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This repository contains a ROS2 driver for the DJI Robomaster family of robots (EP and S1) based on the official Python client library.

Full documentation available at




Install a currently supported version of ROS2 (foxy -- iron), following the official instructions. and then install colcon

sudo apt install python3-colcon-common-extensions

If you just install ROS2-base, add also the following packages:

xacro, launch-xml, cv-bridge, launch-testing-ament-cmake, robot-state-publisher, joint-state-publisher-gui, joy, joy-teleop
sudo apt install \
  ros-<ROS_DISTRO>-xacro \
  ros-<ROS_DISTRO>-launch-xml \
  ros-<ROS_DISTRO>-cv-bridge \
  ros-<ROS_DISTRO>-launch-testing-ament-cmake \
  ros-<ROS_DISTRO>-robot-state-publisher \
  ros-<ROS_DISTRO>-joint-state-publisher \
  ros-<ROS_DISTRO>-joint-state-publisher-gui \
  ros-<ROS_DISTRO>-joy \
  ros-<ROS_DISTRO>-joy-teleop \

Robomaster SDK

Install this fork of the official RoboMaster-SDK, which fixes some issues of the upstream repo.

First install its dependencies libopus-dev

sudo apt install libopus-dev python3-pip


python3 -m pip install -U numpy numpy-quaternion pyyaml

then install the RoboMaster-SDK

python3 -m pip install git+
python3 -m pip install git+"egg=libmedia_codec&subdirectory=lib/libmedia_codec"

ROS2 package

Create a colcon package where you want to build the packages, clone this repository, and built the packages.

mkdir -p <ros2_ws>/src
git clone
cd <ros2_ws>
source /opt/ros/<ROS_DISTRO>/setup.bash
colcon build


Use one of the two launch files {s1|ep}.launch to launch the driver and the robot model.

cd <ros2_ws>
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch robomaster_ros {s1|ep}.launch

We also provide docker images. Check the documentation for their usage.


The launch files accept a list of arguments

ros2 launch robomaster_ros {s1|ep}.launch <key_1>:=<value_1> <key_2>:=<value_2> ...

Common Configurations

The two different robot models share some configuration.

key type valid values default description
name string valid ROS names '' a name used as ROS namespace
serial_number string 8 character ascii strings '' the serial number of the robot, leave empty to connect to the first robot found
conn_type string ap, rndis, sta sta the connection network type: managed/router (sta); robot's access point (ap); usb (rndis)
lib_log_level string DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR ERROR the log-level used by the internal Robomaster API
video_resolution integer 360, 540, 720 360 the video [vertical] resolution: 640x360 (360); 960x540 (540); 1280x720 (720)
video_raw bool true whether to publish the raw [decompressed] images to the topic <name>/camera/image_raw
video_h264 bool false whether to publish the original h264 video stream to the topic <name>/camera/image_h264
video_compressed bool false whether to publish the compressed [jpeg] images to the topic <name>/camera/image_raw/compressed
audio_raw bool true whether to publish the raw [decompressed] audio to the topic <name>/camera/audio_raw
audio_opus bool true whether to publish the original [compressed] opus audio stream to the topic <name>/camera/audio_opus
chassis_rate int 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 10 the rate [Hz] at which to publish the odometry
joint_state_rate int 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 10 the rate [Hz] at which to publish aggregated joint states
sensor_adapter bool false Whether at least one sensor adapter (IO) is connected and should be published to <name>/...
sensor_adapter_rate int 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 10 the rate [Hz] at which to publish the sensor adapter values

S1-specific Configurations

Some configurations are specific for the Robomaster S1.

key type valid values default description
gimbal_rate integer 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 10 the rate [Hz] at which to gather the gimbal state
display_battery string off, right, left off whether and where to display the battery state: do not display (on); display on the right gimbal led (right); display on the left gimbal led (left)

EP-specific Configurations

Some configurations are specific for the Robomaster EP.

key type valid values default description
left_motor_zero int 1242 the [arm] left servo motor encoder value at zero angle
right_motor_zero int 1273 the [arm] right servo motor encoder value at zero angle
left_motor_direction int -1, 1 -1 the [arm] left servo motor direction: angle increases when encoder increases (+1); angle decreases when encoder increases (-1)
right_motor_direction int -1, 1 -1 the [arm] right servo motor direction: angle increases when encoder increases (+1); angle decreases when encoder increases (-1)

Multiple robots

If you want to control multiple robots through ROS, you need to know their serial numbers and set a different name for each of them (names are used as ROS namespaces and as tf prefixes). For physical robots, the serial number is written on top of the intelligent controller. For simulated robots, you set the serial number when you launch the simulation.

For example, we assume that you are using two [simulated] S1 robots with serial numbers "RM0" and "RM1", and that you want to use the serial numbers also as names. In two consoles, launch

cd <ros2_ws>
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch robomaster_ros s1.launch name:=RM0 serial_number:=RM0


cd <ros2_ws>
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch robomaster_ros s1.launch name:=RM1 serial_number:=RM1

Then, for instance, you can make the robots spin in opposite direction by publishing to their respective topics:

ros2 topic pub /RM0/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/msg/Twist "{angular: {z: -0.5}}" --once
ros2 topic pub /RM1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/msg/Twist "{angular: {z: 0.5}}" --once


This work has been supported by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 project 1-SWARM, grant ID 871743.