MDSCTK - Molecular Dynamics Spectral Clustering Toolkit
Version: 1.2.5 Date: 2016-08-08
Author: Joshua L. Phillips [email protected] Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science, Middle Tennessee State University
Thanks for considering MDSCTK for your spectral analysis needs!
The development of MDSCTK is mainly funded by academic research grants. To help us fund development, we humbly ask that you cite the MDSCTK papers:
Validating clustering of molecular dynamics simulations using polymer models J. L. Phillips, M. E. Colvin and S. Newsam BMC Bioinformatics, 12(1), 445. (2011) doi:10.1186/1471-2105-12-445
Analyzing dynamical simulations of intrinsically disordered proteins using spectral clustering J. L. Phillips, M. E. Colvin, E. Y. Lau and S. Newsam Proc. of the 2008 IEEE Int. Conf. on Bioinf. and Biomed. Workshops (pp. 17–24). Philadelphia, PA: IEEE. (2008) doi:10.1109/BIBMW.2008.4686204
This work was supported by NSF Award Number 0960480 and was supported in part by NIH Grants GM077520 and in part by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Offices of Advanced Scientific Computing Research, and Biological & Environmental Research through the U.C. Merced Center for Computational Biology. JLP was also supported by an N. C. Metropolis Postdoctoral Fellowship through the Los Alamos National Laboratory Advanced Scientific Computing program and the Center for Nonlinear Studies.
MDSCTK is free software, distributed under the GNU General Public License.
If you want to distribute a modified version or use part of MDSCTK in your own program, remember that the entire modified code must be licensed under GPL, and that it must clearly be labeled as derived work. It should not use the name "MDSCTK", and make sure support questions are directed to you instead of the MDSCTK developers.
The MDSCTK is a suite of tools for performing clustering or dimensionality reduction of molecular dynamics simulations using spectral methods. The toolkit consists of a set of programs and scripts that work in a pipelined fashion, where the output from one program or script becomes input for another. This approach allows the user to perform processing on intermediate data or just use the parts of the pipeline which are useful for a particular task, and ignore the rest.
Here are some of the things that MDSCTK does well:
Parallel computation of RMSD or vector distance matrices.
Sparse eigen decomposition on Compressed Sparse Column matrices.
Simple Phi-Psi angle extraction from backbone coordinates.
Nystrom approximation technique to cluster out-of-sample data.
New features:
Basic implementation of Isomap.
Sparse contact map calculation.
Knn codes for sparse vectors (complements the contact maps).
New codes for estimating entropy, probability, and density.
Overall more consistent interface among codes/scripts.
Bash environment setup script.
1 Prerequisites
1.1 CMake You will need cmake to generate a Makefile in order to complete compilation/installation. (Debian/Ubuntu Packages: cmake and dependecies)
1.2 GROMACS You will need to make sure that you have a working installation of GROMACS and that you have sourced the GMXRC file to set up your GROMACS environment variables properly. (Debian/Ubuntu Packages: gromacs and gromacs-dev)
1.3 ARPACK You will need to install the ARPACK sparse eigen solver library. (Debian/Ubuntu Packages: libarpack2 and libarpack2-dev)
1.4 BLAS/ATLAS You will need to install BLAS and/or ATLAS for your system. (Debian/Ubuntu Packages: libblas3gf and libblas-dev) or
1.5 Berkeley (C++) DB Library You will need to install libdb, libdb_cxx, and related C++ development headers. (Debian/Ubuntu Packages: libdb++-dev and dependencies)
1.6 Boost C++ Graph and Program Options Libraries You will need to install libboost-program-options-dev and libboost-graph-dev at least, but I would recommend just installing libboost-dev which will grab all of the boost development files. (Debian/Ubuntu Packages: libboost-program-options-dev, libboost-graph-dev, and dependencies (or just install the entire boost development files for simplicity: libboost-dev)
1.7 R You will need to install R to perform the final stages of the clustering process automatically, or produce replicate-cluster assignment plots (using the 'fields' and 'argparse' packages which are available on the CRAN after installation). (Debian/Ubuntu Packages: r-base and r-base-dev)
2 Compilation
2.1 Unpacking/Compilation $ tar xzf mdsctk-1.2.5.tar.gz $ cd mdsctk-1.2.5 $ cmake . $ make
2.2 Setup environment (bash example follows...) $ source MDSCTK.bash
You will need to set the environment variable MDSCTK_HOME to the main source directory manually if you are not using bash. You might also consider putting the source directory in your PATH for ease of use. Setting MDSCTK_HOME is NECESSARY for some scripts/programs, but having the source directory in your PATH is optional.
