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Releases: jmshrv/finamp

Finamp Beta Update 0.9.14

28 Feb 22:42
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Since the 0.9.12 update on Android, Finamp sometimes gets stuck when opening the app. This seems to happen when its audio player has been suspended by the operating system. Force-closing (terminating) Finamp seems to fix this temporarily.
We've implemented a potential fix, but can't say for sure if the issue will be fixed with this update. Please let us know if you still encounter it!

Hi everyone!

If you're not using the beta yet (how to join) (click to expand)

The beta is free and open to everyone, but we'd like to get as much feedback as possible. So please do try it out and then let us know what you think!

  1. Join the Finamp Beta Testers Discord server
    • This step is optional, but since we're looking for feedback, it would be great if you could join!
    • Alternatively, there's a discussion for the beta right here on GitHub: Redesign Beta discussion
  2. Take note of your current Finamp settings, since this is a beta it could happen that the update changes some of them.
    • Downloads should be migrated, but since the new download system is completely different, there might be inconsistencies.
  3. On Android, join the beta on Google Play or download the APK file from below.
    On iOS, join the beta on TestFlight.
    • We're currently not able to offer a beta on F-Droid (more info here), but you can use an app like Obtainium to automatically download the latest APK from GitHub.
  4. Open Finamp and enjoy!

Keep in mind that not all of the text in the beta has been translated yet. If you're missing a translation, you can now contribute it on Weblate!

Bug Fixes

  • Disabled Impeller again, to fix visual glitches on some devices
  • Fixed favorite status in notification not updating sometimes
  • Fixed the player screen disabling the fullscreen UI on Android
  • Fixed content scrolling below the status bar on iOS (contributed by @lukaslindnermusic)
  • Various download fixes & improvements (contributed by @Komodo5197)

What's New

Playlist Improvements

The amazing @Komodo5197 has added the ability to choose between creating private or public playlists when creating a new playlists.
They also made it possible to add any album, artist, playlist, or even genre to another playlist!

Deleting Media From the Server

After multiple people requested the ability to permanently delete tracks and albums from the server, @flloschy and @F-4Dev decided to contribute this functionality.
After enabling server deletions in the settings (there's a new toggle in the interaction settings), you can then permanently delete track, albums, playlists, and artists.
Be very careful with this, and make sure you always have a backup of your important files! There is no undo.

Auto-Scrolling Text (Marquee)

Some of you have been frustrated by long track titles or albums not being fully visible on the player screen or the menus. So a while ago, @Decimate1405 sat down and got to work, and has now brought you a new marquee option!
If titles on the player screen, menu, or queue are too long to display, Finamp will now automatically scroll the text instead of just truncating it. In the settings you can also change the behavior so that Finamp will show scrolling text instead of breaking text into two lines.

Translation Updates

Many of you have contributed a ton of translations since the last beta update, and we're really glad for that!
Finamp is now almost fully translated into 13 other languages, thanks to you.

Here's the current translation status:

Translation status

All in all, Finamp is about 60% translated now. So there's still a lot to do.
Take a look at the graph above and see if there's any language that you can help out with! You can just click the image to start contributing.

We also have a discussion channel for translations on our Discord server where you can quickly ask questions about the context or intended meaning of a string. Alternatively, you can also ask questions as a translations discussion here on GitHub.

New Settings

  • [Android] Added setting for setting maximum buffer size in megabytes
    • Settings > "Audio Service" > "Buffer Size"
    • Default is 50 MB (changed)
  • Added setting for ignoring buffer size and always trying to load up the buffer specified in "Buffer Duration"
    • Settings > "Audio Service" > "Don't limit buffer size"
    • Default is off (changed)
  • Downloads will now require WiFi by default
    • Settings > "Downloads" > "Require WiFi when downloading"
    • This change will only affect new installations
  • Added setting for the threshold at which a warning / confirmation prompt will be shown before starting a download
    • Settings > "Downloads" > "Download Size Warning Cutoff"
    • Default is 150 (changed)
  • Added setting for enabling the ability to permanently delete media from the server
    • Settings > "Interactions" > "Allow deletion from server"
    • Default is disabled (unchanged)
  • Added setting for using scrolling text instead of showing multiple lines
    • Settings > "Layout & Theme" > "Customizations" > "Auto-scroll Long Titles"
    • Default is disabled (unchanged)
    • Titles aren't truncated anymore, whatever this setting is set to

