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A simple client to access the most common services of the Metasys API (in the style of the old MSSDA)


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Metasys Basic Services Nuget

This project provides a library for accessing the most common services of the Metasys Server API. The intent is to provide an API that is very similar to the original MSSDA (Metasys System Secure Data Access) library.

For versioning information see the changelog.





To use in a .NET application include the following in the target source files:

using JohnsonControls.Metasys.BasicServices;

Option 1: Consume the package by adding a PackageReference.

  1. Add the following to the project's .csproj file:

        <PackageReference Include="JohnsonControls.Metasys.BasicServices" Version="<target version>" />

Option 2: Consume the package by installing on the command line. This workflow shows how to use the nuget.exe CLI (command line interface).

  1. Open a command line and navigate to your project's main directory.

  2. Execute the following command:

    nuget install JohnsonControls.Metasys.BasicServices -OutputDirectory packages
  3. Update all packages with the command:

    nuget restore

COM (Component Object Model)

Use the one click setup provided with the release tag to install the required dependencies in your system and register the COM DLL. Keep in mind that for developing purposes the solution is already configured to register with the COM interop when the project is built. Alternatively, you can manually register or unregister the DLL use the RegCOM.bat and UnregCOM.bat scripts located in the Scripts directory.

To manually register for COM interop you can also use the Regasm.exe (Assembly Registration Tool) or similar tool. See more information here.

Excel and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

LegacyMetasysClient allows you to interact with your Metasys server from a VBA application using COM interop. To get start, enable the Developer Tab in Excel from the menu File-->Options-->Customize Ribbon. See more information here. Finally, from the Developer Tab click the Visual Basic button to open the editor and add the reference to the Metasys Services Object Library from the references list. See more information here.

Usage (.NET)

This section demonstrates how to use the MetasysClient to interact with your Metasys server from a .NET application. There is an example on Github that can be run from the command line and a specific prototype of an API to API integration about a Weather Forecast application.

Creating a Client

To create a new client and connect to a Metasys server with the default settings use:

var client = new MetasysClient("hostname");

There are four optional parameters when creating a new client:

  • ignoreCertificateErrors: If your server does not have a valid certificate the MetasysClient will not behave as expected and will likely block the connection. Setting the ignoreCertificateErrors = true will ignore this error and make an insecure connection with the server. To avoid this problem ensure the Metasys server has a valid certificate.

    WARNING: You should not ignore certificate errors on a production site. Doing so puts your server at risk of a man-in-the-middle attack.

  • apiVersion: if your server is not a current 10.1 Metasys server or later this SDK will not function correctly. The version parameter takes in an ApiVersion enumeration value that defaults to the most current release of Metasys. For Metasys 10.1 the api version is v2, for Metasys 11 the api version is v3, for Metasys 12 the api version is v4 and for Metasys 13 the api version is v5.

  • cultureInfo: to set the language for localization specify the target culture with a CultureInfo object. The default culture is en-US.

  • logClientErrors: set this flag to false to disable logging of client errors. By default the library logs any communication error with the Metasys Server in this path: "C:\ProgramData\Johnson Controls\Metasys Services\Logs".

  • timeout: to set the timeout (in seconds) of the https requests. The default timeut value is 300 sec.

Example: the following code shows how to create a client that ignores certificate errors for a v12 Metasys server with Italian translations of values:

CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("it-IT");
var client = new MetasysClient("hostname", true, ApiVersion.v4, culture);

In some cases you may want to enrich logs with more specific messages to your application. Typically, you disable internal library logging and catch Metasys Exceptions to be handled in your own logging framework or in use for Log4Net initializer provided by the library. The file log4Net.config allows you to customize settings such as the file path, size, append mode, etc. To create a client with default settings that does not log errors use:

var client = new MetasysClient("hostname", logClientErrors: false);

To log your own errors with Log4Net initializer provided by the library use:

// Initialize Logger with your context Class
var log = new LogInitializer(typeof(Program));            
    // Your Try logic here...
catch (Exception ex) {
    log.Logger.Error(string.Format("An error occured - {0}", ex.Message));

See the following examples to change the API version and/or hostname after creating a client, keep in mind that changing one of these properties resets the access token and a new login is required.

// Changing Api version after creating a client
var client = new MetasysClient("hostname",version: ApiVersion.v3);
client.Version = ApiVersion.v2;
// Changing Metasys Server after creating a client
var client = new MetasysClient("hostname");
client.Hostname = "WIN2016-VM2";

Login and Access Tokens

After creating the client, to login use the method TryLogin. The signature has two overloads: the first uses the Credential Manager target to read the credentials, whilst the second takes a username and password. Both signatures take an optional parameter to automatically refresh the access token during the client's lifetime. The default token refresh policy is true. See more information here on how to use Credential Manager. If something goes wrong while accessing a Credential Manager target, MetasysClient raises a CredManException. Keep in mind that Credential Manager is available on Windows and is not going to work on other platforms. However, MetasysClient Class could be extended by developers to implement different secure vaults support.

Notice: when developing an application that uses a system account always logged without user input, the preferred way to login is to store the username and password in the Credential Manager vault.

// Automatically refresh token using plain credentials
client.TryLogin("username", "password");

// Do not automatically refresh token using plain credentials
client.TryLogin("username", "password", false);

// Read target from Credential Manager and automatically refresh token

// Read target from Credential Manager and do not refresh token
client.TryLogin("metasys-energy-app", false);

// Sample of a valid access token returne by the previous methods:
    "Issuer": "metasysserver",
    "IssuedTo": "metasysapiuser",
    "Token": "Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6IkJzR0lWelVZcjN0MkI0RGRtT1ljMTdBLVZJOCIsImtpZCI6IkJzR0lWelVZcjN0MkI0RGRtT1ljMTdBLVZJOCJ9.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.egzw1bs1831pEBWWXbBOYWGU5wFsI3sEnL7RgCIHHbHmcxtpPPqLq54znpoUoLFrMUeymZj5rkrt_mF-CNIpCE3halZNAH-CR1U46LTZi5CMaDfYlP-wHxikAGV5GwFjlHjGNOUaFtd7n4yC5sH08pHQfXXD5gKDm_FVMfUJXAo-E8gmrkU0wMn5U2FRyQyj7Yhq6jaj7MPTF__Xz46sG3WtDr45WK2NmuwiLDv408URZ5fJxlMngRpjSIONHVAIwna_H0AguHiIELkvuRVYcRqIH5kb1YdFt-3fsnTV9xwpozZZ44dh-4I7x466I-UGlLHAnScWILUbPcpRNWm0Uw",
    "Expires": "2020-05-12T14:18:51Z"

In case you need to get a new access token then use the method Refresh before the token expiration time.


To get the current access token (e.g. to use it in an different HttpClient) use the method GetAccessToken.


To get the current date & time of the server you can use the method GetServerTime.


Localization of Metasys Enumerations

To get automatically translated enumerations from a Metasys server you have to use the method Localize.
Note that you must specify the culture during client creation, or set the "Culture" property before using the "get" methods.
The default language for translations will be the machine's current culture (see more information here) or en-US (American English) if the language is not supported (see Supported Localization Languages).

client.Culture = new CultureInfo("it-IT");

Enumerations returned from a Metasys server will be in a format similar to: "reliabilityEnumSet.reliable". MetasysClient has a method to translate these enumerations manually. This method can be very useful if using an external HttpClient since Metasys servers do not hold translation information.

// Access from the client object
string translated = client.Localize("reliabilityEnumSet.reliable"); // Reliable

// Access without instantiating a client
string translated = ResourceManager.Localize("reliabilityEnumSet.reliable",
    new CultureInfo("it-IT"));  // Affidabile

Note: If an automatically translated value (such as Variant.StringValue) contains an enumeration value and not a translated string there could be an error with the MetasysClient globalization setup.

If the enumeration key is desired over the translated value use the EnumerationKey attribute. For example, the translated Variant.Reliability has the enumeration key under the attribute: Variant.ReliabilityEnumerationKey. See the documentation of each Model for more information.

Metasys Objects

Get Object Id

In order to use most of the methods in MetasysClient the identifier (Id) of the target object must be known. This Id can be requested using the method GetObjectIdentifier given you know the 'Fully Qualified Reference' (FQR) of the object:

ObjectId objectId = client.GetObjectIdentifier("Win2016-VM2:vNAE2343996/Field Bus MSTP1.VAV-08.ZN-SP");


The ObjectId has implicit conversions to/from string so in many cases you can just treat it like a string. For example, in the following example we store the objectId in a string and can still pass it to ReadProperty which expected an ObjectId.

string objectId = "d5d96cd3-db4a-52e0-affd-8bc3393c30ec";
var propertyValue = client.ReadProperty(objectId, "presentValue");

Get a Property

In order to get a property you must know the Id of the target object and then you can use the method ReadProperty. A value of type Variant is returned when getting a property from an object. Variant contains the property received in many different forms. There is a bit of intuition when handling a Variant since it will not explicitly provide the type of object received by the server. If the server cannot find the target object or attribute on the object this method will throw a MetasysHttpNotFoundException.