There are a lot of uni/linux configurations out there, and I am not familiar with all of them. If you experience problems, more than likely it is because a prerequisite isn't installed properly or it is installed in an non-standard location. You will need to modify some CMAKE variables using ccmake or cmake-gui to help the compiler find the needed library/header files.
(If you gave difficulties with setting up the build system using cmake, an auxiliary Makefile (Makefile.old) is provided with the source code and can be edited by hand. Sometimes, this will be easier than trying to get cmake to find all of the required elements using it's search tools. However, the provided Makefile is currently deprecated, and will eventually be removed from the project. Just copy Makefile.old to Makefile and also config.h.old to config.h, then make any needed edits to Makefile.)
Basic Documentation
All binaries and R scripts accept the -h and --help options at the command line, which will provide basic usage information. Because of this, provided here is simply a list of the available tools with any additional comments that are not found in the program descriptions.
Performs self-tuning specral decomposition of the graph laplacian based off of ideas developed in: Zelnik-manor, L., & Perona, P. (2005). Self-tuning spectral clustering. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 17 (Vol. 2, pp. 1601–1608). MIT Press. Retrieved from or alternatively for entropic affinities: M. Vladymyrov and M. A. Carreira-Perpiñán, “Entropic Affinities: Properties and Efficient Numerical Computation,” in Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-13), 2013, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 477–485. Retrieved from
Performs standard metric scaling of a dense matrix.
Performs standard specral decomposition of the graph laplacian as developed in: Weiss, Y. (1999). Segmentation using eigenvectors: a unifying view. Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (pp. 975–982). IEEE. doi:10.1109/ICCV.1999.790354
Computes all pairs of shortest paths for a sparse CSC matrix, yeilding a dense matrix for performing metric scaling using decomp_dense. This is the ISOMAP algorithm as developed in: J. B. Tenenbaum, V. de Silva, and J. C. Langford, “A global geometric framework for nonlinear dimensionality reduction,” Science, vol. 290, no. 5500, pp. 2319–2323, Dec. 2000.
Proof-of-concept CPU/GPU acceleration using OpenCL.
The examples/ directory contains scripts that show how to perform various tasks using MDSCTK. Some familiarity with GROMACS analysis tools is assumed. If you are not familiar with GROMACS, then you might want to read the GROMACS documentation on how one uses the trjconv tool to convert your trajectories into GROMACS XTC format.
To test your installation, just try: $ cd examples/ $ ./cluster_rms.bash
This script performs autoscaled spectral clustering on the test data found in examples/trp-cage.pdb and examples/trp-cage.xtc
Each command in the script performs a specific task that creates the input files for the next command. Follow along by opening cluster_rms.bash in your favorite editor:
knn_rms -t [# threads] -k [k] -p [topology file] -r [fitting xtc file] -d [distances file] -i [indices file]
Input: -t 2 -k 100 -p trp-cage.pdb -r trp-cage.xtc Output: -d distances.dat -i indices.dat (defaults)
This program performs parallel computation of the RMS distances between all pairs of structures in the provided XTC file.
The number of threads used in the computation can be specified, which might not scale very well past 8 cores in general since disk I/O becomes a larger bottleneck than RMS computations. It is only set to 2 in the script, but feel free to experiment. I usually get max throughput using 8 cores on most modern systems.