Other Changes

  • Configured a maximum buffer size (for Android, on iOS the system will determine the size)
    • This should help to avoid crashes on devices with little RAM playing large high-quality files
  • Finamp's audio player now uses the new media3-based version of ExoPlayer, which should hopefully not cause any issues
  • Finamp will now try to show a warning/confirmation when downloading a lot of tracks (150+) (contributed by @Komodo5197)
    • This should hopefully save you from some unintended downloads that would eat up too much space or mobile data
    • The threshold for the warning is configurable (see above)
  • The swipe gestures on the lyrics screen should be more consistent with the player screen now
  • Changing the playback speed using the + and - buttons now changes speed by 5% instead of 10%
  • Tabs (for tracks, albums, etc.) now have a minimum width

Upcoming Features

We have a lot of features planned for the future, and we're always open to new ideas. Here are some of the things that we're planning to add:

  • Support for controlling Finamp through other Jellyfin clients or the admin dashboard ("Play On")
  • More contrast and accent color improvements
  • More design updates (album screen, home screen)
  • Desktop Support
    • This is now in a "soft release" stage, where it might already be available for your platform. An official release will happen in the future, but is currently not a priority.

You can take a look at the full list and current progress in the Redesign project.

Thank you for using Finamp!

- Chaphasilor

Download Links


25 Jan 18:19
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This should actually fix issues with background playback, but properly now. Sorry again for leaving this for so long!

How to Join the Beta (click to expand)

The beta is free and open to everyone, but we'd like to get as much feedback as possible. So please do try it out and then let us know what you think!

  1. Join the Finamp Beta Testers Discord server
    • This step is optional, but since we're looking for feedback, it would be great if you could join!
    • Alternatively, there's a discussion for the beta right here on GitHub: Redesign Beta discussion
  2. Take note of your current Finamp settings, since this is a beta it could happen that the update changes some of them.
    • Downloads should be migrated, but since the new download system is completely different, there might be inconsistencies.
  3. On Android, join the beta on Google Play or download the APK file from below.
    On iOS, join the beta on TestFlight.
    • We're currently not able to offer a beta on F-Droid (more info here), but you can use an app like Obtainium to automatically download the latest APK from GitHub.
  4. Open Finamp and enjoy!

Finamp Beta Update 0.9.13

10 Jan 14:50
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Since the last update on Android, Finamp sometimes gets stuck when opening the app. This seems to happen when its audio player has been suspended by the operating system. Force-closing (terminating) Finamp seems to fix this temporarily. We're looking into it.

Hi everyone!

New year, new Finamp beta update! We hope you all had a happy holiday and are excited for this beta update!
We've got some basic media output selection on Android, finally managed to enable translations for the beta, and of course a host of bug fixes, as always.
Have fun with the update, and be sure to read the release notes below to get all the details!

If you're not using the beta yet (how to join) (click to expand)

The beta is free and open to everyone, but we'd like to get as much feedback as possible. So please do try it out and then let us know what you think!

  1. Join the Finamp Beta Testers Discord server
    • This step is optional, but since we're looking for feedback, it would be great if you could join!
    • Alternatively, there's a discussion for the beta right here on GitHub: Redesign Beta discussion
  2. Take note of your current Finamp settings, since this is a beta it could happen that the update changes some of them.
    • Downloads should be migrated, but since the new download system is completely different, there might be inconsistencies.
  3. On Android, join the beta on Google Play or download the APK file from below.
    On iOS, join the beta on TestFlight.
    • We're currently not able to offer a beta on F-Droid (more info here), but you can use an app like Obtainium to automatically download the latest APK from GitHub.
  4. Open Finamp and enjoy!

