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With this library it should be possible to interact with the endpoints of the sendcloud API via golang functions. Since we can not implement this library project-specific completely, you are welcome to extend it with us.


go get

How to use?

Create a Parcel

If a new dispatch note is to be created, then this can be done directly with the following function. You can find more information about the structure of the request in the sendcloud documentation.

// Define request
r := gosendcloud.Request{
    PublicKey: "",
    SecretKey: "",

// Define request body
body := gosendcloud.CreateAParcelBody{
    Parcel: gosendcloud.CreateAParcelBodyParcel{
        Name:         "Jonas Kwiedor",
        CompanyName:  "J&J Ideenschmiede GmbH",
        Address:      "Mercatorstraße",
        HouseNumber:  "32a",
        City:         "Geesthacht",
        PostalCode:   "21502",
        Telephone:    "+4941528903730",
        RequestLabel: true,
        Email:        "[email protected]",
        Country:      "DE",
        Shipment: gosendcloud.CreateAParcelBodyShipment{
            Id: 8,
        Weight:                     "10.000",
        OrderNumber:                "41267142142",
        InsuredValue:               2000,
        TotalOrderValueCurrency:    "EUR",
        TotalOrderValue:            "24.99",
        Quantity:                   1,
        ShippingMethodCheckoutName: "DPD",

// Create a new parcel
create, err := gosendcloud.CreateAParcel(body, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Inserting shipments into an integration

If you want to create an order via an integration, then you can do this as follows. You can find more information about the structure of the request in the sendcloud documentation.

// Define request
r := gosendcloud.Request{
    PublicKey: "",
    SecretKey: "",

// Define request body
var body []gosendcloud.InsertingShipmentsBody

body = append(body, gosendcloud.InsertingShipmentsBody{
    Address:             "Insulindelaan",
    Address2:            "",
    City:                "Eindhoven",
    CompanyName:         "Sendcloud",
    Country:             "NL",
    CreatedAt:           "2021-12-02T10:00:00.555309+00:00",
    Currency:            "EUR",
    CustomsInvoiceNr:    "",
    CustomsShipmentType: 2,
    Email:               "[email protected]",
    ExternalOrderId:     "1234521226",
    ExternalShipmentId:  nil,
    HouseNumber:         "115",
    Name:                "Kwiedor",
    OrderNumber:         "414124124214214",
    OrderStatus: &gosendcloud.InsertingShipmentsBodyOrderStatus{
        Id:      "fulfilled",
        Message: "Fulfilled",
    ParcelItems: []gosendcloud.InsertingShipmentsBodyParcelItems{},
    PaymentStatus: &gosendcloud.InsertingShipmentsBodyPaymentStatus{
        Id:      "paid",
        Message: "Paid",
    PostalCode:                 "5642 CV",
    SenderAddress:              1,
    ShippingMethod:             111,
    ShippingMethodCheckoutName: "DPD Classic",
    Telephone:                  "+31612345678",
    ToPostNumber:               "",
    ToServicePoint:             nil,
    ToState:                    nil,
    TotalOrderValue:            "13.99",
    UpdatedAt:                  "2021-12-02T11:01:47.505309+00:00",
    Weight:                     "0.300",
    Width:                      "40.00",
    Height:                     "30.00",
    Length:                     "50.00",
    Shipments:                  nil,
    CheckoutPayload:            nil,

// Add a parcel item
body[0].ParcelItems = append(body[0].ParcelItems, gosendcloud.InsertingShipmentsBodyParcelItems{
    Description:   "T-Shirt",
    HsCode:        "",
    OriginCountry: "",
    ProductId:     "a_random_id",
    Properties:    map[string]interface{}{},
    Quantity:      2,
    Sku:           "a_random_sku",
    Value:         "300",
    Weight:        "0.300",

// Inserting a new shipment
insert, err := gosendcloud.InsertingShipments(198416, body, r)
if err != nil {
} else {