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Source and Testing 0.6.x

Preethum edited this page Nov 22, 2015 · 3 revisions

Source and Testing

This wiki will provide information on compiling and testing these libraries on your own development machines. This wiki is under construction, but starting with version 0.6.0, these libraries utilize gradle building mechanisms, so familiarity with Gradle is highly encouraged.

Source Checkout and Setup

To compile this source code locally, you will need the following:

  • Eclipse Mars with BuildShip support for gradle
  • Android Studio > 1.4

Checkout this source code into a single path, say GSPWK. In the same path, checkout the source code for GWT, specifically checkout the tag for release/2.7.

Due to a known problem with Buildship, you may need to create an empty gradle project in eclipse and then checkout the source into that path (

First run the gradle command in the SPWTest Project (publishToMavenLocal). Then run the same command for the project gwt-syncproxy. Once these necessary artifacts are made available in your local maven repository, you can then compile the Android project in Android studio.

Source Overview - Test Server

The SPWTest project in eclipse acts a testing server for all the different RPC servers. To do this properly against the GWT 2.7.0 tests, we repackage the testing classes from the GWT source and then create a dependency on them (sourceSet gwttestservices).

Source Overview - Base GSP Library

The base GSP Library is found in the gwt-syncproxy Eclipse project. This is where the POJ library is maintained. This project has a similar repackaging testCompile dependency on the test interfaces that are utilized in the Test server.


The testing is setup as an extension of the tests run within GWT itself. As such, you must start up the app engine hosted server and run tests against that server for proper test results. There are some known failures (See below). To start it, run the gradle command appengineRun in the SPWTest project. To run the POJ tests, run the PojGSPTests launch profile in Eclipse. The sample Anrdoid app can be run against a local server instance of the SPWTest. The app provides manual testing for the Android Authenticators and the basic greet mechanism. TBD for Running the android tests.

TBD - Add information of setting up the OAuth requirements for the SPWTest authentication systems.

Known Testing Failures