This is a vagrant box that preloads JDK7, Android Studio, the Android SDK/Build Tools, the Android NDK, GNU C/C++ tool-chain, apt, and vim. It runs on Ubuntu 12.04 (64 bit).
####Install Components
For your VM environment, you will need:
Oracle VirtualBox
Make sure you update your path variable. Refernces on how to do that: OSX, Windows, Linux
####Clone the repository
You'll need git if you don't already have it.
Open a terminal.
Create a directory where you will do your development.
From that directory, run git clone
into the android-vm
directory and enter git submodule init
Then, enter git submodule update
You're now ready to bring up the VM!
####Vagrant up!
While still in the android-vm
directory, enter vagrant up
The provisioning can take a long time, over 20 minutes is normal. Be patient.
Once provisioning is completed, enter vagrant reload
. You should be greeted with a login screen.
Username: vagrant Password: vagrant
####Further configuration
If the VM is running, enter vagrant halt
Open up VirtualBox and select your machine. Click settings.
I reccommend setting the video ram to max, cpu to max, and system ram to 1/4 of your total ram.
####Where are my tools?
Android development tools were installed to /usr/local/android
####Issues Missing Android API 21 tools/images (API 22 is installed though). Fix coming.