Variant property = client.ReadProperty(objectId, "presentValue");
    "StringValue": "72",
    "StringValueEnumerationKey": null,
    "NumericValue": 72.0,
    "BooleanValue": true,
    "ArrayValue": null,
    "Attribute": "presentValue",
    "Id": "f1469e25-c46c-5009-b92e-d82603e742a4",
    "Reliability": "Reliable",
    "ReliabilityEnumerationKey": "reliabilityEnumSet.reliable",
    "Priority": "0 (No Priority)",
    "PriorityEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityNone",
    "IsReliable": true

To get multiple properties from multiple objects in one action use the method ReadPropertyMultiple. This can be very useful if the objects all are of the same type or have the same target properties.

List<ObjectId> ids = new List<ObjectId> { id1, id2 };
List<string> attributes = new List<string> { "name", "description", "presentValue" };
IEnumerable<VariantMultiple> results = client.ReadPropertyMultiple(ids, attributes);
VariantMultiple multiple1 = results.FindById(id1);
    "Id": "d5d96cd3-db4a-52e0-affd-8bc3393c30ec",
    "Variants": [
        "StringValue": "ZN-T",
        "StringValueEnumerationKey": "ZN-T",
        "NumericValue": 0.0,
        "BooleanValue": false,
        "ArrayValue": null,
        "Attribute": "name",
        "Id": "d5d96cd3-db4a-52e0-affd-8bc3393c30ec",
        "Reliability": "Reliable",
        "ReliabilityEnumerationKey": "reliabilityEnumSet.reliable",
        "Priority": null,
        "PriorityEnumerationKey": null,
        "IsReliable": true
        "StringValue": "Zone Temperature",
        "StringValueEnumerationKey": "Zone Temperature",
        "NumericValue": 0.0,
        "BooleanValue": false,
        "ArrayValue": null,
        "Attribute": "description",
        "Id": "d5d96cd3-db4a-52e0-affd-8bc3393c30ec",
        "Reliability": "Reliable",
        "ReliabilityEnumerationKey": "reliabilityEnumSet.reliable",
        "Priority": null,
        "PriorityEnumerationKey": null,
        "IsReliable": true
Variant multiple1Description = multiple1.FindAttributeByName("description");

Write a Property

In order to write a property you must have the Id of the object and know the attribute name and type and then you have to use the method WriteProperty.

ObjectId id = client.GetObjectIdentifier("siteName:naeName/Folder1.AV1");
client.WriteProperty(id, "description", "This is an AV.");

To change the same attribute values of many objects use the method WritePropertyMultiple.

List<ObjectId> ids = new List<ObjectId> { id1, id2 };
// Write to many attributes values using a list of tuples
List<(string, object)> attributesList = new List<(string, object)> { ("description", "This is an AV.") };
client.WritePropertyMultiple(ids, attributesList);

// Write to many attributes values using a dictionary of attribute/value pairs
Dictionary<string, object> attributesDictionary = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "description", "This is an AV." } };
client.WritePropertyMultiple(ids, attributesDictionary);

Get and Send Commands

To get all available commands on an object use the method GetCommands. This method will return a list of Command objects. The ToString() method is a useful tool to display the available commands and any information associated with it.
When sending a command the Command.CommandId attribute is used as the parameter:

List<Command> commands = client.GetCommands(objectId).ToList();
Command command = commands.FindById("Adjust");
    "Title": "Adjust",
    "TitleEnumerationKey": "commandIdEnumSet.adjustCommand",
    "CommandId": "Adjust",
    "Items": [
        "Title": "Value",
        "Type": "number",
        "EnumerationValues": null,
        "Minimum": null,
        "Maximum": null

When sending a command there may or may not be a single value or list of values that needs to be sent with the command. The property Command.Items will list all of these values as Items which contains the Title and Type of the value to change. If the type of an Item is "oneOf" this indicates the values is an enumeration and the possible values will be contained in the EnumerationValues list. Keep in mind the values to be sent in the command is the TitleEnumerationKey not the Title. The Title is the user friendly translated value that describes the enumeration. For example, an "AV Mapper" object has the following commands:

  • "Adjust" that accepts a number value to adjust the present value.
  • "TemporaryOperatorOverride" that accepts the value to adjust the present value, the hours, and the minutes for the temporary adjustment.
  • "Release" which accepts two enumeration values for the attribute and new priority level.

The values on the Commands will model the following:

Command adjust = commands.FindById("Adjust");
Command operatorOverride = commands.FindById("OperatorOverride");
Command release = commands.FindById("Release"); 
    "Title": "Release",
    "TitleEnumerationKey": "commandIdEnumSet.releaseCommand",
    "CommandId": "Release",
    "Items": [
        "Title": "oneOf",
        "Type": "enum",
        "EnumerationValues": [
            "Title": "Present Value",
            "TitleEnumerationKey": "attributeEnumSet.presentValue"
        "Minimum": 1.0,
        "Maximum": 1.0
        "Title": "oneOf",
        "Type": "enum",
        "EnumerationValues": [
            "Title": "0 (No Priority)",
            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityNone"
            "Title": "1 (Manual Life Safety)",
            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityManualEmergency"
            "Title": "2 (Auto Life Safety)",
            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityFireApplications"
            "Title": "3 (Application)",
            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priority3"
            "Title": "4 (Application)",
            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priority4"
            "Title": "5 (Critical Equipment)",
            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityCriticalEquipment"
            "Title": "6 (Minimum On Off)",
            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityMinimumOnOff"
            "Title": "7 (Heavy Equip Delay)",
            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityHeavyEquipDelay"
            "Title": "8 (Operator Override)",
            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityOperatorOverride"
            "Title": "9 (Application)",
            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priority9"
            "Title": "10 (Application)",
            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priority10"
            "Title": "11 (Demand Limiting)",
            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityDemandLimiting"
            "Title": "12 (Application)",
            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priority12"
            "Title": "13 (Load Rolling)",
            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityLoadRolling"
            "Title": "14 (Application)",
            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priority14"
            "Title": "15 (Scheduling)",
            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.prioritySchedulingOst"
            "Title": "16 (Default)",
            "TitleEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityDefault"
        "Minimum": 1.0,
        "Maximum": 1.0

To send the command use the method SendCommand as showed in the follwing samples:

var list1 = new List<object> { 70 };
client.SendCommand(objectId, adjust.CommandId, list1);

var list2 = new List<object> { 75 };
client.SendCommand(objectId, operatorOverride.CommandId, list2);

var list3 = new List<object> { "attributeEnumSet.presentValue", "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityNone" };
client.SendCommand(objectId, release.CommandId, list3);

Get Children

To get the child objects of an object use the method GetObjects. This method requires the identifier of the parent object and an optional number of levels to retrieve. The default is 1 level or just the immediate children of the object. Depending on the number of objects on your server this method can take a very long time to complete. Starting with version 4 of the API it is much more efficient to use levels > 1 than in previous versions of the API.

ObjectId parentId = client.GetObjectIdentifier("WIN-21DJ9JV9QH6:EECMI-NCE25-2/FCB");
// Get direct children (1 level)
List<MetasysObject> directChildren = client.GetObjects(parentId).ToList();
MetasysObject lastChild = directChildren.LastOrDefault();
    "ItemReference": "Win2016-VM2:vNAE2343996/Field Bus MSTP1.VAV-08.ZN-T",
    "Id": "d5d96cd3-db4a-52e0-affd-8bc3393c30ec",
    "Name": "ZN-T",
    "Description": null,
    "Type": null,
    "TypeUrl": "https://win2016-vm2/api/v2/enumSets/508/members/601",
    "Category": null,
    "Children": [],
    "ChildrenCount": 0

// Get direct children (1 level) with internal objects
directChildren = client.GetObjects(parentId, includeInternalObjects:true).ToList();  
// Get descendant for 2 levels (it could take long time, depending on the number of objects)
List<MetasysObject> level2Descendants = client.GetObjects(parentId, 2).ToList();
MetasysObject level1Parent = level2Descendants.FindByName("Time");
"ItemReference": "Win2016-VM2:vNAE2343996/WeatherForecast.Time",
"Id": "22bb952e-7557-5de9-b7e5-dce39e21addd",
"Name": "Time",
"Description": null,
"Type": null,
"TypeUrl": "https://win2016-vm2/api/v2/enumSets/508/members/176",
"Category": null,
"Children": [
    "ItemReference": "Win2016-VM2:vNAE2343996/WeatherForecast.Time.Day",
    "Id": "5886a93f-9260-553c-995e-6a65374de85d",
    "Name": "Day",
    "Description": null,
    "Type": null,
    "TypeUrl": "https://win2016-vm2/api/v2/enumSets/508/members/165",
    "Category": null,
    "Children": [],
    "ChildrenCount": 0
    "ItemReference": "Win2016-VM2:vNAE2343996/WeatherForecast.Time.Hour",
    "Id": "6a50d3af-d0a2-537c-a2f7-9c1b5f271cc5",
    "Name": "Hour",
    "Description": null,
    "Type": null,
    "TypeUrl": "https://win2016-vm2/api/v2/enumSets/508/members/165",
    "Category": null,
    "Children": [],
    "ChildrenCount": 0
    "ItemReference": "Win2016-VM2:vNAE2343996/WeatherForecast.Time.Minute",
    "Id": "19a53f38-2fd7-5ac3-a12c-f3b9704ac194",
    "Name": "Minute",
    "Description": null,
    "Type": null,
    "TypeUrl": "https://win2016-vm2/api/v2/enumSets/508/members/165",
    "Category": null,
    "Children": [],
    "ChildrenCount": 0
    "ItemReference": "Win2016-VM2:vNAE2343996/WeatherForecast.Time.Year",
    "Id": "74dfc214-22c1-57a7-ace5-606636d0049c",
    "Name": "Year",
    "Description": null,
    "Type": null,
    "TypeUrl": "https://win2016-vm2/api/v2/enumSets/508/members/165",
    "Category": null,
    "Children": [],
    "ChildrenCount": 0
"ChildrenCount": 4


All services about network devices are provided by NetworkDevices local instance of MetasysClient.

