This repository performs automated daily system tests of ReGaHss
- the HomeMatic (O)CCU "Logic Layer" engine. It uses a mocha-based node.js testing framework to test all published ReGaHss
binaries in the OCCU environment published by eQ3. Beside testing common corner cases of the embedded scripting language of ReGaHss this testing framework also tests for security vulnerabilities.
Recent test results for the different build flavors of ReGaHss can be viewed here:
# Start the travis container
docker run --name travis -dit /sbin/init
# Get a shell
docker start travis
docker exec -it travis bash -l
# Install Node.js
nvm install 10
# Clone the repo
cd /home/travis
git clone
# Install dependencies
cd occu-test
npm install
# Run the tests
npm test
ReGaHss is started with a prebuilt homematic.regadom
which contains the following variables, programs and objects:
- VarBool1 - id: 1237
- VarEnum1
- VarNum1
- VarString1
- Bool1OnFalse - BidCoS-RF:13 PRESS_LONG
- Bool1OnTrue - BidCoS-RF:12 PRESS_LONG
- Bool1OnFalseUpdate - BidCoS-RF:14 PRESS_LONG
- Bool1OnTrueUpdate - BidCoS-RF:15 PRESS_LONG
- TimeEveryMinute - id: 1302 - BidCoS-RF:50 PRESS_LONG
- Time0100 - id: 1314 - BidCoS-RF:11 PRESS_LONG
- Time0130 - id: 1430 - BidCoS-RF:20 PRESS_LONG
- Time0155 - id: 1458 - BidCoS-RF:21 PRESS_LONG
- Time0200 - id: 1470 - BidCoS-RF:22 PRESS_LONG
- Time0205 - id: 1498 - BidCoS-RF:23 PRESS_LONG
- Time0230 - id: 1510 - BidCoS-RF:24 PRESS_LONG
- Time0255 - id: 1522 - BidCoS-RF:25 PRESS_LONG
- Time0300 - id: 1534 - BidCoS-RF:26 PRESS_LONG
- Time0305 - id: 1546 - BidCoS-RF:27 PRESS_LONG
- Time0330 - id: 1558 - BidCoS-RF:28 PRESS_LONG
- Key16Key17 - on BidCoS-RF:16 PRESS_LONG => BidCoS-RF:17 PRESS_LONG
- Key1 - on BidCos-RF:1 PRESS_SHORT => BidCoS-RF:2 PRESS_LONG
- test all examples of the official homematic script documentation wip
- test script error handling wip
- test popular scripts published on and wip
- extend regadom with more testvars/programs/devices
- add more devices to rfd and hmipserver simulator and add them to regadom
- test device interactions (add/delete/readyconfig, test programs, ...) wip
- trigger travis builds on commits in occu repository
- test variable creation/deletion via script
- test room/function creation/deletion via script
- test room/function assignment creation/deletion
- test program creation via script
- WebUI tests?
- ...
- hm-simulator (simulates rfd/hmipserver)
- ccu x86 docker image (used for creation of the prebuilt homematic.regadom)
- homematic-rega (Node.js Homematic CCU ReGaHSS Remote Script Interface)
Help and Feedback highly appreciated, Pull Requests Welcome! :-)
MIT (c) 2017-2020 Jens Maus, Sebastian Raff