We are only keeping the k-nearest neighbors to keep data storage at a minimum. Picking k is difficult, but it should be much larger than the number of neighbors used for computing scaling factors (see auto_decomp_sparse below). In general, k will be more-or-less constrained by the amount of disk space needed to store the matrix. If we have N frames in the trajectory, then we will have to store Nk double values on-disk, and the corresponding integer indices (Nk integer values). However, numbers around 50-100 should work well for most problems (just a rule of thumb, so please try a few values!).
The topology information is extracted from the provided PDB file (any GROMACS-compatible structure file should work though) to obtain the mass of each atom for the weighted RMSD fits. The coordinates are not used.
The XTC file should contain all of the structures that you want to cluster.
When this command completes, you will have two new files in the current directory: distances.dat and indices.dat. These files contain the k-nearest RMS distances for each frame, and the corresponding indices of those k-nearest frames, respectively. These are raw double and integer files, respectively, if one is interested in using the output with other programs/scripts.
make_sysparse -k [k] -n [output k] -d [distance file] -i [index file] -o [CSC matrix file]
Input: -k 100 (distances.dat indices.dat are defaults) Output: distances.ssm
This program converts the data files from the last step (distances.dat and indices.dat) into symmetric Compressed Sparse Column format, which is the input format for the next program in the pipeline.
Again, the number k should be the same as the last step so that make_sparse will produce the correct CSC matrix geometry. However, you can provide a value for which is less than the one used above if want to try a subset of the stored values. This is useful for testing if your clustering is too sensitve to using a few less neighbors. In that case, it may be wise to increase k in the previous knn_* calculations until dropping a few neighbors causes no stability/sensitivity issues.
For details on the CSC format, refer to:
auto_decomp_sparse -n [# eigenvalues/vectors] -k [k-sigma] -s [CSC matrix file] -v [eigenvalues file] -e [eigenvectors file] -r [residuals file]
Input: -n 10 -k 10 (distance.ssm by default) Output: eigenvalues.dat eigenvectors.dat residuals.dat (defaults)
This program reads the CSC distance matrix from the sym_*.dat files and computes the graph laplacian using an automatically tuned gaussian kernel based on the supplied k=10. This should be much less than than the number of neighbors in the matrix (chosen above) to ensure that the values of the laplacian will slowly decay to zero.
The largest 10 eigenvectors of the laplacian are computed and stored in eigenvectors.dat. Corresponding eigenvalues and residuals are stored in eigenvalues.dat and residuals.dat, respectively. One should check that the residuals are small (eps<1e-8). Large residuals could indicate that your chosen k-parameter values above were too extreme (small or large). These files are ASCII text so they should be easy to import into other programs as well.
Critically, the NUMBER of eigenvalues/vectors corresponds to the number of CLUSTERS you want to partition your trajectory into. If you would like to test your system across a wide range of clusters, then just select the maximum that you would like to investigate and then modify the kmeans.r script (used below) to use just the first two eigenvectors for two clusters, three eigenvectors for three clusters, etc. The key idea is that you only need to perform this step once to get a sufficient number of vectors because they will NEVER change (unless you change the scaling parameter). However, keeping too many vectors will slow down the computation, and result in a large eigenvectors.dat file, so be reasonable.
kmeans.r -k [#clusters] -v [eigenvalues file] -e [eigenvectors file] -o [clusters file] -n [clusters index file]
Input: -k 10 (eigenvalues.dat eigenvectors.dat by default) Output: clusters.dat clusters.ndx (again by default)
This is an R script that performs k-means clustering on the resulting eigenvectors, and outputs the cluster assignments for each frame (one per line) in clusters.dat
If one doesn't prefer to use R (Rscript), then a custom k-means program or other general k-means package could be used in place of this script.
If one is only interested in the cluster assignment for each frame, then look no futher! The next steps perform some interesting analysis from the clustering results, but clusters.dat contains the cluster assignment for each
Output: assignment.dat
This command creates a replicate assignment vector and places it in the file assignment.dat. The idea here is that we need to tell the next set of scripts how the frames are "naturally" partitioned.
In this example, the trajectory is a contiguous 1000 frames from a single MD trajectory (folding trp-cage), but we decide to partition it into 10 consecutive time intervals. Hence, the first 100 frames are assigned to interval 1, the next 200 are assigned to interval 2, etc.
