Tiny is a simple server-side framework based on
. Its core code is very small and provides many interesting classes and decorators to help you save time configuring routes, validating parameters, setting upJwt
, writingAPI
documentation, and other additional features. -
Tiny was born out of the problem of asynchronous code confusion that is prone to occur during Node development. Unlike other frameworks, it restricts the use of asynchronous middleware. It is usually recommended to only use the
decorator on the controller method for setting. Its advantage is that it will not make the asynchronous code too confusing, but its disadvantage is that it is not flexible enough. -
It is usually recommended to use async only when it comes to
, andtiny.run
execution. Tiny has built-in corresponding error handling. If async is used elsewhere, the errors need to be handled by yourself.
- Before installing, download and install Node.js. Node.js V18.0.0 or later is required.
- To create a Tiny-based project, you can use the project template provided by Tiny. This template sets up a simple project structure for your reference.
npm create node-tiny <project-name>
npm install --save node-tiny
- If you use the Tiny template to build your project, you can visit the
address to view the simplest API information.
- File
import Tiny from 'node-tiny';
import { Manager } from '@/controller/manager';
const { CreateApp, Router } = Tiny;
const tiny = new CreateApp();
const router = new Router();
router.config({ prefix: '/api' });
router.register(new Manager());
- File
import Tiny from 'node-tiny';
const { Controller, Summary, Dto, StatusCode, Get } = Tiny;
export class Manager extends Controller {
@Summary('This is a summary')
public async index(context) {
context.send(StatusCode.success, new Dto({ code: StatusCode.success, result: 'hello word', msg: 'success' }));
- Use
to create a Tiny application
const tiny = new CreateApp();
- Use
to set the program running content, receiving a request context Context parameter, which is usually configured beforetiny.listen
tiny.run = async (context) => {
- Use
to monitor program execution errors, usecontext.error
to trigger the execution oftiny.error
tiny.error = (err) => {
// ToDo
- Use
to configure the error message, the default is500
andInternal Server Error
tiny.errorCode = 500
tiny.errorMsg = 'Internal Server Error'
stores the context information of the entire request, as well as other customized information. The following is the calling process insidetiny.listen
function listen(...args): Server {
const server = http.createServer(async (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) => {
try {
const context = new Context(req, res);
} catch (e: FunctionError) {
// ...
return server.listen(...args);
, Request information -
, Response information -
, Request query parameters and path parameters, which also means that the two parameters cannot have the same name. This has been implemented inrouter.work
and can be used directly
type ContextQuery = object | null | undefined;
, the parameters saved in the body, Tiny does not have a built-in body parsing, you can use a third-party library to parse it in thetiny.run
type ContextBody = object | string | null | undefined;
, the parameters verified by@Tiny.Param.in
will be automatically filled in and can be used directly
type ContextParams = object | null | undefined;
, the information verified byTiny.Jwt
will be automatically filled in after using the@Protected
decorator and can be used directly
type ContextPayload = object | string | null | undefined;
, expandable file information, not set insideTiny
, after using the@Protected
decorator, it will be automatically filled in and can be used directly
type ContextFiles = any[] | null | undefined;
, other information that can be expanded
type ContextExtend = object;
, cookie management tool, can be used directly
interface CookieManager {
// Get a cookie by name
get(name: string): string | undefined;
// Setting a cookie
set(name: string, value: string, options: CookieOptions = {}): void;
// Deleting a cookie
delete(name: string, options: CookieOptions = {}): void
, Errors during execution can be thrown totiny.error
for processing -
context.send<T = Dto>(code: number, data: T, type?: DataType)
, send request information
context.send(StatusCode.success, new Dto({ code: StatusCode.success, result: 'hello word', msg: 'success' }));
context.setQuery(query: ContextQuery)
, set the address parameter information, which has been implemented in router.work and can be used directly -
context.setBody(body: ContextBody)
, set body parameter information, Tiny does not have built-in body parsing, use a third-party library for parsing in the tiny.run method
tiny.run = async (context) => {
await bodyHandler(context); // Third-party body parsing library
context.setParams(params: ContextParams)
, set the validation parameter information, after using theParams.in
decorator, it will be automatically filled in and can be used directly
class Manager extends Controller {
@Params.in(HomeIndexInput, ParamsSource.body)
getParams(context) {
context.send(StatusCode.success, new Dto({ code: StatusCode.success, result: context.params, msg: 'success' }));
context.setPayload(payload: ContextPayload)
, set the Jwt verification information, after using the@Protected
decorator, it will be automatically filled in and can be used directly
class Manager extends Controller {
jwtVerify(context) {
context.send(StatusCode.success, new Dto({code: StatusCode.success, result: context.payload, msg: 'success'}));
context.setFiles(files: ContextFiles)
, set file information -
context.setExtend<T>(name: string, value: T)
, set extended information
- All controllers should inherit from the
import Tiny from 'node-tiny';
const { Controller, Summary, Dto, StatusCode, Get } = Tiny;
export class Manager extends Controller {
@Summary('This is a summary')
public async index(context) {
context.send(StatusCode.success, new Dto({ code: StatusCode.success, result: 'hello word', msg: 'success' }));
- Use the
decorator to declare a Get method
import Tiny from 'node-tiny';
export class Manager extends Controller {
public async index(context) {
// ...
