a DNS server in Rust, which is inspired from chinadns/dnsmasq.
👷 WARNING: still in an active development!!!
- multiple protocols: UDP/TCP/DoT/DoH
- user-defined filters, includes lua or native rust codes
Notice: ensure you have just installed on your machine!
run an example:
$ just r
$ dig @ -p5454 www.youtube.com
Here's an example configuration file:
# The settings of server
# will listen on tcp+udp
listen = ""
# use LRU cache with 1000 capacity
cache_size = 1000
##### FILTERS BEGIN #####
# alidns over udp
kind = "proxyby"
props = { servers = ["", ""] }
# opendns over tcp
kind = "proxyby"
props = { servers = ["tcp://", "tcp://"] }
# a chinadns filter:
# - use trusted dns servers for oversea domain
# - use mistrusted dns servers for Chinese domain
# NOTICE: require 'geoip_database', you can download from https://git.io/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb
kind = "chinadns"
props = { trusted = ["tcp://", "tcp://"], mistrusted = ["", ""], geoip_database = "GeoLite2-Country.mmdb" }
# a lua filter example which show how to resolve addr by lua, see src/filter/lua.rs for more infomation.
kind = "lua"
props.script = """
-- The filter entrance:
function handle(ctx)
-- log something...
for i,v in ipairs(ctx.request:questions()) do
logger:info('---- question#'..i..': '..v.name)
-- resolve addr from
local resp = resolve(ctx.request,'')
-- log something...
for i,v in ipairs(resp:answers()) do
logger:info('---- answers#'..i..': name='..v.name..', rdata='..v.rdata)
-- answer it!
##### FILTERS END #####
##### RULES BEGIN #####
# - will check rules below one by one
# - the 'domain' field follows the glob syntax
# RULE-1: for those domains of '*.cn', use lua filter
domain = "*.cn"
filters = ["lua"]
# RULE-2: for those domains of '*apple.com', use alidns filter
domain = "*.apple.com"
filters = ["alidns"]
# RULE-3: for those domains of '*google*', use opendns filter
domain = "*google*"
filters = ["opendns"]
# RULE-FINAL: use chinadns for others
domain = "*"
filters = ["chinadns"]
##### RULES END #####