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jsimcoe edited this page Nov 8, 2012 · 4 revisions

Included in each of the themes is a grunt folder with a grunt.js file. Here are some instructions for a better Grunt experience.


If you want to use Grunt with Growl/Notification Center support, then do the following:

  • cd to grunt directory and type npm install grunt-growl (this is already included in churchdeploy node-modules folder)
  • Install GrowlNotify
  • Open Terminal and run sudo gem install terminal-notifier' (this ensures OS X 10.8 support)

Add a growl command to your Grunt file:

growl : { compile : { title : "Grunt.js", message : "Grunt was run successfully" } }

Now when you run Grunt from the command line you will have notifications enabled. Notifications will automatically run on watch scripts.

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