Get Network Device Types

To get all of the available types on your server use the method NetworkDevices.GetTypes (method GetNetworkDeviceTypes is deprecated) which returns a list of MetasysObjectType. Note: instead of the optional type number you can also specify the network device type parameter using a dedicated enumeration set (called NetworkDeviceTypeEnum) that helps you to identify the needed type.

List<MetasysObjectType> types = client.NetworkDevices.GetTypes().ToList();
    "Description": "NAE55-NIE59",
    "DescriptionEnumerationKey": "objectTypeEnumSet.n50Class",
    "Id": 185

Get Network Devices

To get all the available network devices use the method NetworkDevices.Get (method GetNetworkDevices is deprecated) which returns a list of MetasysObjects.
This accepts an optional type number as a string to filter the response.

int type1 = types[0].Id;
List<MetasysObject> devices = client.NetworkDevices.Get(type1.ToString()).ToList();
MetasysObject device = devices.LastOrDefault();
    "ItemReference": "Win2016-VM2:vNAE2343996",
    "Id": "142558f8-c4c7-5f89-be97-d806adb72053",
    "Name": "vNAE2343996",
    "Description": "",
    "Type": null,
    "TypeUrl": "https://win2016-vm2/api/v2/enumSets/508/members/185",
    "Category": null,
    "Children": [],
    "ChildrenCount": 0
List<MetasysObject> devices2 = client.NetworkDevices.Get(NetworkDeviceTypeEnum.SNC).ToList();
MetasysObject device2 = devices2.LastOrDefault();
        "ItemReference": "WIN-21DJ9JV9QH6:EECMI-SNC-KNX",
        "Id": "69b3c2a5-1090-5418-afd9-5efc7186e42f",
        "Name": "EECMI-SNC-KNX",
        "Description": "",
        "Type": null,
        "TypeUrl": "https://win-21dj9jv9qh6/api/v3/enumSets/508/members/448",
        "ObjectType": null,
        "Category": null,
        "Children": [],
        "ChildrenCount": 0

Get Single Network Device

To get a single network device use the method NetworkDevices.FindById which returns a Metasys Object corresponding to the network device Id passed as parameter.

Get Network Device Children

To retrieves the collection of network devices that are children of the specified network device use the method NetworkDevices.GetChildren which return a list of Metasys Objects according to the network device Id passed as parameter.

Get Network Devices Hosting an Equipment

To retrieve the collection of network devices that host the specified equipment instance use the method NetworkDevices.GetHostingAnEquipment which return a list of Metasys Objects according to the equipment Id passed as parameter.

Get Network Devices Serving a Space

To retrieve the collection of network devices that are serving the specified space use the method NetworkDevices.GetServingASpace which return a list of Metasys Objects according to the space Id passed as parameter.


All services about equipments are provided by Equipments local instance of MetasysClient.

Get Equipments

To retrieves a collection of equipment instances you can use the method Equipments.Get (method GetEquipment is deprecated).
This method returns a list of 'MetasysObject' objects and doesn't expect any parameter. It is possible to set a few optional parameters as: page (that specifies the number of the page of the items that will be returned) and pageSize (that specifies the number of items per page). NOTE: when the parameter page is specified then the method will return ony the items associated to the specified page. Vive-versa, the method will return all the items.

Get a Single Equipment

To get a single Equipment object instance you can use the method Equipments.FindById.
This method returns the 'MetasysObject' object related to the equipment Id specified as parameter.

Get Equipment Served by an Equipment Instance

To retrieve the equipment served by the specified equipment instance you can use the method Equipments.GetServedByEquipment.
This method returns a list of 'MetasysObject' objects and expects the equipment instance Id.

Get Equipments Serving a Space

If you wish to retrieve the list of equipment for a given space you have to use the method Equipments.GetServingASpace (method GetSpaceEquipment is deprecated).
The deeper element in the hierarchy is the point.

IEnumerable<MetasysObject> spaceEquipment = client.Equipments.GetServingASpace(building.Id);
MetasysObject sampleSpaceEquipment = spaceEquipment.FirstOrDefault();

Get Equipment Points

To get all the points of an equipment use the method Equipments.GetPoints (method GetEquipmentPoint is deprecated).
It requires the identifier of the equipment instance and returns the list of 'MetasysPoint' objects.

IEnumerable<MetasysPoint> equipmentPoints = client.Equipments.GetPoints(sampleEquipment.Id);
MetasysPoint point = equipmentPoints.FindByShortName("CLG-O");
string presentValue = point.PresentValue?.StringValue;
    "EquipmentName": "AHU-07",
    "ShortName": "CLG-O",
    "Label": "Cooling Output",
    "Category": "",
    "IsDisplayData": true,
    "ObjectId": "9dd107cf-e8dc-583a-9557-813395ae1971",
    "AttributeUrl": "https://win2016-vm2/api/v2/enumSets/509/members/85",
    "ObjectUrl": "https://win2016-vm2/api/v2/objects/9dd107cf-e8dc-583a-9557-813395ae1971",
    "PresentValue": {
    "StringValue": "0",
    "StringValueEnumerationKey": null,
    "NumericValue": 0.0,
    "BooleanValue": false,
    "ArrayValue": null,
    "Attribute": "presentValue",
    "Id": "9dd107cf-e8dc-583a-9557-813395ae1971",
    "Reliability": "Reliable",
    "ReliabilityEnumerationKey": "reliabilityEnumSet.reliable",
    "Priority": "0 (No Priority)",
    "PriorityEnumerationKey": "writePriorityEnumSet.priorityNone",
    "IsReliable": true

Get Equipments Hosted by a Network Device

To retrieve the equipments hosted by the specified network device or its children use the method Equipments.GetHostedByNetworkDevice.
This method returns a list of 'MetasysObject' objects and expects a network device Id as parameter. Note: a network device is considered to host an equipment if the equipment defines points that map to an attribute of any object contained on the network device.

Get Equipments Serving an Equipment Instance

To retrieve the equipments that serve the specified equipment instance use the method Equipments.GetServingAnEquipment.
This method returns alist of 'MetasysObject' and expect an equipment Id as parameter.


All services about spaces are provided by Spaces local instance of MetasysClient.

Get Space Types

To get all the space types use the method Spaces.GetTypes (method GetSpaceTypes is deprecated). This method returns a list of 'MetasysObjectType' objects.

IEnumerable<MetasysObjectType> spaceTypes = client.GetSpaceTypes();
foreach (var type in spaceTypes)
    "Description": "Building",
    "DescriptionEnumerationKey": "Building",
    "Id": 1
    "Description": "Floor",
    "DescriptionEnumerationKey": "Floor",
    "Id": 2
    "Description": "Generic",
    "DescriptionEnumerationKey": "Generic",
    "Id": 0
    "Description": "Room",
    "DescriptionEnumerationKey": "Room",
    "Id": 3

Get Spaces

To get all available spaces use the method Spaces.Get (method GetSpaces is deprecated). This method returns a list of 'MetasysObject' objects. This accepts some optional parameters as type (enum), page (int), pageSize (int) and sort (string) to filter the response.

