The Sass4as.tmbundle is a TextMate bundle with a language grammar to provide syntax highlighting for Sass4as documents as well as a few helpful commands to use while editing them.
git clone [email protected]:jeremyruppel/sass4as-tmbundle.git Sass4as.tmbundle
mate Sass4as.tmbundle
Insert Color...
Key Activation: ⇧⌘C
This command has been blatantly stolen from the awesome ActionScript 3 TextMate Bundle by Simon Gregory. I couldn't live without it in a stylesheet package so I had to swipe it and alter it slightly.
List Variables
Tab Trigger: $⇥
This command presents all variables that have been declared before the caret in the document in a menu.
Extend Class
Tab Trigger: @⇥
At the moment, @extend
is the only directive supported by the parser. This command will present all selectors that have been declared before the caret in the document as a menu.