Keep in mind that not all of the text in the beta has been translated yet. If you're missing a translation, you can now contribute it on Weblate!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed "Finamp has crashed" warning when closing the app on iOS
  • Fixed reported playback not properly stopping (or reappearing later) on the server
  • Fixed some offline plays not being logged correctly
  • Fixed weirdly formatted track numbers on the album screen

What's New

Translation Updates

We've merged all new translations from the stable version into the beta version. Thanks to everyone who contributed!
More importantly, it's now possible to translate the Finamp beta! We switched Weblate from stable to beta, finally allowing you to translate all the new text into your native language! Just head over to Weblate to get started:
We lost a bit of translation progress because not all text from the stable version could be re-used, so it would be awesome if you could spare just 10 minutes to translate a few strings into your native language!

We also have a discussion channel for translations on our Discord server where you can quickly ask questions about the context or intended meaning of a string. Alternatively, you can also ask questions as a translations discussion here on GitHub.

New Settings

  • [Android] Changed the default setting for "Enter Low-Priority Mode on Pause" to enabled (from disabled)
    • Settings > "Audio Service" > "Enter Low-Priority Mode on Pause"
    • This was done because some people experienced severe battery drain caused by Finamp staying active at all times
    • This change will only affect new installations
      • Unless Finamp is causing significant battery drain, I still recommend disabling this to prevent Finamp getting killed in the background when music is paused

Other changes

  • The player screen now has a new button on Android for opening the media output switcher
    • This is complementary to the AirPlay button already available on iOS
    • This might cause issues on older devices. Let us know if you run into trouble!
  • Added buttons for resetting to default settings to each setting page (contributed by @flloschy)
    • Some pages already had this, but now it's consistent
    • You can also reset all settings by using the reset button on the main settings page
  • Fixed Now Playing bar from jumping up slightly after restoring the queue (contributed by @Komodo5197)
  • Increased padding at the end of lists so nothing is hidden behind other elements and it's clear that the end has been reached (contributed by @Komodo5197)

Upcoming Features

We have a lot of features planned for the future, and we're always open to new ideas. Here are some of the things that we're planning to add:

  • Support for controlling Finamp through other Jellyfin clients or the admin dashboard ("Play On")
  • More contrast and accent color improvements
  • More design updates (album screen, home screen)
  • Desktop Support
    • This is now in a "soft release" stage, where it might already be available for your platform. An official release will happen in the future

You can take a look at the full list and current progress in the Redesign project.

Not a whole lot of changes over the holidays, and I'm sorry for not releasing some of the bug fixes earlier. But now they're out and it's time to tackle the remaining bugs...

Thank you for using Finamp!

- Chaphasilor

Download Links


08 Jan 18:39
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This should actually fix issues with background playback. Sorry again for leaving this for so long!

How to Join the Beta (click to expand)

The beta is free and open to everyone, but we'd like to get as much feedback as possible. So please do try it out and then let us know what you think!

  1. Join the Finamp Beta Testers Discord server
    • This step is optional, but since we're looking for feedback, it would be great if you could join!
    • Alternatively, there's a discussion for the beta right here on GitHub: Redesign Beta discussion
  2. Take note of your current Finamp settings, since this is a beta it could happen that the update changes some of them.
    • Downloads should be migrated, but since the new download system is completely different, there might be inconsistencies.
  3. On Android, join the beta on Google Play or download the APK file from below.
    On iOS, join the beta on TestFlight.
    • We're currently not able to offer a beta on F-Droid (more info here), but you can use an app like Obtainium to automatically download the latest APK from GitHub.
  4. Open Finamp and enjoy!


22 Nov 09:22
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This release should fix issues with background playback, sorry about that!

