I'm JinSu Moon (문진수), a passionate Backend Engineer with a growing interest in infrastructure. My main focus is on developing highly available and reliable services, primarily using Java Spring.
- Language: Java, C++, Python
- Backend: Spring
- Infrastructure: Docker, github Action, Nginx, Prometheus, Grafana
- DB: MySQL, Redis
- Sangmyung University (2018.02 ~ 2024.02)
- Palgona (중고물품 경매 애플리케이션) (2024.01 ~ 2024.04)
- GrabTable (식당 예약 애플리케이션) (2024.07 ~2024.10)
- MealPick (음식 공유 SNS 서비스) (2025.01 ~ 2025.02)
- Email: [email protected]