Other ways are possible, such as 5 intervals of 400 frames each, so one can experiment. If your trajectory file consists of ten independent simulations which have been concatenated, then it might make sense to make the assignment based on this information. You can even just assign every frame to the same interval (1) by just creating an assignment.dat file that has N lines, each containing a
- This wouldn't be very interesting, but I hope that it is clear that this assignment is based off of some other practical reason for why certain frames may belong together.
clustering_pdf.r -a [assignment file] -c [clusters file] -o [pdf file]
Input: (clusters.dat assignment.dat by default) Output: pdf.dat (again, by default)
This script takes the cluster assignment and frame assignment data and calculates the joint replicate-cluster assignment probablility, p(R,C). In other words, what fraction of the frames were assigned to cluster C and were also assigned to group R. This information tells us something about how trajectory is exploring the available conformation space. This information is analyzed in the following steps to make a quantitative prediction as to how well the different assignment groups overlap in conformation space.
This pdf.dat file contains a CxR probability matrix.
clustering_nmi.r -p [pdf file]
Input: (pdf.dat by default) Output: Normalized Mutual Information - NMI
This script takes the probablities above and computes the normalized mutual information of the replicate-cluster assignment. A value of 0 indicates that the system is completely mixed (frames from any one replicate are equally distrbuted across all clusters), while a value of 1 indicates that the system is NOT mixed at all (frames from any one replicate were placed in a unique cluster). Values in-between 0 and 1 quantify how strongly mixed or unmixed the conformations are. Therefore, NMI of p(R,C) can be used to assess simlation convergence, divergence, or just conformational evolution over time (as in the example).
plot_pdf.r -p [pdf file] -o [pdf eps]
Input: (pdf.dat by default) Output: pdf.eps (again. by default)
If you have the 'fields' package installed in R, then this script will create a 3D plot of p(R,C). This allows visual examination of the result.
The result for the trp-cage simulation is clear, the system gets closer and closer to the folded state over time as indicated by darker values (higher probability) along the main diagonal. It finally folds in the last four intervals (and corresponding clusters 7,8,9,10), where the p(R,C) plot is more mixed. However, it also quickly unfolds back to conformations seen earlier (cluster 4, regions 4,5) in the last interval (10). By increasing the number of assignment intervals or number of clusters, the granularity of the results can be improved, but general trends my begin to disappear. Exploration is needed to determine the best set of parameters to use in this case.
Additional considerations...
Another thing to keep in mind is that all molecules should be processed for periodic boundary conditions, and made whole before attempting to use them with MDSCTK.
There is also an example script for using polar-transformed phi-psi angle Euclidean distance for the distance metric instead of RMSD (cluster_phipsi.bash). The only thing to keep in mind here is that only the backbone N-CA-C atoms should be retained in the trajectory if this is desired. The trjconv tool in GROMACS makes it easy to extract this subset of atoms.
There is a script, cluster_data.bash, which illustrates how to use the toolkit to cluster arbitrary data vectors. In this example, it uses two concentric circles of data points, and partitions them into two clusters.
The cluster__nystrom.bash scripts illustrate how to perform the Nystrom approximation on out-of-sample data points. This is useful for VERY large data sets where it is intractable to solve the clustering problem for all points directly. Instead, a subsample of the data set large enough to capture all of the necessary structural classes is used, and then the remaining data can be projected onto the eigenvectors of this subsample laplacian, allowing cluster classification of the entire data set. The workflow is similar to the one used in the example above, except that the neighbor calculations for the out-of-sample data are needed, and the appropriate MDSCTK utilities (_nystrom) are used.
The cluster_contacts*.bash scripts show how to produce and use sparse input vectors (in this case, contact maps).
The isomap_data.bash script illustrates how to perform Isomap on a data set, and can be produced from RMSD, Phi-Psi angle, or contact map data as well. However, the Nystrom extension, and even basic landmark MDS, has not been added to this feature just yet, so you will only be able to run this algorithm on relatively small data sets.