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This is a mall system that adopts the SpringCLoud microservice architecture, which is divided into commodity microservices, shopping cart microservices, user microservices, order microservices, payment microservices, gateway microservices, and query microservices。 The project uses the database MySQL, and the middleware used includes Nacos, Seata, RabbitMQ, ES, and Kibana In addition to these microservices, hm-common is a public sub-module, and hm-api is an OpenFeign public calling module.
hmall - This is the project folder sql - This is the database folder hm-nginx - This is the front-end project folder
The project is built with Maven, using JDK version 17, Elasticsearch version 7.1.2, and MySQL version 8 or above.
├── hmall-nginx/ # Frontend folder
├── hmall/ # Backend folder
├── sql/ # Database folder
├── picture/ # Image folder
├── README.md # Project documentation
hmall-nginx/: Contains frontend code for the user interface of the e-commerce system.
hmall/: Contains backend code that handles business logic.
sql/: Contains SQL scripts related to database operations.
picture/: Stores image resources used in the project.
README.md: Documentation file with an overview of the project, setup instructions, and usage.