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Jan Drda edited this page Dec 13, 2016 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the Olapus wiki!


Quick installation

####Minimum requirements

####Installation process

  1. Clone the repo to some directory git clone
  2. Install vendor libraries composer install
  3. Link your host to {olapus_installation}/public (due to Laravel limitation, the project cannot be run undere subdirectory, but must have own domains, working on workaround)
  4. Create file /database/database.sqlite and make it writable for your web server
  5. Run migrations php artisan migrate


Quick configuration

  1. Copy /.env.exmple to /.env
  2. Copy /app/Http/routesCustom-example.php to /app/Http/routesCustom.php The admin will be available under //yourhost/admin
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