This is a sample microservice application that uses opa-datafilter-mongo-spring-boot-starter with
Spring Data MongoDb to enforce authorization by filtering data using Open Policy Agent partial evaluation feature.
- A manager can view the users he/she managed.
- A user can view his own info
package userservice.authz
default allow = false
allow {
input.method = "GET"
input.path = ["users"]
allowed[user] {
user = data.users[_]
user.username = input.subject.username
allowed[user] {
user = data.users[_]
user.organization = input.subject.attributes.organization
- java 11
- docker
- docker-compose
- Open Policy Agent Server v0.22.0
git clone
cd opa-data-filter-mongo-demo
./gradlew bootJar
docker-compose up --build
- UI: http://localhost:8082/user-service/swagger-ui.html
- JSON: http://localhost:8082/user-service/v3/api-docs
# populate the mongodb with test users
curl -i http://localhost:8082/user-service/init -X POST
# alex, the manager of SOMA, should be able to view his employees he managed
curl -i --user alex:password -H "X-ORG-HEADER: SOMA" http://localhost:8082/user-service/users
# alex, the manager of SOMA, should NOT be able to view the employees from other organization
curl -i --user alex:password -H "X-ORG-HEADER: VETE" http://localhost:8082/user-service/users
# alice should be able to see her info
curl -i --user alice:password -H "X-ORG-HEADER: SOMA" http://localhost:8082/user-service/users