- Use the
decorator to declare a Delete method
import Tiny from 'node-tiny';
export class Manager extends Controller {
public async index(context) {
// ...
- Use the
decorator to declare a Post method
import Tiny from 'node-tiny';
export class Manager extends Controller {
public async index(context) {
// ...
- Use the
decorator to declare a Put method
import Tiny from 'node-tiny';
export class Manager extends Controller {
public async index(context) {
// ...
- Use the
decorator to declare a Patch method
import Tiny from 'node-tiny';
export class Manager extends Controller {
public async index(context) {
// ...
- Use
@Type(requestType?: DataType, responseType?: DataType)
to declare the request/response content type, which defaults to theDataType.json
import Tiny from 'node-tiny';
export class Manager extends Controller {
@Tiny.Type(DataType.formData, DataType.formData)
public async index(context) {
// ...
- Use
@Middleware(handler: ContextAsyncHandler)
to set middleware for the controller
import Tiny from 'node-tiny';
function execMiddleware(context, next) {
if(context.extend.a) {
context.send(StatusCode.success, new Dto({ code: StatusCode.success, result: 'middleware', msg: 'success' }));
} else {
export class Manager extends Controller {
public async index(context) {
// ...
- Use the
@Mapping(path: string)
decorator to reset the routing address
import Tiny from 'node-tiny';
export class Manager extends Controller {
public async index(context) {
// ...
- Use the
@Summary(summary?: string, describe?: string)
decorator to set the description document for the method
import Tiny from 'node-tiny';
export class Manager extends Controller {
@Summary('Test Method')
public async index(context) {
// ...
- Use
to create a router instance
const router = new Router()
is the routing configuration item
type ConnectOptions = {
prefix?: string;
format?: boolean;
is the api configuration JSON information, which can be used to generate API documentation
type RouterApiJson = {
module: string;
describe?: string;
func: string;
path: string;
method: string;
requestType?: string;
responseType?: string;
summary?: string;
paramsModel?: object;
resultModel?: object;
is the configured route list
type RouteItem = { path: string; method: MethodType; handler: Function };
type RouteValue = {
REG: RouteItem[];
[path: string]: RouteItem | RouteItem[];
type RoutesList = {
GET: RouteValue;
POST: RouteValue;
PUT: RouteValue;
PATCH: RouteValue;
DELETE: RouteValue;
router.config(options: ConnectOptions)
Set routing configuration items -
router.notFound(context: ContextBase)
The route is not found, triggering a 404 error -
router.work(context: ContextBase)
Routing starts -
router.register(controller: Controller)
Registering Routes
router.register(new Manager());
- Use
model<Model>.fill(map: object)
to fill the data model
class LoginInput extends Model {
name!: string;
password!: string;
const input = new LoginInput();
const result: ModelResult = input.fill({...});
if(result.valid) {
// ...
