Run.js is a CLI tool that manages and daemonizes your node.js processes. It monitors running applications, collects logs and makes sure they are always running. Run.js is developed by and used on a production environment to monitor all services by Cloud9 IDE.
When using run.js, please use the stable branch.
# clone the repo
$ git clone git://
# checkout stable branch
$ git checkout stable
# compile the binary on your platform
$ ./runjs
# link the runjs folder in your PATH or symlink in your own project folder
# $ ln -s $PWD/runjs /usr/local/bin/runjs
Runjs works with tag names, that you refer to in your commands.
# list all managed processes (+ state)
# start a node script
runjs start -t:TAGNAME /path/to/nodejs/file.js -other -command -line -options
# view logs
runjs tail TAGNAME
# restart process
runjs restart TAGNAME
# stop process
runjs stop TAGNAME
# panic, kill all runjs monitored processes
runjs panic