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Portfolio Project

This Project uses the following technologies

  • NextJs 13 with app directory
  • Server components, where possible
  • Data streaming for lists to provide better UX
  • Data validation on server with zod
  • ORM: Prisma
  • Forms: react-hook-form
  • Tests: E2E with Cypress
  • Authentication: Next-auth
  • Styling: TailwindCSS
  • Component library: shadcn

Steps to run locally

Install packages

Start by installing the packages with your package manager of choise.

.env Setup

Create a .env file and setup the correct variables. You can copy the .env.example file.

The app uses postgresql as a databse. Create a new database and setup the connection string (DATABASE_URL) inside the .env file.

The othere env variables are required for authentication with next auth. To generate the NEXTAUTH_SECRET you can use the command below.

$ openssl rand -base64 32

For GitHub-OAuth the you need to create a OAuth-application within your GitHub-Account.

The required steps are explained here. For running the app locally you can use the settings below:


Generate a Client Secret and copy both the Client ID and the secret in the respective env variables.

Database seeding

To initialize the database use the provided scripts db:reset & db:seed. E.g. by running

yarn run db:reset && yarn run db:seed

This initializes the database to match the prisma schema and seeds it with some mock data.

Finally run the dev server

yarn run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.