Xyce, the high performance analog circuit simulator is obnoxiously hard to build. For those that just want to hit the ground running, I have created a dockerfile and a few bash scripts that can build all of the dependencies in a conveniently packaged and pre build docker image.
Xyce has several dependencies, thoroughly documented on their site. These include:
- CMake
- HDF5
- NetCDF
- Trilinos
Some of these have options for parallel distributions for MPI implementations. For the purposes of this image, I have built both the serial and parallel versions of the softwares.
There is also a script for actually building Xyce once you've obtained a tar.gz
Travis confirms that the image builds and is available on docker hub, all you need to do is get a Xyce distribution.
You'll need docker installed, and the docker daemon running.
With a gzipped tarball of Xyce (6.8 in this example) ... (ex: 'Xyce-6.8.tar.gz') Just run the docker image build from the prebuild image.
docker build -t [SomeImageTag] -f XyceBuildDockerfile
This could take a minute, it will compile both the serial and parallel versions of Xyce 6.8
Launch a (bash shell in a new) container from the freshly minted image with
docker run -i -t [SomeImageTag] /bin/bash
Feeling sluggish?
docker run -i -t [SomeImageTag] /bin/bash --memory 2048 --cpus 4