This script will create a single node or 3 node(small) ECE cluster in GCP. It will allow you to install ECE versions 3.3.0 -> 3.7.3 using Rocky 8 or Ubuntu 20.04 both x86_64 and arm64. You can select from docker or podman install as well.
NEW - added support for SELinux. If you install any version >3.7.1 you now have the option of creating instances with selinux enabled and ECE installed with the --selinux
You will need the following installed and configured:
- Google Cloud SDK with cli -
- terraform
brew install terraform
- jq
brew install jq
- python3 & pip
- ensure that you have
ssh keys that will get you into the GCP hosts - if this is named something else you will need to editansible.cfg
I created this on my macbook and only tested from the macbook so ymmv with linux
- ensure you have all the software required
- run
gcloud auth application-default login
so that terraform can create GCP resources - clone the repo
git clone [email protected]:jlim0930/ecelab.git
- go into the directory
cd ecelab
- edit
to make the environment closer to you
- go into the directory
cd ecelab
- run the install script
and select the version and OS- the initial install of ECE onto the first host aka
does take a long time. - once
is installed you can start logging into ECE Admin UI while the 2ndary nodes are installed. the URL and the admin users password will be displayed on the screen as the playbook runs
- the initial install of ECE onto the first host aka
$ ./
[DEBUG] Using Project: elastic-support, Region: us-central1, Zone: us-central1-b, MachineType: n1-standard-8
[DEBUG] Configuring python venv and setting up ansible 9.8.0 - higher ansible versions have issues with EL8
[DEBUG] Select the OS for the ECE Version:
1) 3.3.0
2) 3.4.0
3) 3.4.1
4) 3.5.0
5) 3.5.1
6) 3.6.0
7) 3.6.1
8) 3.6.2
9) 3.7.1
10) 3.7.2
#? 3
[DEBUG] Select the OS for the GCP instances:
1) Rocky 8 - Podman
2) Rocky 8 - Docker 20.10
3) Ubuntu 20.04 - Docker 20.10
#? 3
[DEBUG] ECE version: 3.4.1 OS: Ubuntu 20.04 - Docker 20.10
[DEBUG] Creating TFs
[DEBUG] Applying TF to create GCP instances
[DEBUG] Creating instance.yml
[DEBUG] Running ansible scripts for preinstall
[WARNING]: file /Users/jlim/ecelab/roles/eceinstall/tasks/postinstall/main.yml is empty and had no tasks to include
PLAY [all] *********************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************************************************************************
ok: []
ok: []
ok: []
TASK [eceinstall : Include OS specific vars] ***********************************************************************************************
ok: [] => (item=/Users/jlim/ecelab/roles/eceinstall/vars/os_Ubuntu_20.yml)
ok: [] => (item=/Users/jlim/ecelab/roles/eceinstall/vars/os_Ubuntu_20.yml)
ok: [] => (item=/Users/jlim/ecelab/roles/eceinstall/vars/os_Ubuntu_20.yml)
TASK [eceinstall : Check that OS is supported] *********************************************************************************************
skipping: []
skipping: []
skipping: []
TASK [eceinstall : debug] ******************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
"msg": "Adminconsole is reachable at:"
ok: [] => {
"msg": "Adminconsole is reachable at:"
TASK [eceinstall : debug] ******************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
"msg": "Adminconsole password is: AuR1TETBRWjQPPaFJnEsPwzWWlmre2eE9nlJbGmNn5w"
ok: [] => {
"msg": "Adminconsole password is: AuR1TETBRWjQPPaFJnEsPwzWWlmre2eE9nlJbGmNn5w"
TASK [eceinstall : include_tasks] **********************************************************************************************************
skipping: []
skipping: []
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************************************* : ok=14 changed=4 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=10 rescued=0 ignored=0 : ok=14 changed=4 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=10 rescued=0 ignored=0 : ok=16 changed=4 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=9 rescued=0 ignored=0
- The gcp instances will be named
and you should be able to ssh to it. - if you want to run additional ansible playbooks make sure to activate the venv environment first by
source ecelab/bin/activate
When you are done with your work please delete the environment
- To delete all resources
terraform destroy -auto-approve
- Why was Rocky 8 chosen instead of CentOS? - CentOS8 was EOL'ed by GCP and no longer available.
- The script will create a python venv and use ansible 9.8.0 instead of the latest. This is due to an issue with ansible where the latest ansible cannot gather facts or do anything with yum/dnf in EL8 and beyond due to yum/dnf using older python library which is not updated. - ansible/ansible#71668
- According to the Support Matrix Rocky8 is not supported for ECE 3.3->3.6 however it is still possible to install ECE with some massaging. Same for running Rocky8 with Podman for 3.3-> 3.6