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Students will build a simple alarm app to practice intermediate table view features, protocols, the delegate pattern, Codable, and UserNotifications.

Students who complete this project independently are able to:

Part One - Intermediate TableViews, Delegate Pattern

  • Implement a master-detail interface
  • Implement the UITableViewDataSource protocol
  • Implement a static UITableView
  • Create a custom UITableViewCell
  • Write a custom delegate protocol
  • Wire up view controllers to model object controllers
  • Work with the Date and Calendar of Swift
  • Add staged data to a model object controller

Part Two - Codable, Protocol Extensions, UserNotifications

  • Create model objects that conform to the Codable protocol
  • Create model object controllers that use JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder for data persistence
  • Schedule and cancel UserNotifications
  • Create custom protocols
  • Implement protocol functions using protocol extensions to define protcol function behavior across all conforming types

Part One - Intermediate TableViews, Delegate Pattern

View Hierarchy

Set up a basic List-Detail view hierarchy using a UITableViewController for a AlarmListTableViewController and a AlarmDetailTableViewController. Use the provided screenshots as a reference.

  1. Add a UITableViewController scene that will be used to list alarms
  2. Embed the scene in a UINavigationController
  3. Add an 'Add' system bar button item to the navigation bar
  4. Add a class file AlarmListTableViewController.swift and assign the scene in the Storyboard
  5. Add a UITableViewController scene that will be used to add and view alarms
  • note: We will use a static table view for our Alarm Detail view, static table views should be used sparingly, but they can be useful for a table view that will never change, such as a basic form. You can make a table view static by selecting the table view, going to the Attribute Inspector, and changing the Content dropdown from Dynamic Prototypes to Static Cells.
  1. Add a show segue from the Add button from the first scene to the second scene.
  2. Add a show segue from the prototype cell form the first scene to the second scene.
  3. Add a class file AlarmDetailTableViewController.swift and assign the scene in the Storyboard

Custom Table View Cell

Build a custom table view cell to display alarms. The cell should display the alarm time, the alarm name, and have a switch that will toggle whether or not the alarm is enabled.

It is best practice to make table view cells reusable between apps. As a result, you will build a SwitchTableViewCell rather than an AlarmTableViewCell that can be reused any time you want a cell with a switch.

  1. Add a new SwitchTableViewCell.swift as a subclass of UITableViewCell.
  2. Configure the prototype cell in the Alarm List Scene in Main.storyboard to be an instance of SwitchTableViewCell
  3. Design the prototype cell as shown in the screenshots: two labels, one above the other, with a switch to the right.
  • note: Stack views are great. Think about using a horizontal stack view that has a vertical stack view and a switch inside of it. The vertical stack view will have two labels in it.
  1. Create an IBOutlet to the custom cell file for the label named timeLabel.
  2. Create an IBOutlet to the custom cell file for the label named nameLabel.
  3. Create an IBOutlet to the custom cell file for the switch named alarmSwitch.
  4. Create an IBAction for the switch named switchValueChanged which you will implement using a custom protocol later in these instructions.

Static Table View

Build a static table view as the detail view for creating and editing alarms.

  1. Static table views do not need to have UITableViewDataSource functions implemented. Instead, you can create outlets and actions from your prototype cells directly onto the view controller (in this case AlarmDetailTableViewController) as you would with other types of views.
  2. If you haven't already, go to your Storyboard, select your detail table view and in the Attributes Inspector change the Style to Grouped and the Sections to 3. By default each section will have 3 cells in it. You can delete 2 of the cells in each section.
  3. In section 1, drag a date picker onto the prototype cell and add proper constraints.
  4. In section 2, drag a text field onto the prototype cell and add the proper constraints and placeholder text.
  5. In section 3, drag a button onto the prototype cell and add the proper constraints and title. This button will be used to enable/disable existing alarms.
  6. Create IBOutlets for the three items listed above and create an IBAction for the button titled enableButtonTapped.
  7. If you haven't already, add a bar button item to the right side of the navigation bar, change the System Item to Save in the Attributes Inspector, and create an IBAction called saveButtonTapped.
  • You will need to add a Navigation Item to the Navigation Bar before you can add the bar button item.

Alarm Model Object

Create an Alarm.swift which will contain our Alarm model object. Alarms should be able to represent a name, whether they are enabled (on or off), a unique identifier, a time when the alarm will go off, and a string representation of that time.