// Retrieves the list of Buildings using SpaceTypeEnum helper
List<MetasysObject> buildings = client.GetSpaces(SpaceTypeEnum.Building).ToList();
MetasysObject building = buildings.LastOrDefault();
    "ItemReference": "Win2016-VM2:Win2016-VM2/JCI.Building 1",
    "Id": "164aaba2-0fb3-5b5d-bfe9-49cf6b797c93",
    "Name": "North America (BACnet)",
    "Description": null,
    "Type": 2,
    "TypeUrl": "https://win2016-vm2/api/v2/enumSets/1766/members/1",
    "Category": "Building",
    "Children": [],
    "ChildrenCount": 0
// Retrieves all the spaces in a flat hierarchy
List<MetasysObject> spaces = client.GetSpaces().ToList();
MetasysObject firstSpace = spaces.FirstOrDefault();
    "ItemReference": "Win2016-VM2:Win2016-VM2/JCI.Building 1.Floor 1.Milwaukee.507 E Michigan Street Campus",
    "Id": "896ba096-db3c-5038-8505-636785906cca",
    "Name": "507 E Michigan Street Campus",
    "Description": null,
    "Type": 2,
    "TypeUrl": "https://win2016-vm2/api/v2/enumSets/1766/members/3",
    "Category": "Room",
    "Children": [],
    "ChildrenCount": 0

Get Space Children

To retrieve the children of a space instance use the method Spaces.GetChildren (method GetSpaceChildren is deprecated). This meethod requires the identifier of the 'parent' space instance and returns a list of 'MetasysObject' objects.

IEnumerable<MetasysObject> spaceChildren = client.Spaces.GetChildren(building.Id);

Get a Single Space

To retrieve a single space object use the method Spaces.FindById. This method returns the 'MetasysObject' object related to the space Id specified as parameter.

Get Spaces Served by an Equipment

To retrieve the spaces served by the specified equipment instance use the method Spaces.GetServedByEquipment.
This method returns a list of 'MetasysObject' objects and expect the equipment Id as parameter.

Get Spaces Served by a Network Device

To retrieve the spaces served by the specified network device instance use the method Spaces.GetServedByNetworkDevice.
This method returns a list of 'MetasysObject' objects and expect the network device Id as parameter.


Available since API v4

All services about activities are provided by Activities local instance of MetasysClient.

Since API v4 Activities services replace some services provided by Alarms and Audits as Alarms.Get or Audits.Get that are deprecated from API v4 on.

Get Activities

To get all available alarms or audits use the method Activities.Get and set the parameter ActivityType to alarm or audit.
This method returns a 'PagedResult' with a list of 'Activity' objects and expects an 'ActivityFilter' object to filter the response.

ActivityFilter activityFilter = new ActivityFilter
    StartTime = new DateTime(2023, 10, 15),
    EndTime = new DateTime(2023, 10, 18),
    ActivityType = "alarm",
    IncludeAcknowledged = false,
    IncludeDiscarded = true
PagedResult<Activity> activitiesPager = client.Activities.Get(activityFilter);

// Prints the number of records fetched and paging information
Console.WriteLine("Total:" + activitiesPager.Total);
Console.WriteLine("Current page:" + activitiesPager.CurrentPage);
Console.WriteLine("Page size:" + activitiesPager.PageSize);
Console.WriteLine("Pages:" + activitiesPager.PageCount);
/* Console Output: Start                       
    Current page:1
    Page size:100
Console Output: End */

Activity activity = activitiesPager.Items.ElementAt(0);
/* Console Output: Start                       
    "id": "7ba495a9-1e24-4894-9729-1f474a1b5ef0",
    "itemReference": "EECMI-ADX-13:SNE00108D0AD2F6",
    "objectName": "M4-SNC25150-0",
    "activityManagementStatus": "discarded",
    "discardedTime": "2024-01-18T16:12:46.763Z",
    "creationTime": "2023-10-18T17:35:55Z",
    "spaces": [],
    "equipment": [],
    "objectUrl": "",
    "objectId": "f4dd71f5-5703-54ff-81ae-4ee021e32f6d",
    "alarm": {
        "message": "EECMI-ADX-13:SNE00108D0AD2F6 is online",
        "alarmGeneratorObject": null,
        "isAckRequired": true,
        "acknowledgedTime": null,
        "type": "alarmValueEnumSet.avOnline",
        "priority": 106,
        "category": "objectCategoryEnumSet.systemCategory",
        "annotationsUrl": "",
        "annotationsCount": 1,
        "self": "",
        "triggerValue": {
            "item": "",
            "schema": {
                "type": "string",
                "metasysType": "string",
                "units": {
                    "id": "unitEnumSet.noUnits",
                    "title": ""
        "description": "",
        "associatedGraphic": null
Console Output: End */


All services about alarms are provided by Alarms local instance of MetasysClient.

Get Alarms

Deprecated from API v4 on

To get all available alarms use the method Alarms.Get.
This method returns a 'PagedResult' with a list of 'Alarm' objects and expects an 'AlarmFilter' object to filter the response.

AlarmFilter alarmFilter = new AlarmFilter
    StartTime = new DateTime(2020, 5, 1),
    EndTime = new DateTime(2020, 6, 2),
    ExcludeAcknowledged = true
PagedResult<Alarm> alarmsPager = client.Alarms.Get(alarmFilter);
// Prints the number of records fetched and paging information
Console.WriteLine("Total:" + alarmsPager.Total);
Console.WriteLine("Current page:" + alarmsPager.CurrentPage);
Console.WriteLine("Page size:" + alarmsPager.PageSize);
Console.WriteLine("Pages:" + alarmsPager.PageCount);
/* Console Output: Start                       
    Current page:1
    Page size:100
Console Output: End */

Alarm alarm = alarmsPager.Items.ElementAt(0);
/* Console Output: Start                       
    "Self": "https://win-21dj9jv9qh6/api/v3/alarms/e03d81f9-69de-48e8-92d7-81167df19f6c",
    "Id": "e03d81f9-69de-48e8-92d7-81167df19f6c",
    "ItemReference": "WIN-21DJ9JV9QH6:EECMI-NCE25-3",
    "Name": "EECMI-NCE25-3",
    "Message": "WIN-21DJ9JV9QH6:EECMI-NCE25-3 is offline",
    "IsAckRequired": true,
    "TypeUrl": null,
    "Type": "alarmValueEnumSet.avOffline",
    "Priority": 106,
    "TriggerValue": {
    "Value": "",
    "UnitsUrl": null,
    "Units": "unitEnumSet.noUnits"
    "CreationTime": "2020-06-17T11:22:30Z",
    "IsAcknowledged": false,
    "IsDiscarded": false,
    "CategoryUrl": null,
    "Category": "objectCategoryEnumSet.systemCategory",
    "ObjectUrl": "https://win-21dj9jv9qh6/api/v3/objects/e03d81f9-69de-48e8-92d7-81167df19f6c",
    "AnnotationsUrl": "https://win-21dj9jv9qh6/api/v3/alarms/e03d81f9-69de-48e8-92d7-81167df19f6c/annotations"
Console Output: End */

Get Single Alarm

To get a specific alarm of an Metasys Object (e.g. Point, Network Device etc...) you can use the method Alarms.FindById. This method requires the identified of the alarm and returns the associated 'Alarm' object.

var alarmId="6c6e18b8-015f-572a-814c-1e5d66142850";
Alarm singleAlarm = client.Alarms.FindById(alarmId);

Get Alarms for an Object

To retrieve the alarms of a specified object instance use the method Alarms.GetForObject.
This method returns a 'PagedResult' with a list of 'Alarm' objects and expects an object Id and an 'AlarmFilter' object to filter the response.

AlarmFilter alarmFilter = new AlarmFilter{};
var objectId="f5fe6054-d0b0-55b6-b03f-d4554f80d8e6";
var objectAlarms = client.Alarms.GetForObject(objectId, alarmFilter);

Get Alarms for a Network Device

To retrieve a collection of alarms for the specified network device you can use the method Alarms.GetForNetworkDevice. This method returns a 'PagedResult' with a list of 'Alarm' objects and expects a network device Id and an 'AlarmFilter' object to filter the response.

var networkDeviceId="2aefbd18-9088-54ee-b6ef-6d9312da3c33";
var networkDevicesAlarms = client.Alarms.GetForNetworkDevice(networkDeviceId, alarmFilter);

Get Alarm Annotations

To retrieves the collection of annotations available for the specified alarm you can use the method Alarms.GetAnnotations.
This method returns a collection of AlarmAnnotation objects and expect an alarm Id as parameter.

 IEnumerable<AlarmAnnotation> annotations = client.Alarms.GetAnnotations(alarm.Id);
 AlarmAnnotation firstAnnotation = annotations.FirstOrDefault();
      "AlarmUrl": "https://win-ervotujej94/api/v2/alarms/f0f64d5c-b70e-8754-836c-1ac99182f4e4",
      "Text": "Test Annotation 00",
      "User": "metasyssysagent",
      "CreationTime": "2020-05-27T06:21:31Z",
      "Action": "none"

Acknowledge an Alarm

Available since API v4

To allow for acknowledging an alarm you can use the method Alarms.Acknowlege.
This method expects an alarm Id and optionally you can also add an annotation.

Discard an Alarm

Available since API v4

To allow for discarding an alarm you can use the method Alarms.Discard.
This method expects an alarm Id and optionally you can also add an annotation.


All services about audits are provided by Audits local instance of MetasysClient.

Get Audits

Deprecated from API v4 on

To get all available audits you can use the method Audits.Get.
This method will return a 'PagedResult' with a list of 'Audit' objects.
This accepts an 'AuditFilter' object to filter the response. In the Audit filter you can specify the values of OriginApplications or ActionTypes using values of dedicated enumeration sets concatenated by a '|' character.

