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Jeremy Nelson edited this page Sep 24, 2015 · 11 revisions

Running BIBCAT and Supporting Applications with Docker Compose

The easiest way to run the BIBCAT stack is to use Docker Compose to launch a BIBCAT Catalog Docker container that connects to a running BIBFRAME Elasticsearch Docker container and a Semantic Server made up of an Tomcat application server running Fedora 4.3 and Blazegraph as a Linked Data Platform and a triple-store providing a SPARQL endpoint. All of the default settings can be adjusted by customizing the docker-compose.yml YAML file


  1. Install Docker on your host server. Bibcat runs on the Ubuntu LTS 14.04 distribution.
  2. Install Docker Compose.
  3. Either clone the BIBCAT git repository or download and extract the latest zip file.

Running BIBCAT with Empty Semantic Server and Search Index

  1. Navigate to the main directory of the extracted file from step 3 above.
  2. Run the following command line sudo docker-compose up This will execute the docker-compose.yml file.

This is the quickest way to get BIBCAT running on port 80. This will download the latest Docker images for BIBCAT Image, BIBFRAME Search, and Semantic Server Core to your host and then launches three containers with the following services on these host ports:

Running an empty Bibcat instance is useful for testing and for a quick and small local catalog and digital repository.

Running BIBCAT with Library of Congress Mark Twain and Bible Sample Set

To run BIBCAT with a working sample set of converted MARC21 to BIBFRAME RDF graphs using the Library of Congress marc2bibframe converter, follow these directions before running sudo docker-compose up command:

  1. Download the gzipped tar file loc-search-2015-06-03.tgz
  2. Extract the zip file to a local directory: tar xvf loc-search-2015-06-03.tgz which should create a new search directory.
  3. Move the search/data directory to the /opt/elasticsearch/data directory on your Docker host
  4. Change directories to the main BIBCAT directory and then run sudo docker-compose up