  1. Add a property called fireDate which stores a Date representing the time the alarm will go off , a property called name of type String, and a property called enabled of typeBool that we will set to true if the alarm is enabled and false otherwise.
  2. Add a property called uuid of type String. Give the uuid property a default value of UUID().uuidString in the memberwise initializer. This will make it so that when called, the initializer won't ask you to provide a value for the uuid property. A UUID is a Universally Unique Identifier. The uuid on the Alarm object will be used later to schedule and cancel local notifications
  3. Add a computed property called fireTimeAsString which will return a String representation of the time you want the alarm to fire. This is simply for the UI. *note: Use Apple's DateFormater class to return a String from your existing fireDate property. *Please Read:

AlarmController (Model Controller Object)

Create an AlarmController model object controller that will manage and serve Alarm objects to the rest of the application.

  1. Create an AlarmController.swift file and define a new AlarmController class.
  2. Add an alarms array property with an empty array as a default value.
  3. Create an addAlarm(fireDate: Date, name: String, enabled: Bool) function that creates an alarm, adds it to the alarms array, and returns the alarm.
  4. Create an update(alarm: Alarm, fireDate: Date, name: String, enabled: Bool) function that updates an existing alarm's fire time and name.
  5. Create a delete(alarm: Alarm) function that removes the alarm from the alarms array
  • note: There is no 'removeObject' function on arrays. You will need to find the index of the object and then remove the object at that index. Refer to documentation if you need to know how to find the index of an object.
  • note: You will need to conform your Alarm model to the Equatable protocol and implement the proper equality check.
  1. Create a static shared property that stores a shared instance.
  • note: Review the syntax for creating shared instance properties

Controller Staged Data Using a Mock Data Function

Add mock alarm data to the AlarmController. Using mock data can be very useful. Once there is mock data development teams can serialize work -- i.e. some can work on the views with visible data while others work on implementing the controller logic. This is a quick way to get objects visible so you can begin building the views.

There are many ways to add mock data to model object controllers. We will do so using a computed property.

  1. Create a mockAlarms:[Alarm] computed property that holds a number of staged Alarm objects
  • Initialize a small number of Alarm objects to return with varying properties
  1. When you want mock data, set self.alarms to self.mockAlarms in the AlarmController initializer. Remove it when you no longer want mock data.

Wire up the Alarm List Table View and implement the property observer pattern on the SwitchTableViewCell class.

Fill in the table view data source functions required to display the view. *note: these implementation will be very similar to your Journal application with the exception of the cellForRowAt. Insead of setting the cell.textLabel.text property directly from the tableViewController, you will pass an alarm object into a variable within your custom cell class i.e. cell.alarm = alarm

Your custom cell should follow the 'updateViews' pattern for updating the view elements with the details of a model object. To follow this pattern, the developer adds an 'updateViews' function that checks for a model object. The function updates the view with details from the model object.

  1. Add a property var alarm: Alarm? to your SwitchTableViewCell class. *note: This will act very similar to the way we have used variables as "Landing Pads" or "Mail boxes" in Detail ViewControllers
  2. Add an updateViews() function that updates the labels to the time and name of the alarm, and updates the alarmSwitch.isOn property so that the switch reflects the proper alarm enabled state.
  3. Add a didSet observer on the alarm property, and call the updateViews() function you just made in it.
  4. On your AlarmListTableViewController fill in the two required UITableViewDataSource functions, using the alarms array from AlarmController.shared. In the tableView(UITableView, cellForRowAt: IndexPath) data source function you will need to cast your dequeued cell as a SwitchTableViewCell and set the cell's alarm property. Make sure you use the right alarm from the alarms array in AlarmController.
  5. Implement the UITableViewDataSource tableView(_:, commit:, forRowAt:) method to enable swipe-to-delete. Be sure to call the appropriate AlarmController method before deleting the row.
  • At this point you should be able to run your project and see your table view populated with your mock alarms. You should be able to delete rows and segue to a detail view (this detail view won't actually display an alarm yet since we haven't implemented the prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) function, but the segue should still occur). Also note that you can toggle the switch, but that the enabled property on the model object the cell is displaying isn't actually changing.

Custom Protocol

Write a protocol for the SwitchTableViewCell to delegate handling a toggle of the switch to the AlarmListTableViewController, adopt the protocol, and use the delegate function to mark the alarm as enabled or disabled and reload the cell.

