GraphQL execution backend for org-babel
This package provides an execution backend for org-babel source blocks that can execute GraphQL queries and display the results inline.
This project is available on Melpa. You can install it with M-x package-install <RET> ob-graphql
or using the package management solution of your choice. Alternatively, you can put ob-graphql.el
on your load path somewhere and load it via (require 'ob-graphql)
. After that you'll be able to evaluate GraphQL code blocks.
If you're installing ob-graphql
manually you'll also need to install graphql-mode
The URL of the GraphQL server should be given by the :url
header parameter:
#+BEGIN_SRC graphql :url
query GetContinents {
continent(code: "AF") {
: {
: "data": {
: "continent": {
: "name": "Africa",
: "code": "AF"
: }
: }
: }
Variables can be passed into the source block from other source/example blocks via the :variables
header parameter. The parameter should be the name of the variables source block, which should evaluate to the JSON body of the variables to pass into the query:
#+NAME: my-variables
"continentCode": "AF"
#+BEGIN_SRC graphql :url :variables my-variables
query GetContinents($continentCode: String!) {
continent(code: $continentCode) {
: {
: "data": {
: "continent": {
: "name": "Africa",
: "code": "AF"
: }
: }
: }
Additional headers, such as an Authorization
header, can be passed into the query via the :headers
header parameter. This parameter should be the name of another source block that evaluates to an alist of header names to header values:
#+NAME: my-headers
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
'(("Authorization" . "Bearer my-secret-token"))
#+BEGIN_SRC graphql :url :headers my-headers
query GetContinents {
continent(code: "AF") {
: {
: "data": {
: "continent": {
: "name": "Africa",
: "code": "AF"
: }
: }
: }