If you're not already using it, you should be using the redesign beta! It fixes many technical issues in Finamp, especially around downloads, has much better queue management, and much more. It also managed to avoid this bug πŸ™ƒ

How to Join the Beta (click to expand)

The beta is free and open to everyone, but we'd like to get as much feedback as possible. So please do try it out and then let us know what you think!

  1. Join the Finamp Beta Testers Discord server
    • This step is optional, but since we're looking for feedback, it would be great if you could join!
    • Alternatively, there's a discussion for the beta right here on GitHub: Redesign Beta discussion
  2. Take note of your current Finamp settings, since this is a beta it could happen that the update changes some of them.
    • Downloads should be migrated, but since the new download system is completely different, there might be inconsistencies.
  3. On Android, join the beta on Google Play or download the APK file from below.
    On iOS, join the beta on TestFlight.
    • We're currently not able to offer a beta on F-Droid (more info here), but you can use an app like Obtainium to automatically download the latest APK from GitHub.
  4. Open Finamp and enjoy!

Keep in mind that not all of the text in the beta has been translated yet, so it will be shown in English no matter which language your device is set to. We're not able to add more translations to the beta just yet (it's not as easy to configure as we'd hoped), but we'll let you know once you can help translating all of the new stuff!

Finamp Beta Update 0.9.12

12 Nov 13:43
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Hi everyone!

It's time for another Finamp beta update, and we have a lot of fixes and improvements for you!
New looks, improved transcoding on iOS, offline mode fixes, and some customizations; there should be something for everyone.
Have fun with the update, and be sure to read the release notes below to get all the details!

The beta is a work-in-progress, there are several new features already, but we will be adding more features over time.

If you're not using the beta yet (how to join) (click to expand)

The beta is free and open to everyone, but we'd like to get as much feedback as possible. So please do try it out and then let us know what you think!

  1. Join the Finamp Beta Testers Discord server
    • This step is optional, but since we're looking for feedback, it would be great if you could join!
    • Alternatively, there's a discussion for the beta right here on GitHub: Redesign Beta discussion
  2. Take note of your current Finamp settings, since this is a beta it could happen that the update changes some of them.
    • Downloads should be migrated, but since the new download system is completely different, there might be inconsistencies.
  3. On Android, join the beta on Google Play or download the APK file from below.
    On iOS, join the beta on TestFlight.
    • We're currently not able to offer a beta on F-Droid (more info here), but you can use an app like Obtainium to automatically download the latest APK from GitHub.
  4. Open Finamp and enjoy!

Keep in mind that not all of the text in the beta has been translated yet, so it will be shown in English no matter which language your device is set to. We're not able to add more translations to the beta just yet (it's not as easy to configure as we'd hoped), but we'll let you know once you can help translating all of the new stuff!

Bug Fixes

  • Shuffling all tracks in offline mode will now only queue track from the currently selected library
  • Fixed the queue source name when tapping a track in offline mode
  • Tracks and albums longer than 1 hour will now have their duration displayed properly again
  • Fixed album sorting on artist screen for albums released in the same year (thanks @Maxr1998!)
    • Now the full PremierDate is used, instead of just the year
  • Use system settings for date formatting on playback history screen (thanks @Maxr1998!)
  • Migrating downloads from the stable version to the beta should now work again (thanks @Komodo5197!)

What's New

New Look for the Track List Items

The main reason for having this beta version is the redesign of Finamp. We are trying to overhaul the UI to improve some long-standing pain points and make room for new amazing features. Despite that, the look of the beta hasn't changed a lot since the first beta version. We added a new new screens and menus here and there that use the new design language, but nothing drastic.
With this release, we're trying to get the redesign efforts going again. The track list items, which are used everywhere a track is shown, have a new and consistent look now.
They are slightly more compact, can show more additional information (like the album), show their favorite status (which can be tapped to quickly add the track to favorites or another playlist), and they highlight the currently playing track using its accent color.
They should look and behave the same across the entire app now, aside from some clear semantic differences (tracks in the queue can be reordered, tracks on an album show their position instead of the album cover, etc.).

