Example rails application showing how to connect to the AgileZen v1 api (requires ruby 1.9.x)
- Generate estimates of stories in your backlog in html or csv formats.
- Push story estimates (in cucumber format) to a project backlog.
You can see the app running live at http://brockhill-forecaster.herokuapp.com All that is required is an AgileZen API key.
Break your requirements into individual features using cucumber
Estimate every scenario (as cucumber features):
Feature: Export data A user with viewing privileges Can provide selection criteria and export that data to excel @8 #this is your estimate for the scenario in hours Scenario: Export blended price calculations @4 Scenario: Export field price calculations
Store your .feature files in the features_pending directory of your project
Run the rake task to create stories in AgileZen. Each feature will be imported as a single story. The 'size' attribute of the story will be the sum of your scenario estimates.
rake agilezen:push[{api_key},{project_id}]