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Image Tags/Versions

Tag Base Image Operating System R ver CmdStan
latest rocker/rstudio "noble" (Ubuntu 24.04) 4.4.2 2.36.0
4.4.2 rocker/rstudio "noble" (Ubuntu 24.04) 4.4.2 2.36.0
4.4.1 rocker/rstudio "jammy" (Ubuntu 22.04) 4.4.1 2.35.0

Included R packages


  • brms (newest on CRAN)
  • rstanarm (2.32.1 due to failing)


Data Preparation

Model Interrogation

How to use

Option 1: Pull and run image

Most users will want to just install Docker Desktop, pull the image, and run it.

docker pull jmgirard/rocker-bayes
docker run -e PASSWORD=pass -p 8787:8787 jmgirard/rocker-bayes

Then navigate to http://localhost:8787 in your web browser and enter "rstudio" and "pass".
Use volumes or bind mounts to grant the container access to persistent storage or host directories.

Option 2: Build image locally

You could also download the Dockerfile from GitHub and build it yourself.

git clone
cd rocker-bayes
docker-compose up --build -d

Then navigate to http://localhost:8787 in your web browser and enter "rstudio" and "pass".
You can also customize the port and password by editing .env in a text editor.

Test between-and-within-chain parallelization

Note that this small model won't get much benefit from within-chain parallelization.
It's just used to quickly test that everything is working.

fit_serial <- brm(
  count ~ zAge + zBase * Trt + (1|patient),
  data = epilepsy, family = poisson(),
  chains = 4, cores = 4, backend = "cmdstanr"
fit_parallel <- update(
  fit_serial, chains = 2, cores = 2,
  backend = "cmdstanr", threads = threading(2)