AuditFilter auditFilter = new AuditFilter
    StartTime = new DateTime(2020, 5, 20),
    EndTime = new DateTime(2020, 6, 3),
    OriginApplications = OriginApplicationsEnum.SystemSecurity | OriginApplicationsEnum.AuditTrails,
    ActionTypes = ActionTypeEnum.Subsystem | ActionTypeEnum.Command
PagedResult<Audit> auditsPager = client.Audits.Get(auditFilter);

// Prints the number of records fetched and paging information
Console.WriteLine("Total:" + auditsPager.Total);
Console.WriteLine("Current page:" + auditsPager.CurrentPage);
Console.WriteLine("Page size:" + auditsPager.PageSize);
Console.WriteLine("Pages:" + auditsPager.PageCount);
    Current page:1
    Page size:100
Audit audit = auditsPager.Items.FirstOrDefault();
    "Id": "8e3b3738-2f5f-494d-bde1-fac15da28c86",
    "CreationTime": "2020-06-23T16:45:54.697Z",
    "ActionTypeUrl": null,
    "ActionType": "auditActionTypeEnumSet.subsystemAuditActionType",
    "Discarded": false,
    "StatusUrl": null,
    "Status": null,
    "PreData": null,
    "PostData": "::1",
    "Parameters": "[]",
    "ErrorString": null,
    "User": "testuser",
    "Signature": null,
    "ObjectUrl": "https://win-21dj9jv9qh6/api/v3/objects/1949c631-7823-5230-b951-aae3f8c9d64a",
    "AnnotationsUrl": null,
    "Legacy": {
    "FullyQualifiedItemReference": "WIN-21DJ9JV9QH6:WIN-21DJ9JV9QH6",
    "ItemName": "EECMI-ADS11",
    "ClassLevel": "auditClassesEnumSet.userActionAuditClass",
    "OriginApplication": "auditOriginAppEnumSet.systemSecurityAuditOriginApp",
    "Description": "auditTrailStringsEnumSet.atstrSecurityUserLoginSuccessful"
    "Self": "https://win-21dj9jv9qh6/api/v3/audits/8e3b3738-2f5f-494d-bde1-fac15da28c86"

Get Single Audit

To get a single audit you can use the method Audits.FindById which returns an Audit object with all the details given the Id.

Get Audits for an Object

To get the audits of a specific Object you can use the method Audits.GetForObject.
The Id of the parent object is required as parameter.

AuditFilter auditFilter = new AuditFilter{};
var objectId="17ac1932-18d8-518c-8012-420c77bea86b";
var objectAudits = client.Audits.GetForObject(objectId, auditFilter);

Get Audit Annotations

To get the annotations of an audit you can use the method Audits.GetAnnotations.
It requires the Id of the audit and returns a collection of 'AuditAnnotation' objects.

IEnumerable<AuditAnnotation> annotations = client.Audits.GetAnnotations(audit.Id);
AuditAnnotation firstAnnotation = annotations.FirstOrDefault();
    "auditUrl": "https://win-ervotujej94/api/v2/audits/40aff6ec-ecb2-4b65-a504-0ac659756956",
    "creationTime": "2020-06-05T15:58:40.407Z",
    "user": "MetasysSysAgent",
    "text": "TEST AUDIT ANNOTATION 02",
    "signature": null,
    "action": "none"

Discard an Audit

Available since API v3

To allow for discarding an audit you can use the method Audits.Discard.
This method expects an audit Id and optionally you can also add an annotation.

var auditId = "9cf1c11d-a8cc-48e6-9e4c-f02af26e8fdf";
string annotationText = "Reason why the audit has been discarded";
client.Audits.Discard(auditId, annotationText);

Discard Multiple Audits

Available since API v3

To discard multiple Audits you can use the method Audits.DiscardMultiple.
It takes a list of 'BatchRequestParam' objects (specifying the list of Audit Ids and annotations) and it returns a list of 'Result' objects.

var requests = new List<BatchRequestParam>();
BatchRequestParam request1 = new BatchRequestParam { ObjectId = "e0fb025a-d8a2-4258-91ea-c4026c1620d1", Resource = "THIS IS THE FIRST DISCARD ANNOTATION" };
BatchRequestParam request2 = new BatchRequestParam { ObjectId = "5ff1341e-dbf1-4eaf-b9a1-987f51dabefa", Resource = "THIS IS THE SECOND DISCARD ANNOTATION" };

IEnumerable<Result> results = client.Audits.DiscardMultiple(requests);
Result resultItem = results.ElementAt(0);
    "Id": "e0fb025a-d8a2-4258-91ea-c4026c1620d1",
    "Status": 204,

Add Audit Annotation

Available since API v3

To add an Annotation to an Audit you can use the method Audits.AddAnnotation.
It takes the Id of the Audit and the text of the annotation you want to add. It doesn't return a value.

var auditId = "9cf1c11d-a8cc-48e6-9e4c-f02af26e8fdf";
string annotationText = "This is the text of the annotation";
client.Audits.AddAnnotation(auditId, annotationText);

Add Multiple Audit Annotations

Available since API v3

To add multiple Annotations to an Audit you can use the method Audits.AddAnnotationMultiple.
It takes a list of 'BatchRequestParam' objects (specifying the list of Audit Ids and annotations) and it returns a list of 'Result' objects.

var requests = new List<BatchRequestParam>();
BatchRequestParam request1 = new BatchRequestParam { ObjectId = "e0fb025a-d8a2-4258-91ea-c4026c1620d1", Resource = "THIS IS THE FIRST AUDIT ANNOTATION" };
BatchRequestParam request2 = new BatchRequestParam { ObjectId = "5ff1341e-dbf1-4eaf-b9a1-987f51dabefa", Resource = "THIS IS THE SECOND AUDIT ANNOTATION" };

IEnumerable<Result> results = client.Audits.AddAnnotationMultiple(requests);
Result resultItem = results.ElementAt(0);
    "Id": "e0fb025a-d8a2-4258-91ea-c4026c1620d1",
    "Status": 201,
}            /*


All services about trends are provided by Trends local instance of MetasysClient.

Get Object Trended Attributes

To get the trended attributes of a specified Metasys object you can use the method Trends.GetTrendedAttributes. This method requires the object Id as parameter and it returns a list of 'MetasysAttribute' objects.

ObjectId trendedObjectId = client.GetObjectIdentifier("WIN-21DJ9JV9QH6:EECMI-NCE25-2/FCB.10FEC11 - V6 Unit.E4 Network Outdoor Temperature");

// Get attributes where trend extension is configured
List<MetasysAttribute> trendedAttributes = client.Trends.GetTrendedAttributes(trendedObjectId);

Get Samples

To get the samples related the a trended attribute of an object you can use the method Trends.GetSamples. This method requires the object Id, the attribute Id (numeric or enumerated value) and a 'TimeFilter' object. It returns a 'PagedResult' list of 'Sample' objects.

int attributeId = trendedAttributes[0].Id;
TimeFilter timeFilter = new TimeFilter
    StartTime = new DateTime(2020, 6, 5),
    EndTime = new DateTime(2020, 6, 6)

PagedResult<Sample> samplesPager = client.Trends.GetSamples(trendedObjectId, attributeId, timeFilter);
// Prints the number of records fetched and paging information
Console.WriteLine("Total:" + samplesPager.Total);
Console.WriteLine("Current page:" + samplesPager.CurrentPage);
Console.WriteLine("Page size:" + samplesPager.PageSize);
Console.WriteLine("Pages:" + samplesPager.PageCount);
    Current page:1
    Page size:100
Sample firstSample = samplesPager.Items.FirstOrDefault();
        "Value": 82.0,
        "Unit": "deg F",
        "Timestamp": "2020-05-12T05:00:00Z",
        "IsReliable": true

Note that the object must be properly configured with trended attributes and samples are sent to the ADS/ADX. If you try to retrieve values from an object that has no valid trended attributes a MetasysHttpNotFoundException is raised.

Get Network Device Trended Attributes

Available since API v3

To the trended attributes of a specified network device you can use the method Trends.GetNetDevTrendedAttributes. This method requires the network device Id as parameter and it returns a list of 'MetasysAttribute' objects.

Get Network Device Samples

Available since API v3

To get the samples related the a trended attribute of a network device you can use the method Trends.GetNetDevSamples. This method requires the object Id, the attribute Id (numeric or enumerated value) and a 'TimeFilter' object. It returns a 'PagedResult' list of 'Sample' objects.


All services about enumerations are provided by Enumerations local instance of MetasysClient.

Get Enumerations

Available since API v4

To get all the available enumeration sets you can use the method Enumerations.Get.
This method returns a list of 'MetasysEnumeration' objects.

Get Enumeration Values

Available since API v4

To get all the values of an enumeration set you can use the method Enumerations.GetValues.
This method requires the name (identifier) of the enumeration and it returns a list of 'MetasysEnumValue' objects.

