The da Vinci Research Kit (dVRK) is an “open-source mechatronics” system, consisting of electronics, firmware, and software that is being used to control research systems based on the now retired first-generation da Vinci system from Intuitive Surgical Inc. The da Vinci system is designed for Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery (RAMIS). The dVRK is now deployed in close to 40 differents institutions worldwide.
The dVRK documentation is hosted on the 👉 sawIntuitiveResearchKit Wiki 👈. Please check the build instructions in the Wiki before cloning any repository. The build instructions show how to use vcs
to pull all the repositories you might need for ROS 1 or ROS 2.
- dVRK: sawIntuitiveResearchKit Main repository for the dVRK. This code depends on the cisst libraries. It also includes the main ROS nodes for the dVRK (ROS1 and ROS2)
- ROS: Extra ROS features are provided across multiple repositories.
- dvrk_model: configuration files (URDF and CAD)
- dvrk_python: Python client API over ROS, calibration scripts and examples
- dvrk_video: launch files for the video pipeline