  1. Create a custom protocol named SwitchTableViewCellDelegate to the top of the SwitchTableViewCell class file
  2. Define a switchCellSwitchValueChanged(cell: SwitchTableViewCell) function
  3. Add a weak, optional delegate property on the SwitchTableViewCell
  • note: weak var delegate: SwitchTableViewCellDelegate?
  • note: If the compiler throws an error, it is likely because your protocol must be restricted to class types.
  1. Update the switchValueChanged(_:) IBAction to check if a delegate is assigned, and if so, call the delegate protocol function
  2. Adopt and conform to the protocol in the AlarmListTableViewController class.
  3. In the cellForRowAt function in the AlarmListTableViewController set self (the AlarmListTableViewController in this instance) as the delegate of each cell.
  4. Go to your AlarmController class and add a toggleEnabled(for alarm: Alarm) function that will switch the enabled property of the alarm in your function parameter to true if it is false, and false if it is true.
  5. Go back to your AlarmListTableViewController class and implement the switchCellSwitchValueChanged(cell:) delegate function to capture the alarm, toggle the alarm's enabled property using the function you just made in AlarmController, and reload the table view.

Wire up the Alarm Detail Table View

Create functions on the detail table view controller to display an existing alarm and setup the view properly.

  1. Add an alarm property of type Alarm? to AlarmDetailTableViewController. This will hold an alarm if the view is displaying an existing alarm and will be nil if the view is being used to create a new alarm.
  2. Add a variable named alarmIsOn of type Bool with an initial value of true to the top of your AlarmDetailTableViewController class. *note: Make sure to set the alarmIsOn property equal to the alarm.enabled property in the case that the alarm object exists.
  3. Create a private updateViews() function that will populate the date picker and alarm title text field with the current alarm's date and title. This function will set the enable button to say "On" if the alarm in self.alarm is enabled and "Off" if it is disabled. You may consider changing background color and font color properties as well to make the difference between the two button states clear. *note: As the initial alarm property will be nil (when we are creating a new alarm), you will need to use the isAlarmOn property you created earlier to set up the button's UI initially. *note: You must guard against the alarm being nil, or the view controller's view not yet being loaded and properly handle these cases.
  4. Create a didSet property observer on the alarm property and call updateViews(). *note: It is safest to call loadViewsIfNeeded() in any didSet before updateViews() to avoid any race conditions.

Prepare For Segue

Fill in the prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) function on the AlarmListTableViewController to properly prepare the next view controller for the segue.

  1. In the AlarmListTableViewController, add an if statement in the prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) function that checks if the segue's identifier matches the identifier of the segue that goes from a cell to the detail view.
  2. Get the destination view controller from the segue and cast it as an AlarmDetailTableViewController.
  3. Get the indexPath of the selected cell from the table view.
  4. Use indexPath.row to get the correct alarm that was tapped from the AlarmController.shared.alarms array.
  5. Set the alarm property on the destination view controller equal to the alarm from the previous step.
  • If the compiler presents an error when trying to do this, you either forgot to cast the destination view controller as an AlarmDetailTableViewController or forgot to give the AlarmDetailTableViewController a property title alarm of type Alarm?.
  • At this point you should be able to run your project and see your table view populated with your mock alarms, displaying the proper switch state. You should also be able to delete rows, and segue to a detail view from a cell. This detail view should display the proper time of the alarm, the proper title, and the proper state of the enable/disable button.

Final functionality on the detail view

Fill in the saveButtonTapped function on the detail view so that you can add new alarms and edit existing alarms.

  1. Unwrap alarm and if there is an alarm, call the .update(alarm: , name: , fireDate: , enabled: ) function from the AlarmController and pass in the tite from the text field, the fireDate from the datePicker, and the enabled from the alarmIsOn property.
  2. If there is no alarm, call the addAlarm(fireDate: , name: , enabled: ) function to create and add a new alarm.
  • note: You should be able to run the project and have what appears to be a fully functional app. You should be able to add, edit, delete, and enable/disable alarms. We have not yet covered how to alert the user when time is up, or persist the alarms.

Part Two - Codable, Protocol Extensions & UserNotifications

Conform to the Codable Protocol

Make sure your Alarm object conforom to the Codable protocol so that we can persist alarms across app launches using JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder.

