Every n minutes...
Check for Internet: Ping a random host from a list. If no response, iterate through the entire list. If no response from any, assign blame.
- Is the local link active/connected?
- Remedy: Connect computer to the network
- Blame: Customer. Bad wiring/configuration
- Does the local link route to the default gateway?
- Remedy: ifdown && ifup, if using DHCP.
- Blame: Customer. Configuration.
- Does the router respond to WebUI requests/ping?
- Remedy: Reboot router
- Blame: Router.
- Does the router have an external IP?
- Remedy: Refresh DHCP from ISP
- Blame: Modem/ISP
- Does the modem respond to WebUI requests/ping?
- Remedy: Reboot modem
- Blame: Modem
- Does the modem have a strong signal with the ISP?
- Remedy: Reboot Modem; Call ISP and complain.
- Blame: ISP
- Are DNS queries answered?
- Remedy: Change DNS server
- Blame: DNS
- Do traceroutes complete?
- Remedy: Call ISP and complain.
- Blame: ISP/Last traceroute host to respond