this webpage contain five sets of progressivity estimates for our baseline tax and transfer specification (see Sections 3 and 4). The estimates differ regarding the sorts of taxes and transfers included in household disposable income:
- agg_state: includes state and local taxes and transfers
- federal: includes federal taxes and transfers
- federal_agg_state: includes federal, state and local taxes and transfers
- state: includes state and local taxes and transfers
- state_federal: includes federal, state and local taxes and transfers
Estimates 1, 2, and 3 provide aggregate U.S. progressivity estimates and are constructed using the original ASEC household weights. Estimates 4 and 5 provide state-level progressivity estimates for each U.S. state and the District of Columbia, and are based on adjusted ASEC household weights (see Appendix I).
The files in turn contain three sets of parameter estimates, corresponding to the following three models:
- HSV estimated by OLS
- HSV estimated by PPML
- HSV-T estimated by non-linear least squares
Note that the parameter
Users of our estimates should either (i) scale model variables so that mean pre-government income is equal to one and set