  1. Adopt the Codable protocol on your Alarm Model. You should review Codable Protocol in the documentation before continuing.

Persistence with FileManager

Add persistence using apple's FileManager API, Codable, and JSONEncoder and Decoder to the AlarmController. This will require three function fileUrl() -> URL, saveToPersistentStore(), and loadFromPersistentStore() -> [Alarm]. This will follow the pattern use for persistence in Journal with a data type of Alarm instead of Entry.

  1. Add a private, static, computed property called fileUrl() -> URL which returns the correct path to the alarms file in the app's documents directory as described above.
  2. Write a private function called saveToPersistentStorage() that will save the current alarms array to a file using FileManager.
  3. Write a function called loadFromPersistentStorage() that will load saved Alarm objects and set self.alarms (source of truth) to the results
  4. Call the loadFromPersistentStorage() function when the AlarmController is initialized or in the AppDelegates application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)
  5. Call the saveToPersistentStorage() any time that the list of alarms is modified *note: the list of alarms is modified in all of the CRUD fucntions for this app.
  • note: You should now be able to see that your alarms are saved between app launches.

Register the App for UserNotifications

Register for local notifications when the app launches.

  1. In the AppDelegate.swift file, import UserNotifications. Then in the application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) function, request notification authorization on an instance of UNUserNotificationCenter.

Schedule and Cancel Local Notifications using a Custom Protocol and Extension

You will need to schedule local notifications each time you enable an alarm and cancel local notifications each time you disable an alarm. Seeing as you can enable/disable an alarm from both the list and detail view, we normally would need to write a scheduleUserNotifications(for alarm: Alarm) function and a cancelUserNotifications(for alarm: Alarm) function on both of our view controllers. However, using a custom protocol and a protocol extension, we can write those functions only once and use them in each of our view controllers as if we had written them in each view controller. You will need to heavily reference Apples documentation on UserNotifications:

  1. In your AlarmController file, but outside of the class, create a protocol AlarmScheduler. This protocol will need two functions: scheduleUserNotifications(for alarm:) and cancelUserNotifications(for alarm: Alarm).
  2. Below your protocol, create a protocol extension, extension AlarmScheduler. In there, you can create default implementations for the two protocol functions.
  3. Your scheduleUserNotifications(for alarm: Alarm) function should create an instance of UNMutableNotificationContent and then give that instance a title and body. You can also give that instance a default sound to use when the notification goes off using UNNotificationSound.default().
  4. After you create your UNMutableNotificationContent, create an instance of UNCalendarNotificationTrigger. In order to do this you will need to create DateComponents using the fireDate of your alarm. *note: Use the current property of the Calendar class to call a method which returns dateComponents from a date.
  • note: Be sure to set repeats in the UNCalendarNotificationTrigger initializer to true so that the alarm will repeat daily at the specified time.
  1. Now that you have UNMutableNotificationContent and a UNCalendarNotificationTrigger, you can initialize a UNNotificationRequest and add the request to the notification center object of your app.
  • note: In order to initialize a UNNotificationRequest you will need a unique identifier. If you want to schedule multiple requests (which we do with this app) then you need a different identifier for each request. Thus, use the uuid property on your Alarm object as the identifier.
  1. Your cancelLocalnotification(for alarm: Alarm) function simply needs to remove pending notification requests using the uuid property on the Alarm object you pass into the function.
  1. Conform your AlarmController Class to the AlarmScheduler protocol. Notice how the compiler does not make you implement the schedule and cancel functions from the protocol? This is because by adding an extension to the protocol, we have created default implementation of these functions for all classes that conform to the protocol.
  2. In your toggleEnabled(for alarm: Alarm) function, you will need to schedule a notification if the switch is being turned on, and cancel the notification if the switch is being turned off. You will also need to cancel the notification when you delete an alarm.


The last thing you need to do is set up your app to notify the user when an alarm goes off and they still have the app open. In order to do this we are going to use the UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate protocol.

  1. Go to your AppDelegate.swift file and have your AppDelegate class adopt the UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate protocol.
  2. Then in your application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) function, set the delegate of the notification center to equal self.
  • note: UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate = self
  1. Then call the delegate method userNotificationCenter(_:willPresent:withCompletionHandler:) and use the completionHandler to set your UNNotificationPresentationOptions.
  • note: completionHandler([.alert, .sound])

The app should now be finished. Run it, look for bugs, and fix anything that seems off.


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