Create a Custom Enumeration

Available since API v4

To create a new custom enumeration set you can use the method Enumerations.Create.
This method requires the name of the new custom enumeration and the list of values will be associated to the new set. It does not return values.

Edit a Custom Enumeration

Available since API v4

To modify the name and/or the values of an existing custom enumeration set you can use the method Enumerations.Edit.
This method requires the identifier of the existing custom enumeration and the new list of values to be associated. It does not return values.
Note this method cannot be used to add/remove values (it can only modify them)

Replace a Custom Enumeration

Available since API v4

To replace the whole definition of an existing custom enumeration set you can use the method Enumerations.Replace.
This method requires the identifier of the existing custom enumeration and the new list of values to be associated. It does not return values.
Note you can not replace a two-state enumeration with a multiple-state enumeration. Nor can you replace a multiple-state enumeration with a two-state enumeration.

Delete a Custom Enumeration

Available since API v4

To delete an existing custom enumeration set you can use the method Enumerations.Delete.
This method requires the identifier of the existing custom enumeration and it does not return values.
Note this method can only delete custom enumerations.


All services about streams are provided by Streams local instance of MetasysClient.

Reading Object PresentValue COV

Available since API v4

To define a stream in order to read the presentValue (COV) of a single or multiple objects use the method Streams.StartReadingCOV.
This method requires the object Id (in case of single value) or a list of Ids (in case of multiple objects).
To retrieve the value(s) updated by the stream use the method Streams.GetCOV or Streams.GetCOVList (in case of multiple objects).
To stop reading (and updating) the values use the method Streams.StopReadingCOV. The Streams local instance also provides the event Streams.COVValueChanged that is fired when a new value has changed and red by the stream.

Collecting Alarm Events

Available since API v4

To define a stream in order to collect a list of alarm events use the method Streams.StartCollectingAlarms.
To retrieve the list of the alarms collected from the stream use the method Streams.GetAlarmEvents. This method requires, as parameter, the max length of the list of alarms (by default the value is 100).
To stop collecting alarm events use the method Streams.StopCollectingAlarms. The Streams local instance also provides the event Streams.AlarmOccurred that is fired when a new alarm has occurred and reported by the stream.

Collecting Audit Events

Available since API v4

To define a stream in order to collect a list of audit events use the method Streams.StartCollectingAudits.
To retrieve the list of the audits collected from the stream use the method Streams.GetAuditEvents. This method requires, as parameter, the max length of the list of audits (by default the value is 100).
To stop collecting audit events use the method Streams.StopCollectingAudits. The Streams local instance also provides the event Streams.AuditOccurred that is fired when a new audit has occurred and reported by the stream.

Keep the Stream Alive

Available since API v4

Normally all the methods that define a new stream also keep the stream alive despite the duration of the access token.
In case you want to force it then use the method Streams.KeepAlive.

'Ad-Hoc' call


Send an HTTP request as an asynchronous operation. This method currently only supports 1 value per header rather than multiple. This method requires as mandatory value the parameter request that specifies The HTTP request message to send. Also, as optional parameters, it is possible to enter a value for completionOption that specifies when the operation should complete (as soon as a response is available or after reading the whole response content) as well as a value for cancellationToken that specifies the cancellation token to cancel operation.


All services about activities are provided by Activities local instance of MetasysClient.

Get Activities

To get all available alarms or audits (now they are known as 'activities') you can use the method Activities.Get.
This method will return a 'PagedResult' with a list of 'Activity' objects.
This accepts an 'ActivityFilter' object to filter the response and specify if the activity is related to Alarms or Audits. In the Activity filter you can specify parameters as:

  • ActivityType: limit the activities returned to a specific type. Possible values: 'alarm', 'audit'.
  • StartTime: earliest start time.
  • EndTime: latest end time.
  • IncludeDiscarded: the flag to include discarded activity.
  • Sort: The criteria to use when sorting results.
  • Equipment: Filter by list of equipment identifiers.
  • Object: Filter by list of object identifiers.
  • Space: Filter by list of space identifiers.
  • PriorityRange: The inclusive priority range, from 0 to 255, of the alarm.
  • Type: Limits the alarms returned to specified types.
  • IncludeAcknowledged: Determines whether acknowledged alarms will be included in the results.
  • IncludeAcknowledgementRequired: Determines whether activities which can be acknowledged are included in the results. Default = true.
  • IncludeAcknowledgementNotRequired: Determines whether activities which can not be acknowledged are included in the results. Default: true.
  • Category: The authorization category of the requested activities.
  • OriginApplication: The origin application property indicates which application in Metasys generated the audit message.
  • ClassLevel: The class level of an audit indicates the class or family the audit belongs to.
  • ActionType: The action type property indicates the user or system action performed.
  • User: The user property indicates which user initiated the action being audited.

Multiple Actions

This method Activities.ActionMultiple is useful to perform batch actions as discard/acknowledge an alarm/audit given a list of requests containing the info necessary to perform the actions. It takes a list of 'BatchRequestParam' objects (specifying the list of Audit or Alarm Guids and annotations) and it returns a list of 'Result' objects.

Usage (COM)

This section demonstrates how to use the LegacyMetasysClient to interact with your Metasys server from a VBA application. Download the Command Line sample project here and finally the Excel App is available at this link.

Creating a Client

To create a new client and connect to a Metasys server with the default settings use the ComMetasysClientFactory:

Dim clientFactory As New ComMetasysClientFactory
Dim client As LegacyMetasysClient
Set client = clientFactory.GetLegacyClient("host")

There are three optional parameters when creating a new client:

  • ignoreCertificateErrors: If your server does not have a valid certificate the LegacyMetasysClient will not behave as expected and will likely block the connection. Setting the ignoreCertificateErrors = true will ignore this error and make an insecure connection with the server. To avoid this problem ensure the Metasys server has a valid certificate.

    WARNING: You should not ignore certificate errors on a production site. Doing so puts your server at risk of a man-in-the-middle attack.

  • apiVersion: your server must run at least Metasys v10.1 or later otherwise this SDK cannot be used. The version parameter takes in an ApiVersion string value that defaults to the most current release of Metasys. For Metasys 10.1 the api version is V2.

  • cultureInfo: To set the language for localization specify the target culture with the ISO Language Code string. The default culture is en-US.

  • logClientErrors: Set this flag to false to disable logging of client errors. By default the library logs any communication error with the Metasys Server in this path: "C:\ProgramData\Johnson Controls\Metasys Services\Logs".

Example: the following code shows how to create a client that ignores certificate errors for a v12 Metasys server with Italian translations of values:

Set client = clientFactory.GetLegacyClient("host", true, "v4", "it-IT")

In some cases you may want to enrich logs with more specific messages to your application. Typically, you disable internal library logging and catch Metasys Exceptions to be handled in your own logging framework or Log4Net configuration provided by the library. The file log4Net.config allows you to customize settings such as the file path, size, append mode, etc. To create a client that does not log errors use:

Set client = clientFactory.GetLegacyClient("host", true, "v4", "it-IT", false)

Login and Access Tokens

After creating the client, to login use the method TryLogin.
this method requires a username and password parameters.
To login using the Windows Credential Manager use the method TryLoginWithCredMan that requires, as 'target' parameter, the name of the credential defined in Windows.

Notice: when developing an application that uses a system account always logged without user input, the preferred way to login is to store the username and password in the Credential Manager vault.

Dim token As IComAccessToken
'Login passing username and password
Set token = client.TryLogin("user", "password")

'Login using username/password from Credential Manager vault
Set token = client.TryLogin("vault-target")

Metasys Objects

Get Object Id

In order to use most of the methods in LegacyMetasysClient the id of the target object must be known. To retrieve the identifier of an object use the method GetObjectIdentifier. This method requires the Fully Qualified Reference (FQR) of the object and returns the id as a string.

Dim id As String
id = client.GetObjectIdentifier("siteName:naeName/Folder1.AV1")

Get a Property

In order to get a property you must know the Id of the target object and then you can use the method ReadProperty. An object called "ComVariant" is returned when getting a property from an object.

Dim result As ComVariant
Set result = client.ReadProperty(id, "presentValue")

Dim stringValue as String
stringValue = result.StringValue

Dim numericValue as Double
numericValue = result.NumericValue

Dim booleanValue as Boolean
booleanValue = result.BooleanValue

To get multiple properties from multiple objects in one action use the method ReadPropertyMultiple. This can be very useful if the objects all are of the same type or have the same target properties.

Dim ids() As String
ids = Split("id1,id2", ",")
Dim attributes() As String
ids = Split("name,description", ",")
Dim results() As Object
results = client.ReadPropertyMultiple(ids, attributes)
Dim id1 As IComVariantMultiple
Set id1 = results(0)
Dim variants() As Object

Write a Property

In order to write a property you must have the Id of the object and know the attribute name and type and then you have to use the method WriteProperty.

Dim id As String
id = client.GetObjectIdentifier("siteName:naeName/Folder1.AV1")
client.WriteProperty id, "description", "This is an AV."

