Modified version of ncdump (netcdf 4.1.1)
$ ncdump-json -h -j tests/
{"dimensions":{"time":3169},"variables":{"time":{"type":"double","dimensions":["time"],"attributes":{"standard_name":"time","units":"seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00","long_name":"time","_FillValue":-99999.9000000000,"axis":"T","calendar":"gregorian"}},"AIRT":{"type":"double","dimensions":["time"],"attributes":{"standard_name":"air_temperature","units":"C","long_name":"air temperature","_FillValue":-99999.9000000000,"coordinates":"time","valid_min":-15.0000000000000,"valid_max":45.0000000000000,"original_units":"C","observation_type":"measured","precision":"0.01"}},"QC_AIRT":{"type":"byte","dimensions":["time"],"attributes":{"long_name":"quality flag for air_temperature","quality_control_convention":"SOCIB Quality control Data Protocol","valid_min":0,"valid_max":9,"_FillValue":10,"flag_values":[0,1,4,9],"flag_meanings":"no_qc_performed good_data bad_data
$ ncdump-json -v AIRT -j tests/
It behaves exactly like the original ncdump if you omit the command-line option -j
- No need to compile anything
- Run from any Linux, OSX, Win10 machine
- Install Docker on your computer (
- Download this repository (download as zip or clone)
- CD to repository directory
- Build the image:
docker build -t ncdump-json .
- Test the container:
docker run -it --rm ncdump-json -j tests/
- Run the container using your own netcdf file:
docker run -it --rm -v "${PWD}/" ncdump-json -j /data/
Note: To build the image, you must be in the same directory as the Dockerfile. To run the container, the -v argument (-v "host path:container path") allows the container to access the .nc file that is on your filesystem. On Win10, it is slightly different because win paths are different from unix paths, google a bit and find more info.
- Download latest release from, unzip.
- Install cmake, libnetcdf-dev and pkg-config
- cd ncdump-json directory
- $cmake .
- $make (you might get some warnings, it is ok).
- At this point, the binary ncdump-json is available.
- #make install to place the binary in /usr/local/bin
- You can run the tests included and add more: cd tests; ./
Problems? It works (it's tested) on both Linux and OSX. Read the Issues before asking.
Debian and Ubuntu users might find this comment interesting: #16 (comment)
FreeBSD users: #17
I keep receiving emails and issues from users, those are welcome and I appreciate you all and always try to reply :) but this software is no longer actively being maintained because I left my former company Socib in 2012. If you rely on this program and need help, you're welcome to poke me through my company Atlantis of Code and we'll talk about it:
Josep Llodrà – [email protected]
Special thanks to all who contributed to this software filling Issues or sending Pull Requests.