[3.0.0] - 2021-05-14
Dictionary restructured, now header and code data are split.
Header data is not a linked list, and grows downward from $9fff. Record structure: len_flags | str | xt
V internal words hidden, BUFSTART no longer variable, fixed at $7000.
Restore key is clean NMI, Run/Stop Restore to QUIT
FIND-NAME now returns a name token per the standard proposal
LS abort on LOADB error, PAGE upon success.
LS now accepts wildcards, drive #'s or not.
RDIR improve placement of MORE.
Prompt displays ful
when there is less than 256 bytes of dictionary space left.
RDIR will display directory formatted data anywhere in memory.
PAD Scratch pad memory set to cassette buffer. Untouched by DurexForth
DOWORDS, which allows executing an xt for every word in the wordlist
Turn-key operation utilities in TURNKEY:
SAVE-PACK packs the dictionary together before saving, which unpacks at runtime.
SAVE-PRG removes the dictionary and saves the program
TOP returns the address of the last byte of the header structure. The value at this address will always be 0.
TOP! can be used to specify the position of header data.
HIDE removes a word from the word list, while leaving its definition in place.
DEFINE assigns HERE to a word in the word list and begins compilation.
DEFCODE does the same as DEFINE, but begins a CODE: segment instead.
V commands: A, R, +, -, HOME, e, C, D, s, S, H, L, M, ^w, f, F
Words for file and device IO in OPEN: and IO:
Utility for drive status and DOS commands in DOS:
BRK vector was redirected to QUIT
RS232: NMI vector was redirected to QUIT
SP-X! had bug in most significant bit
GFX: PEEK fetched bitmap pixels from ROM instead of RAM
V did not compile in DECIMAL mode.
Documented SEE concatenating subsequent :NONAME
Made QUIT do CLRCHN instead of CHKIN
Made QUIT close all open files.
Removed undocumented >DFA, OPENW and CLOSEW words.
You can’t perform that action at this time.