To change the same attribute values of many objects use the method WritePropertyMultiple.

Dim ids() As String
ids = Split("id1,id2", ",")
Dim attributes() As String
attributes = Split("name,description", ",")
Dim attributeValues() As String
attributeValues = Split("AV,This is an AV", ",")
client.WritePropertyMultiple ids, attributes, attributeValues

Get and Send Commands

To get all available commands on an object use the method GetCommands. This method requires the identifier of the object an returns a list of 'ComCommand' objects. When sending a command the 'ComCommand.CommandId' attribute is used as parameter.

When sending a command there may or may not be a single value or list of values that needs to be sent with the command. The Command.Items property will list all of these values as Items which contains the Title and Type of the value to change. If the type of an Item is "oneOf" this indicates the values is an enumeration and the possible values will be contained in the EnumerationValues list. Keep in mind the values to be sent in the command is the TitleEnumerationKey not the Title. The Title is the user friendly translated value that describes the enumeration.
To send the command use the method SendCommand as showed in the following sample:

Dim parameters() As String
parameters = Split("offonEnumSet.0,", ",")
client.SendCommand id, "OperatorOverride", parameters

Get Children

To get the child objects of an object use the method GetObjects.
This takes the identifier of the parent object and an optional number of levels to retrieve.
The default is 1 level or just the immediate children of the object.
Depending on the number of objects on your server this method can take quite a long time to complete.

Dim devices() As Object
devices = client.GetObjects(id)
Dim device As IComMetasysObject
Set device = devices(0)
Dim children() As Object


Get Network Device Types

To get all of the available types on your server use the method GetNetworkDeviceTypes which returns a list of 'ComMetasysObjectType' objects.

Dim devTypes() As Object
devTypes = client.GetNetworkDeviceTypes()

Get Network Devices

To get all the available network devices use the method GetNetworkDevices which returns a list of 'ComMetasysObject' objects.
This accepts an optional type number as a string to filter the response.

Dim devices() As Object
devices = client.GetNetworkDevices()
Dim device As IComMetasysObject
Set device = devices(0)
Dim itemReference as String

Get Single Network Device

To get a single network device use the method GetSingleNetworkDevice which returns a 'ComMetasysObject' object corresponding to the network device Id passed as parameter.

Get Network Device Children

To retrieves the collection of network devices that are children of the specified network device use the method GetNetworkDevicesChildren which return a list of 'ComMetasysObject' objects corresponding to the network device Id passed as parameter.

Get Network Devices Hosting an Equipment

To retrieve the collection of network devices that host the specified equipment instance use the method GetNetworkDevicesHostingAnEquipment which return a list of 'ComMetasysObject' objects corresponding to the equipment Id passed as parameter.

Get Network Devices Serving a Space

To retrieve the collection of network devices that are serving the specified space use the method GetNetworkDevicesServingASpace which return a list of 'ComMetasysObject' objects corresponding to the space Id passed as parameter.


Get Equipments

To retrieves all the equipments use the method GetEquipment.
This method returns a list of 'ComMetasysObject' objects and doesn't require any parameter.

Dim equipment() As Object
equipment = client.GetEquipment()
Dim e As IComMetasysObject
Set e = equipment(0)

Get a Single Equipment

To get a single equipment instance use the method GetSingleEquipment.
This method returns the 'ComMetasysObject' object related to the equipment Id specified as parameter.

Get Equipment Served by an Equipment Instance

To retrieve the equipments served by the specified equipment instance you can use the method GetEquipmentsServedByEquipment.
This method returns a list of 'ComMetasysObject' objects and expects the equipment instance Id.

Get Equipments Serving a Space

To retrieve the equipments serving a given space use the method GetEquipmentsServingASpace (method GetSpaceEquipment is deprecated).
This method expects the space identifier as parameter and returns a list of 'ComMetasysObject' objects.

Get Equipment Points

To get all the points of an equipment use the method GetEquipmentPoints.
This method requires the equipment identifier as parameter and returns a list of 'ComMetasysPoint' objects.

Get Equipments Hosted by a Network Device

To retrieve the equipments hosted by the specified network device instance or its children use the method GetEquipmentsHostedByNetworkDevice.
This method requires the netowrk device identifier as parmater and returns a list of 'ComMetasysObject' objects. Note: a network device is considered to host an equipment if the equipment defines points that map to an attribute of any object contained on the network device.

Get Equipments Serving an Equipment Instance

To retrieve the equipments that serve a specified equipment instance use the method GetEquipmentsServingAnEquipment.
This method requires the equipment instance identifier and returns a list of 'ComMetasysObject' objects.


Get Space Types

To get all the space types use the method GetSpaceTypes. This method will return a list of 'ComMetasysObjectType' objects.

Dim spaceTypes() As Object
spaceTypes = client.GetSpaceTypes()
Dim spaceType As IComMetasysObjectType
Set spaceType = spaceTypes(0)

Get Spaces

To get all available spaces use the method GetSpaces. This method will return a list of 'ComMetasysObject' objects. This accepts an optional type as enum to filter the response.

Dim spaceTypes() As Object
spaceTypes = client.GetSpaceTypes()
Dim spaceType As IComMetasysObjectType
Set spaceType = spaceTypes(0)
Dim spaces() As Object
spaces = client.GetSpaces(spaceType.Id)
Dim space As IComMetasysObject
Set space = spaces(0)

Get Space Children

To get the spaces children of a specific space instance use the method GetSpaceChildren.
This methods requires the space instance identifier as parameter and returns a list of 'ComMetasysObject' objects.

Get a Single Space

To get a single space object use the method GetSingleSpace. This method returns the 'ComMetasysObject' related to the space Id specified as parameter.

Get Spaces Served by an Equipment

To Retrieve the collection of spaces served by the specified equipment instance you can use the method GetSpacesServedByEquipment.
This method returns a list of 'ComMetasysObject' objects and expect the equipment Id as parameter.

Get Spaces Served by a Network Device

To Retrieve the collection of spaces served by the specified network device instance you can use the method Spaces.GetServedByNetworkDevice.
This method returns a list of MetasysObjects and expect the network device Id as parameter.


Get Alarms

To get all available alarms use the method GetAlarms.
This method returns a 'PagedResult' with a list of 'ComAlarm' objects and expects an 'AlarmFilter' object to filter the response.

'Prepare Alarm filter
Dim filter As New ComAlarmFilter
filter.StartTime = "2020-01-10T08:10:20.243Z"
filter.EndTime = "2020-01-10T09:10:20.243Z"
Dim alarmsPager As ComPagedResult
Set alarmsPager = client.GetAlarms(objId, filter)
'Iterate paged results
Dim alarm As ComProvideAlarmItem
Dim alarms() As Object
alarms = alarmsPager.Items
Set alarm = alarms(0)
Dim message as String
message = alarm.message
'Read paging properties
Dim pages as integer

Get Single Alarm

To get a specific alarm of an Metasys Object (e.g. Point, Network Device etc...) use the method GetSingleAlarm. This method requires the identified of the alarm and returns the associated 'ComAlarm' object.

Get Alarms for an Object

To retrieve the alarms of a specified object instance use the method GetAlarmsForObject.
This method returns a 'PagedResult' with a list of 'ComAlarm' objects and expects an object Id and an 'AlarmFilter' object to filter the response.

Set objectAlarmsPager = client.GetAlarmsForAnObject(objId, filter)
Dim objectAlarms() As Object
ReDim objectAlarms(objectAlarmsPager.Items)
objectAlarms = objectAlarmsPager.Items

Get Alarms for a Network Device

To retrieve a collection of alarms for the specified network device you can use the method GetAlarmsForNetworkDevice. This method returns a 'PagedResult' with a list of 'ComAlarm' objects and expects a network device Id and an 'AlarmFilter' object to filter the response.

Set deviceAlarmsPager = client.GetAlarmsForNetworkDevice(networkDeviceId, filter)
Dim deviceAlarms() As Object
ReDim deviceAlarms(deviceAlarmsPager.Items)
deviceAlarms = deviceAlarmsPager.Items

Get Alarm Annotations

To retrieves the collection of annotations available for the specified alarm you can use the method GetAlarmAnnotations.
This method returns a collection of AlarmAnnotation objects and expect an alarm Id as parameter.

Dim alarmId As String
alarmId = "6c999f43-6007-5137-b6d3-c30b93fb70ec"
Dim result() As Object
result = client.GetAlarmAnnotations(alarmId)

Acknowledge an Alarm

Available since API v4

To allow for acknowledging an alarm you can use the method AcknowledgeAlarm.
This method expects an alarm Id and optionally you can also add an annotation.

Discard an Alarm

Available since API v4

To allow for discarding an alarm you can use the method DiscardAlarm.
This method expects an alarm Id and optionally you can also add an annotation.


Get Audits

To get all available audits you can use the method GetAudits.
This method will return a 'ComPagedResult' with a list of 'ComAudit' objects.
This accepts an 'ComAuditFilter' object to filter the response. In the Audit filter you can specify the values of OriginApplications or ActionTypes using values of dedicated enumeration sets concatenated by a '|' character.

