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Quick Start Guide

Jerry Hogsett edited this page Mar 14, 2023 · 1 revision

Frame Interpolation

  1. Drag and drop, or click to upload Before Frame and After Frame PNG files
  2. Set Split Count to choose the number of new Between Frames
    • Each split doubles the frame count
  3. Click Interpolate
  4. The Animated Preview panel will show a GIF of the original and newly created frames
  5. The Download box gives access to
    • Animated GIF
    • ZIP of original and interpolated frames
    • TXT report

Frame Search

  1. Drag and drop, or click to upload Before Frame and After Frame PNG files
  2. Choose a Lower Bound and Upper Bound for the search
    • The values must be between 0.0 and 1.0
  3. Set Search Precision per the desired timing accuracy
    • Low is faster but can lead to a poorly-timed frame
    • High produces near-perfect results but takes longer
  4. Click Search
  5. The Found Frame panel will show the new frame
  6. The Download box gives access to
    • The found frame PNG file

Video Inflation

  1. Set Input Path to a directory on this server to the PNG files to be inflated
  2. Set Output Path to a directory on this server for the inflated PNG files
    • Output Path can be left blank to use the default folder
    • The default folder is set by the config.directories.output_inflation setting
  3. Set Split Count for the number of new between frames
    • The count of interpolated frames is computed by this formula:
      • F=2**S-1, where
      • F is the count of interpolated frames
      • S is the split count
  4. Click Inflate Video
  5. Frame Interpolation is done between each pair of frames
    • New frames are created according to the split count
    • The original and new frames are copied to the output path
  6. When complete, the output path will contain a new set of frames
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