This is an initial implementation of an ACME-based CA. The ACME protocol allows the CA to automatically verify that an applicant for a certificate actually controls an identifier, and allows domain holders to issue and revoke certificates for their domains.
Boulder is available as a Docker image from The Docker image expects the config.json
file to be located at /boulder/config.json
within the container.
(Note: You can override the config.json
location by specifying a different BOULDER_CONFIG environment variable, such as with -e BOULDER_CONFIG=mypath/myfile.config
The default command is the monolithic "boulder" executable, which does not require an AMQP service.
A quick-start method for running a Boulder instance is to use one of the example configurations:
> mkdir .boulder-config
> cp test/example-config.json .boulder-config/config.json
> docker run --name=boulder --rm=true -v $(pwd)/.boulder-config:/boulder:ro -p 4000:4000 boulder
To run a single module, specifying the AMQP server, you might use something more like:
> docker run --name=boulder --rm=true -v $(pwd)/.boulder-config:/boulder:ro boulder-ra
The submodules are under the cmd/
> go build
> ./boulder --config test/example-config.json
The "restify" branch of node-acme has a client that works with this server (npm install node-acme && node node-acme/demo.js
> git clone
> cd node-acme
> git branch -f restify origin/restify && git checkout restify
> cd ..
> npm install node-acme
> node node-acme/demo.js
The CA is divided into the following main components:
- Web Front End
- Registration Authority
- Validation Authority
- Certificate Authority
- Storage Authority
This component model lets us separate the function of the CA by security context. The Web Front End and Validation Authority need access to the Internet, which puts them at greater risk of compromise. The Registration Authority can live without Internet connectivity, but still needs to talk to the Web Front End and Validation Authority. The Certificate Authority need only receive instructions from the Registration Authority.
client <--ACME--> WFE ---+
. |
. +--- RA --- CA
. |
client <-checks-> VA ---+
In Boulder, these components are represented by Go interfaces. This allows us to have two operational modes: Consolidated and distributed. In consolidated mode, the objects representing the different components interact directly, through function calls. In distributed mode, each component runs in a separate process (possibly on a separate machine), and sees the other components' methods by way of a messaging layer.
Internally, the logic of the system is based around two types of objects, authorizations and certificates, mapping directly to the resources of the same name in ACME.
Requests from ACME clients result in new objects and changes objects. The Storage Authority maintains persistent copies of the current set of objects.
Objects are also passed from one component to another on change events. For example, when a client provides a successful response to a validation challenge, it results in a change to the corresponding validation object. The Validation Authority forward the new validation object to the Storage Authority for storage, and to the Registration Authority for any updates to a related Authorization object.
Boulder supports distributed operation using AMQP as a message bus (e.g., via RabbitMQ). For components that you want to be remote, it is necessary to instantiate a "client" and "server" for that component. The client implements the component's Go interface, while the server has the actual logic for the component. More details in amqp-rpc.go
- Interfaces to the components, implemented in:web-front-end.go
- A lightweight RPC framework overlaid on AMQPrpc-wrappers.go
- RPC wrappers for the various component type
- Objects that are passed between componentsutil.go
- Miscellaneous utility methodsboulder_test.go
- Unit tests
Client -> WebFE: challengeRequest
WebFE -> RA: NewAuthorization(AuthorizationRequest)
RA -> RA: [ select challenges ]
RA -> RA: [ create Validations with challenges ]
RA -> RA: [ create Authorization with Validations ]
RA -> SA: Update(Authorization.ID, Authorization)
RA -> WebFE: Authorization
WebFE -> WebFE: [ create challenge from Authorization ]
WebFE -> WebFE: [ generate nonce and add ]
WebFE -> Client: challenge
Client -> WebFE: authorizationRequest
WebFE -> WebFE: [ look up authorization based on nonce ]
WebFE -> WebFE: [ verify authorization signature ]
WebFE -> RA: UpdateAuthorization(Authorization)
RA -> RA: [ add responses to authorization ]
RA -> SA: Update(Authorization.ID, Authorization)
WebFE -> VA: UpdateValidations(Authorization)
WebFE -> Client: defer(authorizationID)
VA -> SA: Update(Authorization.ID, Authorization)
VA -> RA: OnValidationUpdate(Authorization)
RA -> RA: [ check that validation sufficient ]
RA -> RA: [ finalize authorization ]
RA -> SA: Update(Authorization.ID, Authorization)
RA -> WebFE: OnAuthorizationUpdate(Authorization)
Client -> WebFE: statusRequest
WebFE -> Client: error / authorization
Client -> WebFE: certificateRequest
WebFE -> WebFE: [ verify authorization signature ]
WebFE -> RA: NewCertificate(CertificateRequest)
RA -> RA: [ verify CSR signature ]
RA -> RA: [ verify authorization to issue ]
RA -> RA: [ select CA based on issuer ]
RA -> CA: IssueCertificate(CertificateRequest)
CA -> RA: Certificate
RA -> CA: [ look up ancillary data ]
RA -> WebFE: AcmeCertificate
WebFE -> Client: certificate
Client -> WebFE: revocationRequest
WebFE -> WebFE: [ verify authorization signature ]
WebFE -> RA: RevokeCertificate(RevocationRequest)
RA -> RA: [ verify authorization ]
RA -> CA: RevokeCertificate(Certificate)
CA -> RA: RevocationResult
RA -> WebFE: RevocationResult
WebFE -> Client: revocation
- Ensure that distributed mode works with multiple processes
- Add message signing and verification to the AMQP message layer
- Add monitoring / syslog
- Factor out policy layer (e.g., selection of challenges)
- Add persistent storage