'Prepare Alarm filter
Dim filter As New ComAuditFilter
filter.StartTime = "2020-01-10T08:10:20.243Z"
filter.EndTime = "2020-01-10T09:10:20.243Z"
Dim auditsPager As ComPagedResult
Set auditsPager = client.GetAudits(filter)
'Iterate paged results
Dim audit As ComProvideAuditItem
Dim audits() As Object
audits = auditsPager.Items
Set audit = audits(0)
Dim user as String
user = audit.user
'Read paging properties
Dim pages as integer

Get Single Audit

To get a single audit you can use the method GetSingleAudit which returns an 'ComAudit' object with all the details given the Id.

Get Audits for an Object

To get the audits of a specific Object you can use the method GetAuditsForAnObject.
The Id of the parent object is required as parameter.

Set objectAuditsPager = client.GetAuditsForAnObject(objId, filter)
Dim objectAudits() As Object
ReDim objectAudits(objectAuditsPager.Items)
objectAudits = objectAuditsPager.Items

Get Audit Annotations

To get the annotations of an audit you can use the method GetAuditAnnotations.
It requires the Id of the audit and returns a collection of 'AuditAnnotation' objects.

Dim auditId As String
auditId = "6c999f43-6007-5137-b6d3-c30b93fb70ec"
Dim result() As Object
result = client.GetAuditAnnotations(auditId)

Discard an Audit

Available since API v3

To allow for discarding an audit you can use the method DiscardAudit.
This method expects an audit Id and optionally you can also add an annotation.

Discard Multiple Audits

Available since API v3

To discard multiple Audits you can use the method DiscardAuditMultiple.
it takes an array of strings as parameter and returns an array of strings as well.
Each string of the array used as parameter must contains the audit ID and the text of the discard annotation separated by the character | (vertical bar).

Dim auditId1 As String
auditId1 = "1b3b3127-a703-42b7-bb9a-7527331e329d"
Dim auditId2 As String
auditId2 = "e3b6cbcf-cf05-43ed-b845-7321c8b86c38"

Dim annotation1 as String
Dim annotation2 as String

Dim requestParams(1) As String
requestParams(0) = auditId1 & "|" & annotation1
requestParams(1) = auditId2 & "|" & annotation2

Dim result() As String
result = client.DiscardAuditMultiple(auditId)

Add Audit Annotation

Available since API v3

To add an Annotation to an Audit you can use the method AddAuditAnnotation.
It takes the Id of the Audit and the text of the annotation you want to add. It doesn't return a value.

Add Multiple Audit Annotations

Available since API v3

To add multiple Annotations to an Audit you can use the method Audits.AddAnnotationMultiple.
it takes an array of strings as parameter and returns an array of strings as well.
Each string of the array used as parameter must contains the audit ID and the text of the annotation separated by the character | (vertical bar).

Dim auditId As String
auditId = "6c999f43-6007-5137-b6d3-c30b93fb70ec"

Dim annotation1 as String
annotation1 = "TEXT OF ANNOTATION #1"
Dim annotation2 as String
annotation2 = "TEXT OF ANNOTATION #2"

Dim requestParams(1) As String
requestParams(0) = auditId & "|" & annotation1
requestParams(1) = auditId & "|" & annotation2

Dim result() As String
result = client.AddAuditAnnotationMultiple(auditId)


Get Object Trended Attributes

To get the trended attributes of a specified Metasys object use the method GetTrendedAttributes.
This method requires the object Id as parameter and it returns a list of 'ComAttribute' objects.

'Get Trended attributes
Dim attrs() As ComAttribute
attrs = client.GetTrendedAttributes(objId)

Get Samples

To get the samples related the a trended attribute of an object you can use the method GetSamples.
This method requires the object Id, the attribute Id (numeric or enumerated value) and a 'ComTimeFilter' object. It returns a 'ComPagedResult' list of 'ComSample' objects.

Dim attr As ComAttribute
Set attr = attrs(0)
Dim attrId As Integer
attrId =
'Prepare Time filter
Dim filter As New ComTimeFilter
filter.StartTime = "2020-01-10T08:10:20.243Z"
filter.EndTime = "2020-01-10T09:10:20.243Z"
Dim samplesPager As ComPagedResult
Set samplesPager = client.GetSamples(objId, attrId, filter)
'Iterate paged results
Dim sample As ComSample
Dim samples() As Object
samples = samplesPager.Items
Set sample = samples(0)
Dim value as String
value = sample.Value
'Read paging properties
Dim pages as integer
Dim SamplesCount as integer

Note that the object must be properly configured with trended attributes and samples are sent to the ADS/ADX. If you try to retrieve values from an object that has no valid trended attributes a MetasysHttpNotFoundException is raised.

Get Network Device Trended Attributes

Available since API v3

To the trended attributes of a specified network device you can use the method GetNetDevTrendedAttributes. This method requires the network device Id as parameter and it returns a list of 'ComAttribute' objects.

Get Network Device Samples

Available since API v3

To get the samples related the a trended attribute of a network device you can use the method GetNetDevSamples.
This method requires the object Id, the attribute Id (numeric or enumerated value) and a 'ComTimeFilter' object. It returns a 'ComPagedResult' list of 'ComSample' objects.


Get Enumerations

Available since API v4

To get all the available enumeration sets you can use the method GetEnumerations.
This method returns a list of 'ComMetasysEnumeration' objects.

Get Enumeration Values

Available since API v4

To get all the values of an enumeration set you can use the method GetEnumerationValues.
This method requires the name (identifier) of the enumeration and it returns a list of 'ComMetasysEnumValue' objects.

Create a Custom Enumeration

Available since API v4

To create a new custom enumeration set you can use the method CreateCustomEnumeration.
This method requires the name of the new custom enumeration and the list of values will be associated to the new set. It does not return values.

Edit a Custom Enumeration

Available since API v4

To modify the name and/or the values of an existing custom enumeration set you can use the method EditCustomEnumeration.
This method requires the identifier of the existing custom enumeration and the new list of values to be associated. It does not return values.
Note this method cannot be used to add/remove values (it can only modify them)

Replace a Custom Enumeration

Available since API v4

To replace the whole definition of an existing custom enumeration set you can use the method ReplaceCustomEnumeration.
This method requires the identifier of the existing custom enumeration and the new list of values to be associated. It does not return values.
Note you can not replace a two-state enumeration with a multiple-state enumeration. Nor can you replace a multiple-state enumeration with a two-state enumeration.

Delete a Custom Enumeration

Available since API v4

To delete an existing custom enumeration set you can use the method DeleteCustomEnumeration.
This method requires the identifier of the existing custom enumeration and it does not return values.
Note this method can only delete custom enumerations.


Reading Object PresentValue COV

Available since API v4

To define a stream in order to read the presentValue (COV) of a single or multiple objects use the method StartReadingStreamCOV.
This method requires the object Id (in case of single value) or an arrary of Ids (in case of multiple objects).
To retrieve the value(s) updated by the stream use the method GetStreamCOV or GetStreamCOVList (in case of multiple objects).
To retrieve the array of 'Request Ids' use the method GetStreamRequestIds
To stop reading (and updating) the values use the method StopReadingStreamCOV.
The event StreamCOVValueChanged is fired when a new value has changed and red by the stream.

Collecting Alarm Events

Available since API v4

To define a stream in order to collect a list of alarm events use the method StartCollectingStreamAlarms.
To retrieve the list of the alarms collected from the stream use the method GetAlarmStreamEvents.
This method requires, as parameter, the max length of the list of alarms (by default the value is 100).
To stop collecting alarm events use the method StopCollectingStreamAlarms.
The event OnStreamAlarmOccurred is fired when a new alarm has occurred and reported by the stream.

Collecting Audit Events

Available since API v4

To define a stream in order to collect a list of audit events use the method StartCollectingStreamAudits.
To retrieve the list of the audits collected from the stream use the method GetAuditStreamEvents.
This method requires, as parameter, the max length of the list of audits (by default the value is 100).
To stop collecting audit events use the method StopCollectingStreamAudits.
The event OnStreamAuditOccurred is fired when a new audit has occurred and reported by the stream.

Keep the Stream Alive

Available since API v4

Normally all the methods that define a new stream also keep the stream alive despite the duration of the access token.
In case you want to force it then use the method KeepStreamAlive.





Additional Information

Supported Localization Languages

  • en-US
  • cs-CZ
  • de-DE
  • es-ES
  • fr-FR
  • hu-HU
  • it-IT
  • ja-JP
  • ko-KR
  • nb-NO
  • nl-NL
  • pl-PL
  • pt-BR
  • ru-RU
  • sv-SE
  • tr-TR
  • zh-CN
  • zh-Hans-CN
  • zh-Hant-TW
  • zh-TW

Customizing Windows IIS for Metasys API

To get further information about customizing Windows IIS for Metasys API click here