The next step now is to start updating the screens where these tracks are shown, starting with the album and playlist screens. We will also update the way albums, artists, playlists, and genres look at some point, but are still thinking about the design.
We don't have an estimate yet on when these other design updates will arrive, but they will arrive eventually.

We hope you like the new look, and let us know if you're having any problems!

Transcoding Now Uses Fragmented-MP4 (fMP4) Segment Containers By Default

Previously we always used MPEG-TS segments when transcoding, but it seems like fMP4 offers better compatibility with codecs.
This change should fix transcode-streaming Vorbis audio files on iOS, and might fix some other issues too.
It's also possible to switch back to using TS containers, if needed.

Accessibility Improvements

As promised in the last update, we have made some more improvements to the screen reader experience. If you notice anything that we missed or that you don't understand when using a screen reader, please reach out to us so that we can fix it!
It was also reported by users that the issues with iOS's "Explore by Touch" have been resolved with recent updates.

We are also aware that there are people with vision impairments that require high-contrast viewing options instead of using a screen reader. We are aware that with all the pretty new accent colors, contrast might be suffering. We plan to add more explicit controls about the accent colors soon, like a high-contrast color mode or manually picking a fixed accent color.

Hide Advanced Track Info on Player Screen

You can now hide the advanced info (like streaming mode, codec, file size, etc.) on the player screen to get a "cleaner" look. This was requested by many people, sorry that it took us to long to deliver! More info in the "New Settings" section below.
We try to build Finamp in a way that satisfies both audiophiles that want maximum control and information, as well as music enjoyers that want a self-hosted streaming experience as close to paid streaming services as possible. In some cases, like this one, this means that a single solution simply doesn't work well for everyone, and that's when we introduce additional customization. But it's not our goal to make Finamp highly customizable - the design should be good by default, without changing settings.
Still, given that the "value" of the information shown in the advanced track issue varies quite a bit (seeing if you're transcoding or not is arguably more important than seeing the volume gain or sampling rate), we will expand on this feature in successive releases, allowing you to show or hide certain infos and reorder them to your liking.

New Settings

  • Added setting for hiding advanced track info ("feature chips")
    • Settings > "Player Screen" > "Show Advanced Track Info"
    • Default is advanced info is shown (unchanged)
  • Added setting for using different segment containers when transcode-streaming
    • Settings > "Transcoding" > "Select Transcoding Container"
    • Default is "MP4" (changed from "TS")
  • Added setting for showing the album cover for each track on the album screen
    • Settings > "Album Screen" "Show Album Covers For Tracks"
    • Default is off (changed)
  • Changed the default setting for transcoded downloads to "Ask" (from "Never")
    • Settings > "Transcoding" > "Enable Transcoded Downloads"
    • This change will only affect new installations
  • Renamed "Show all playlists offline" to "Download Playlist Metadata"
    • Settings > "Download Settings" > "Download Playlist Metadata"

Removed Settings

  • The "Hide track artists if same as album artists" setting (Settings > "Layout & Theme") has been removed in this release
    • The new list items will always show two lines anyway

Other changes

  • Searching should now be a lot faster again
    • Instead of performing a search for each character entered, Finamp will now wait with searching until nothing has been types for a short time
  • Disabled auto correct for search field
    • Suggestions should still be shown
  • When no results were found for the current filters and search term, a button is shown that will reset any active filters
    • This should prevent people from unknowingly having some filters enabled that hide the items they're looking for (like the "Favorites Only" filter)
  • Updated the icon indicating items downloaded to the device (from blue download icon to grey SD card icon)
  • The login flow (especially the page transitions) look better now (thanks @edeuss!)
  • Finamp will now automatically download playlist metadata on first launch
    • This lets Finamp show partially downloaded playlists offline as well as show which playlists a track is already part of when adding it to a playlists
    • If you haven't downloaded it yet (previously called "Show all playlists offline"), it will automatically be downloaded after this update
  • Improve offline logging of playback history (thanks @Maxr1998!)
  • Finamp will now use up the entire screen on Android phones with gesture navigation (instead of showing a black bar) (thanks @pohuing!)
  • The "Top Tracks" section on the artist screen will now only show tracks that have been played at least once (thanks @Maxr1998!)
  • Improve alignment of player screen buttons for other languages
  • Improve debug logging
  • Upgraded dependencies (might fix a few issues here and there)

