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A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications.

Some of the key features in this medium-clone application:

  1. Writing articles
  2. Follow & Unfollow different users

Some Notes:

how to bring in validaton in nestjs?

  1. install class-validator and class-transformer package.
  2. use @UsePipes decorator
  3. apply validation decorator in DTO

how to use jwt-token in nestjs

  1. install jwtwebtoken

  2. apply sign() method and provide 2 args (payload, JWT_SECRET)

  3. that's all. you get back a string in return

verify token via jwt

  1. the idea of this is to obtain the jwt token from Authorization header
  2. decode the token with the JWT_SECRET (YOUR SECRET) and you retrieve your payload
  3. most likely the payload contains some user info, eg user id and username
  4. use available info to retrieve user object from the database
  5. set request.user to user so you can user anywhere
if (!req.user) {
  // user is not logged in

what is a middleware?


Guard is the right place to throw Error when the token is not provided or invalid, or unauthorized

Simply create a UserGuard implements CanActivate. If the context logic, if req.user* === null then throw error, else proceed req.user will be set as the request goes through the middleware:)

how to run postgres on docker


docker run --name postgresql-container -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=123 -d postgres
  type: 'postgres',
  host: 'localhost',
  port: 5432, // this must match the port of the container
  username: 'postgres', // stick to postgres
  password: '123', // this is the password that is set when u set up docker container
  database: 'postgres',

ensure docker is running on the right port

Workflow to run db-migration and seed data in db (step by step)

  1. drop the db (if you need to):
  1. create migration:
  1. run the migration:
  1. seed the database:


$ yarn

Running the app

$ npm run start


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