This Laravel Lumen starter template is intended to be forked and used for new projects.
For details on how to contribute to this repo, please check out the contributing guide.
- Latest version of Lumen
- Pre-configured
that uses nginx, php-fpm and PostgreSQL - Travis-CI integration:
- checks psr-2 compliance (with phpcs)
- runs phpunit tests within docker containers
- pushes deploy-ready containers for
branches to DockerHub
- FORK this repo (do not clone)
- Reference the contributing guide for running this application locally
docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=fpm -q) php artisan clean:template
to strip out example migrations, seeds, tests, etc...
Yes! Using an alias below, you can run commands in containers with dockerexc fpm php -v
instead of docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=fpm -q) php -v
alias dockerexc='function _docker_exec(){ service=$1; shift; docker exec -it $(docker-compose ps -q ${service}) "$@" };_docker_exec'