Upcoming Features

We have a lot of features planned for the future, and we're always open to new ideas. Here are some of the things that we're planning to add:

  • Support for controlling Finamp through other Jellyfin clients or the admin dashboard ("Play On")
  • More contrast and accent color improvements
  • More design updates (album screen, home screen)
  • Desktop Support πŸ‘€
    • This is now in a "soft release" stage, where it might already be available for your platform. An official rel...
Read more


08 Nov 19:26
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This Finamp release adds more labels for screen readers within the app.
This has been back-ported from the beta version, which you should check out for an even better experience!

This release also contains updated translations:

  • Chinese (Traditional Han script) - @boan51204, hugoalh
  • Chinese (Traditional Han script, Hong Kong) - @SuperDumbTM
  • Finnish - @5kat3R
  • German - @Maxr1998, Retch
  • Japanese - musenq, @motty-mio2
  • Korean - @jomunim
  • Portuguese - @pedro-32
  • Russian - Yolkis, Π•Π³ΠΎΡ€ Π•Ρ€ΠΌΠ°ΠΊΠΎΠ², Dan
  • Thai - @SpeedxPz

If you're not already using it, you should be using the redesign beta! It fixes many technical issues in Finamp, especially around downloads, has much better queue management, and much more.

How to Join the Beta (click to expand)

The beta is free and open to everyone, but we'd like to get as much feedback as possible. So please do try it out and then let us know what you think!

  1. Join the Finamp Beta Testers Discord server
    • This step is optional, but since we're looking for feedback, it would be great if you could join!
    • Alternatively, there's a discussion for the beta right here on GitHub: Redesign Beta discussion
  2. Take note of your current Finamp settings, since this is a beta it could happen that the update changes some of them.
    • Downloads should be migrated, but since the new download system is completely different, there might be inconsistencies.
  3. On Android, join the beta on Google Play or download the APK file from below.
    On iOS, join the beta on TestFlight.
    • We're currently not able to offer a beta on F-Droid (more info here), but you can use an app like Obtainium to automatically download the latest APK from GitHub.
  4. Open Finamp and enjoy!

Keep in mind that not all of the text in the beta has been translated yet, so it will be shown in English no matter which language your device is set to. We're not able to add more translations to the beta just yet (it's not as easy to configure as we'd hoped), but we'll let you know once you can help translating all of the new stuff!

Finamp Beta Update 0.9.11

18 Sep 20:01
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Hi there!

I was hoping to make the next release in less than two months, but this is not what I had in mind...
This release is a hotfix release that addresses a bug introduced in 0.9.10. We advise everyone to update to it, especially if you're using the fast scroller / alphabet list feature.

The beta is a work-in-progress, there are several new features already, but we will be adding more features over time.

How to Join the Beta (click to expand)

The beta is free and open to everyone, but we'd like to get as much feedback as possible. So please do try it out and then let us know what you think!

  1. Join the Finamp Beta Testers Discord server
    • This step is optional, but since we're looking for feedback, it would be great if you could join!
    • Alternatively, there's a discussion for the beta right here on GitHub: Redesign Beta discussion
  2. Take note of your current Finamp settings, since this is a beta it could happen that the update changes some of them.
    • Downloads should be migrated, but since the new download system is completely different, there might be inconsistencies.
  3. On Android, join the beta on Google Play or download the APK file from below.
    On iOS, join the beta on TestFlight.
    • We're currently not able to offer a beta on F-Droid (more info here), but you can use an app like Obtainium to automatically download the latest APK from GitHub.
  4. Open Finamp and enjoy!

