Compare prices between drugstores (Watson
and Poya
Please use go version >= 1.11
First, download the project:
go get
Then run the project:
The crawling steps:
- Get the query name, product name, product price, shop name, and update time from in-memory cache
- If query name exist in-memory cache, go to 7)
- If query name not exist in-memory cache, go to 4)
- Send HTTP GET request with parameter query name to multiple drugstores' URL with goroutine
- Parse all the products' name and price from HTTP GET response HTML content
- Save the query name, product name, product price, shop name to in-memory cache
- Return the product name, product price, and shop name back to client
+-------------------------------------------------------+ inserts job to job queue | Client 1 |
| | | | | | +------------+
| | | | Job Queues | |<----------------------+
| | | | | | | +------------+
+-------------------------------------------------------+ | | Client 2 |
| +--------------------+ +------------+
| | | HTTP GET
| Worker get job from job queue | APIServer | <---------> .
| | | .
| +--------------------+ .
+---------------------------v---------------------------+ ^
| | | +------------+
| +----+ +----+ +----+ | | | Client n |
| | W1 | | W2 | ... ... | Wn | |-----------------------+ +------------+
| +----+ +----+ +----+ | go channel notify
| Workers Pool |
| |
^ | ^
| | |
| v | Return Found Result
| +---------------------+ |
| | | |
| | in-memory cache |------+
+------------->| |
| +---------------------+
| Write to cache |
| | Not Found
| |
| +-----------v----------+
| | |
+-------------| Crawler |
Return Crawler Result | |
^ ^
/ \ Sync. Wait
/ \
v v
+---------------+ +------------+
| | | |
| Watsons | | Poya |
| | | |
+---------------+ +------------+
Method | URL | Description |
GET | http://localhost/v1/search?name={name} | Query product name's price for all drugstore shop without sorting. |
GET | http://localhost/v1/search?name={name}&sort=increase | Query product name's price for all drugstore shop with sorting (ascending order). |
GET | http://localhost/v1/search?name={name}&sort=decrease | Query product name's price for all drugstore shop with sorting (descending order). |
- HTTP Response JSON arry with JSON format
Field | Type(Length) | Description |
shop | String(16) | Shop name |
name | String(128) | Product name |
price | Integer | Product price |
- Support crawling cosmed HTML content
- Support prometheus metrics API
- Analyze in-memory cache hit rate and also analyze the timeout threshold for in-memory cache