A temperature blanket is a blanket where each row or section represents each day of a year using different yarn colours for different conditions. For more details, see here
My wife is a big fan of making temperature blankets, but she would screenshot her weather app each day and have to sort through historical screenshots when she wanted to do a stretch of days on the blanket. This project accomplishes a couple of things:
- Query the historical weather API at worldweatheronline and cache the results from January 1st of the current year until yesterday inclusive
- Cross-reference a 'colour index' CSV file that maps colours to temperature ranges
- Generates a report for each month that shows the:
- Daily high
- Daily low
- Selected temperature for the blanket (absolute highest wins)
- Daily colour
- A monthly total of each colour, to assist with yarn purchases
- Generated report will be generated here under 'temperature_blanket.html'
You will need a couple of things:
- API key for worldweatheronline
- Saved as environment variable
- Saved as environment variable
- (Optional) path to colour index CSV file
- Defaults to 'colour_index.csv'
- Feel free to use the provided 'colour_index.csv' for the format of the CSV file you need to follow
- Right now the location for the weather API uses the public IP of the running machine, but a location string could be passed in instead
- Customizable year input (uses the current year now)