How to use
The package.json contains following commands:
# install dependencies
npm install
# starts electron with React and Node in development mode
npm start
# builds the react application, the output will be in /build
npm run react-build
# starts the react application on localhost:3000
npm run react-start
# builds the node application, the output will be in /build-server
npm run server-build
# runs the node application in development mode
npm run server-start
# starts the electron process and enables live reload
npm run electron-dev
# Starts the packaging process for Electron, output will be in /dist
npm run electron-pack
# Will be automatically started by electron-pack, builds the react and node applications
npm run preelectron-pack
npm run preelectron-pack
npm run electron-pack
npm run electron-builder --linux
npm run electron-builder --mac
npm run electron-builder --win
npm run electron-builder --x64
# Build app for MacOS, Windows and Linux:
npm run electron-builder --mwl
Folder structure
An overview of the folder structure can be found below:
|-- /build (output of the built react application)
|-- /build-server (output of the built node application)
|-- /dist (output of the completely built Electron app)
|-- /public (contains the index.html and electron.js, which will be picked up by react-app-rewired)
|-- /scripts (scripts to enable live reload)
|-- /server (node source files)
|-- /src (react source files)
About dependencies
Check dependencies:
# list packages version
npm list --depth=0
# list all packages version
npm list