While Microsoft provides a changelog of all new, updated or deprecated Marketplace items for Azure Stack Hub it's hard to get notified of these changes.
This function aims to solve this issue by generating a RSS feed of the MarketPlace items changes which can be leverage in your favorites RSS readers (Feedly, Teams, IFFT, LogicApp or other RSS compatible readers)
The Architecture of the solution is pretty simple:
- An Azure Function (v4 in .Net 6) is triggered every day to check the official changelog.
- If the file was updated, it is parsed to generate a new RSS Feed. Marketplace items changes are grouped by update/addition date and generate a new item in the feed.
- The feed is written to a publicly available Azure Blob which can be consumed by RSS readers.
Other architecture choices:
- Storage Account key and Application Insight Instrumentation key are stored securely in a Keyvault.
- Only the managed identity of the Function app has access to the Keyvault secrets
- Most configurable options are available either as ARM Template Parameter and/or Azure Functions AppSettings
- GitHub Actions are used to deploy infrastructure as code and function artifact
The RSS Feed is available on https://azhmktplacerss.blob.core.windows.net/rss/feed.xml
Don't hesitate to send Issues and/or Pull Requests!