Keep in mind that not all of the text in the beta has been translated yet, so it will be shown in English no matter which language your device is set to. We're not able to add more translations to the beta just yet (it's not as easy to configure as we'd hoped), but we'll let you know once you can help translating all of the new stuff!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a white overlay preventing further interaction which appeared whenever selecting a letter on the fast scroller / alphabet list
    • Thanks @foss- for reporting this!

Other Changes

  • Disabled the new swipe gesture for opening the drawer / side menu on iOS, since it doesn't fit the gesture system

Upcoming Features

We have a lot of features planned for the future, and we're always open to new ideas. Here are some of the things that we're planning to add:

  • Desktop Support πŸ‘€
    • This is now in a "soft release" stage, where it might already be available for your platform. An official release will happen in the future
  • More accessibility improvements
  • More design updates

You can take a look at the full list and current progress in the Redesign project.

Thank you for using Finamp!

- Chaphasilor

Download Links

Finamp Beta Update 0.9.10

17 Sep 05:50
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Hi everyone!

It's been almost two months since the last update again, and I wish we'd have a proportional amount of improvements for you.
But we haven't been completely idle, and are happy to release some much-needed and frequently requested bug fixes, customizations, and features!
Have fun with the update, and be sure to read the release notes below to get all the details!

The beta is a work-in-progress, there are several new features already, but we will be adding more features over time.

If you're not using the beta yet (how to join) (click to expand)

The beta is free and open to everyone, but we'd like to get as much feedback as possible. So please do try it out and then let us know what you think!

  1. Join the Finamp Beta Testers Discord server
    • This step is optional, but since we're looking for feedback, it would be great if you could join!
    • Alternatively, there's a discussion for the beta right here on GitHub: Redesign Beta discussion
  2. Take note of your current Finamp settings, since this is a beta it could happen that the update changes some of them.
    • Downloads should be migrated, but since the new download system is completely different, there might be inconsistencies.
  3. On Android, join the beta on Google Play or download the APK file from below.
    On iOS, join the beta on TestFlight.
    • We're currently not able to offer a beta on F-Droid (more info here), but you can use an app like Obtainium to automatically download the latest APK from GitHub.
  4. Open Finamp and enjoy!

Keep in mind that not all of the text in the beta has been translated yet, so it will be shown in English no matter which language your device is set to. We're not able to add more translations to the beta just yet (it's not as easy to configure as we'd hoped), but we'll let you know once you can help translating all of the new stuff!

What's New

Accessibility Improvements

We know there are some of you out there that rely on tools like screen readers to use Finamp. We also know that this experience isn't great at the moment.
With this update, some much-needed labels have been added to the app, especially on the player screen. This should hopefully make it clearer what each button does, and reduce the verbosity of the interface a bit.
Sorry that it took us so long to do this, and we are aware that there still are things to improve! Specifically, the bug preventing Explore by Touch on iOS is still present.

It would be awesome if you could help us out here. If you find a button somewhere in the app that is missing a label or confuses you otherwise, you should take a screenshot or screen recording and send it to us. You can either create a GitHub Issue for that, or join the Discord server by clicking this link to talk to us directly. This seems to be the most efficient way to pinpoint the issue, so that we can fix it right away.
We'll try to address any missing labels with the next update following the report.

Keep Screen On (contributed by @Sp4rky001)

Finamp can now prevent the screen from turning off in some situations, like when viewing lyrics.
This only works while Finamp is open and in the foreground.
Check the "New Settings" section below for more infos.

The feature was requested several times, and we're happy that @Sp4rky001 decided to help out!

More Lyrics Screen Customizations

Finamp 0.9.8 introduced a few new settings that let you control how lyrics where shown (hiding timestamps and choosing text alignment).
Additionally, you can now choose the font size for your lyrics, and control if the album cover should be placed on top of the lyrics, scrolling away as the lyrics progress.
If you feel like there are still some options missing with regards to lyrics, feel free to let us know!