- Use
to get the current model configuration
new LoginInput().getConfigCache();
- Use
new ModelResult(valid: boolean, message?: string, value?: any)
to set the model validation result
- Use the
@Declare(description?: string)
decorator to declare parameters. Note: Model parameters must use at leastDeclare
class LoginInput extends Model {
name!: string;
- Use the
@Required(message?: string)
decorator to set the property to be required
class LoginInput extends Model {
@Required('The name cannot be empty')
name!: string;
- Use the
@TypeCheck(type: ParamsType | T, message?: string)
decorator to set type checking
class LoginInput extends Model {
@TypeCheck(ParamsType.string, 'The name can only be a string')
name!: string;
- Use the
@ArrayCheck(type: ParamsType | T, message?: string, maxLength?: number, maxLengthMessage?: string)
decorator to set array type checking. The precondition is to setTypeCheck
class LoginInput extends Model {
@TypeCheck(ParamsType.array, 'Lists can only be arrays')
@ArrayCheck(ParamsType.string, 'The array content can only be strings')
list!: string[];
- Use the
@StringLength(range: number[], message?: string)
decorator to set the string length check. The prerequisite is to setTypeCheck
class LoginInput extends Model {
@TypeCheck(ParamsType.string, 'The name can only be a string')
@StringLength([1,50], 'The name length can only be 1-50')
name!: string;
- Use the
@TypeCustom<T>(valid: (value: T) => ModelResult)
decorator to set custom validation content and return aModelResult
class LoginInput extends Model {
@TypeCustom((value) => {
if(value) {
// ...
return new Tiny.ModelResult(true,'', value);
name!: string;
- Use the
@Params.in<T extends Model>(params: { new (): T }, type: ParamsSource, validate: boolean = true)
decorator to set parameter validation
import Tiny from 'node-tiny';
const { Controller, Post, Params } = Tiny;
class LoginInput extends Model {
name!: string;
password!: string;
export class Manager extends Controller {
@Params.in(LoginInput, ParamsSource.body)
public async index(context) {
// ...
- Use the
@Params.out<T extends Model>(result: { new (): T })
decorator to set the output parameter type
import Tiny from 'node-tiny';
const { Controller, Post, Params, Dto, StatusCode } = Tiny;
class LoginOut extends Model {
id!: string;
name!: string;
export class Manager extends Controller {
public async index(context) {
// ...
const info = new LoginOut();
// ...
- Configure
Jwt.sign = <Payload = object>(context: ContextBase, payload: Payload) => string | null | undefined;
Generate token
Jwt.sign = (context, payload) => {
context.cookie.set('token', JSON.stringify(payload));
return JSON.stringify(payload);
- Configure
Jwt.verify = (context: ContextBase, next: () => any) => any;
to verify the token
Jwt.verify = (context, next) => {
const token = context.cookie.get('token');
if (token) {
} else {
- Configure
Jwt.refuse = (context: ContextBase) => any;
to handle verification failure. The default is as follows
Jwt.refuse = (context, next) => {
context.send(StatusCode.success, new Dto({ code: StatusCode.authError, msg: 'No permission to access temporarily', result: null }));
- Use the
decorator, the configured method will beJwt
import Tiny from 'node-tiny';
const { Controller, Post, Protected } = Tiny;
export class Manager extends Controller {
public async index(context) {
// ...
- Use
new Dto({ code: number | string, result?: any, msg?: string })
to set the Response return code
- Method Type
export enum MethodType {
head = 'HEAD',
options = 'OPTIONS',
get = 'GET',
delete = 'DELETE',
post = 'POST',
put = 'PUT',
patch = 'PATCH'
- The data structure type of body
export enum DataType {
json = 'application/json',
text = 'text/plain',
html = 'text/html',
xml = 'text/xml',
formUrlencoded = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
formData = 'multipart/form-data',
other = 'other'
- Parameter source
export enum ParamsSource {
query = 'query',
body = 'body'
- Parameter Data Type
export enum ParamsType {
number = 'number',
boolean = 'boolean',
string = 'string',
array = 'array'
- Response Status Code
export const StatusCode = {
success: 200,
paramsError: 400,
authError: 401,
notFound: 404,
timeout: 408,
serveError: 500