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Reuven Yagel edited this page Jun 2, 2015 · 96 revisions

Attention: Future plans are subject to change. Most content is pdf files.

W.Date Lecture (Tue.) Lab (Wed.) Targil (Wed.) Submissions
(PRJ till lecture, Personal HW till Targil)
1. 8/3 1. Introduction, Logistics,
Project Demo
HW0: Course Registration, PRJ1: Idea (Github & Wiki) App Engine highlights, </br/>HW1:HelloGAE (Development/Deployment Environment) HW0
2. 15/3 (Election Day)2. Teams & SW Processes, ---> PRJ2:Initiation/Inception
Project Idea Presentation & Review
3. 22/3 3. Requirements,
, Initiation Review
PRJ3:SRS App. Configuration + templates PRJ2
4. 29/3 (Pesach)
5. 5/4 (Pesach)
6. 12/4 4. Design,
SRS Review
SRS Review
Html & Design
PRJ3 + Review
7. 19/4 5. Project Management & Scrum
Git Init
Git Help
(MemorialDay) HW2: SDS Review
8. 26/4 6. Version Control
ZFR Review
HW3(b+c) Git ZFR Review/Task queues PRJ5, HW3a
9. 3/5 7. Testing I
HW4 TDD Kata
Git cont. Server Side - Storage
Reviews & Technical Help
10. 10/5 8. Testing II - TDD LAB cont.
Iteration Demo, Retrospective & Planning
TDD Lab Iteration Reviews & Demos
11. 17/5 9. Testing III - Dependencies & Mocks
Iteration Demo
"" " HW4
Iteration Report & Planning
12. 24/5 10. 2. Teams & SW Processes
Iteration Demo
HW6 Typing "" "
13. 31/5 10. Legacy Code
Guest Lecture: Software as a Story
Iteration Demo
HW5 Legacy "" ""
14. 7/6 11. Design Patterns
Iteration Demo
"" ""
15. 14/6 12. OO Design Principles "" "
16. 21/6 13. UX, Advanced Tools
Iteration Demo
"" "
17. 28/6 14. Summary, Project Demo " HW5 + HW6 Typing + HW7 Course summary & project Retrospective
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