New Settings

  • Added two more lyrics customization settings (font size & album cover above lyrics)
    • Settings > "Layout & Theme" > "Lyrics View"
    • Default is medium font size and cover shown (unchanged)
  • Added settings for keeping the screen on, either always, while lyrics are shown, and/or while music is playing (contributed by @Sp4rky001)
    • Settings > "Interactions" > "Keep Screen On" & "Keep Screen On only while plugged in"
    • Default is to keep the screen on while music is playing, lyrics are shown, and the device is plugged in / charging (changed)

Other changes

  • Finamp will now let you know if you don't have permissions to edit a playlist (e.g. because it was created by another user or from a playlist file in your library)
  • You can now swipe to the right on the left-most tab (albums by default) to open the side drawer/menu (contributed by @Komodo5197)
  • Fixed multiple issues with non-square album covers (contributed by @Komodo5197 and @Maxr1998)
  • On iOS (and macOS), the player screen will now show the remaining duration of the current track instead of the total duration
    • This was made to stay consistent with native apps and the OS itself, which all show the remaining duration
  • The offline playback history (used when the playback events can't be sent to the server) will now only record when a track finishes playing
  • The big floating box showing which letter to scroll to when using the fast scroller / alphabet list should now disappear more reliably
    • If it doesn't disappear automatically, tapping it will now dismiss it
  • Made some button labels friendlier (contributed by @Maxr1998)
  • Fixed a stray "null" on the downloads screen (contributed by @Maxr1998)
  • Fixed the offline mode toggle being completely black in dark mode (contributed by @Maxr1998)

Upcoming Features

We have a lot of features planned for the future, and we're always open to new ideas. Here are some of the things that we're planning to add:

  • Desktop Support πŸ‘€
    • This is now in a "soft release" stage, where it might already be available for your platform. An official release will happen in the future
  • More accessibility improvements
  • More design updates

You can take a look at the full list and current progress in the Redesign project.

For the past few months we didn't have a lot of time to work on the app, sorry. I've been busy with uni and moving places.
Things seem to be picking up some steam again though, so hopefully we'll have some more noticeable updates for you soon!
Also, there are some rather specific bugs in Finamp that are a chore to fix; if one of them affects you, why not look into fixing it yourself? That's probably the best way to get started with contributing to Finamp, and you can always ask us for guidance if you need help!

Thank you for using Finamp!

- Chaphasilor

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Finamp Beta Update 0.9.9

21 Jul 22:47
Choose a tag to compare

Just a quick bug fix release :)

If you're not using the beta yet (how to join) (click to expand)

The beta is free and open to everyone, but we'd like to get as much feedback as possible. So please do try it out and then let us know what you think!

  1. Join the Finamp Beta Testers Discord server
    • This step is optional, but since we're looking for feedback, it would be great if you could join!
    • Alternatively, there's a discussion for the beta right here on GitHub: Redesign Beta discussion
  2. Take note of your current Finamp settings, since this is a beta it could happen that the update changes some of them.
    • Downloads should be migrated, but since the new download system is completely different, there might be inconsistencies.
  3. On Android, join the beta on Google Play or download the APK file from below.
    On iOS, join the beta on TestFlight.
    • We're currently not able to offer a beta on F-Droid (more info here), but you can use an app like Obtainium to automatically download the latest APK from GitHub.
  4. Open Finamp and enjoy!

Bug Fixes

  • Improve Android Auto search logic (@Chaphasilor)
  • Fix refresh on music screen (@Komodo5197)
  • Fix artist top song settings item not showing (@Tiefseetauchner)
  • Fix Chinese font rendering on Windows (@lifegpc)
  • Fix invisible text in about dialog (@Chaphasilor)
  • Disable Impeller on Android (@Chaphasilor)
    • This caused graphical glitches on some Android phones
  • Fix Android Auto album art when the server uses a custom port (@puff)

Thanks for using Finamp! It's been a while since I've pushed a release on my own, forgot how much there is to do :)

- @jmshrv

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